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This Cat Really Can’t Take A Hint


Image Credit: Huffington Post

Have you ever gone on a date with somebody and you just can’t seem to shake them?

You casually get involved with this person, but they really don’t get the hint that right now just isn’t a good time for you. You think they’re a cool person and they have a lot going for them, but they’re pretty clingy and they keep texting you asking you if you would like to come to Taco Tuesday with their friends.

Well, we found a cat that is the perfect analogy for your over-attached Tinder date. This is one feline that just can’t take a hint. Sure, we’d expect this kind of behavior from a dog, but this cat is not playing it cool. She’s all over her human and want to do nothing but love him forever and ever and ever…

It’s scary how much this cat loves his human. Every day at midnight,  Youtube user Halim Amori makes coffee to study and stay awake, according to his YouTube video description. And every single night, this cat seizes the opportunity to smother him with her affection.

The user writes, “I love her soo much and I think she loves me back …”

She certainly loves her hairless human:

[Featured Image Credit: Halim Amori]

20 Things That Happen When You Get Yourself In Shape


Image Credit: Flickr

At some point in adulthood, some of us decide being is shape is more rewarding than 3am pizza.

I have yet to experience this myself, but I hear it’s a wonderful thing. It’s like maturity and loving yourself suddenly collide and lead you to live a healthy, fulfilling life. Those around me who have chosen to get their butt into said shape have told me it’s a rewarding experience that comes with its own pros and cons. If you happen to be one of these people who is deciding to enter this realm of adulthood, here’s what you can expect from it:

  1. Nothing fits you anymore. All your clothes are too big and make you look like you’re swimming through the clearance bins at Old Navy.

    Image Credit: Giphy
    Image Credit: Giphy

  2. You can spluge on fast food without feeling guilty about it.
  3. You no longer look at the stairs as an annoying chore.
  4. You can’t do your laundry fast enough. It’s like there’s a factory in your closet that just spits dirty clothes onto the floor all hours of the day.
  5. One beer now leads to a hangover now.
  6. If you go too long without a workout you don’t just feel it in your body, you feel it in your soul.
  7. You’re suddenly much more adventurous and confident in bed. You’re trying things you didn’t even know existed.

    Image Credit: Giphy
    Image Credit: Giphy

  8. You begin to sleep fantastically and are suddenly a morning person. (You’re friends probably hate you for this.)
  9. You suddenly have much more confidence.
  10. Things that never looked good on you before (like maxi dresses), suddenly look great on you and you feel confident leaving the house without any makeup.
  11. You also feel confident leaving the house while wearing your glasses.
  12. Heck, you’ve gone grocery shopping in your pajamas without thinking twice about it.

    Image Credit: Giphy
    Image Credit: Giphy

  13. You enjoy sweating and waking up sore on a Monday morning is a great feeling. It means you really challenged your body and your body is stronger as a result.
  14. You’re noticing muscles popping up all over your body. Who knew your butt could ever look this good?!
  15. You can climb a few sets of stairs without feeling winded.
  16. Your significant other has your class schedule memorized. He knows you’ll be up at 7am to hit the gym for a class before work.
  17. Maybe you’ve even inspired those around you to get healthier too.
  18. Your friends start asking you for health and workout advice.
  19. You notice your life in general is looking up and your learning to love yourself more.
  20. You don’t know it yet, but you’re going to live longer as a result of these healthy life choices.

[Featured Image Credit: Take Back Your Health Conference via Flickr]

College Freshmen, This Is The Best Person On Campus To Befriend


Image Credit: Flickr

Entering the college scene for the first time is nerve-racking, exciting, stressful, and fun. Like the great philosopher Taylor Swift once said, “we’re happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way. It’s miserable and magical, oh yeah.”

And while you may not yet be twenty-two, eighteen isn’t much different. When you enter the new realm of college, you aren’t just in a new place, you’re in a new social group. There will be different norms that push the group in one direction or another and people are more open-minded than you were used to in the past. People are also a lot more close-minded in other ways.

This time of your life is about exploring yourself in a new surrounding and finding out more about who you are. My freshman year was a very painful transition, but a good learning experience. If only I had somebody to give me the advice that I’m about to give you.

Finding friends is more important that finding somebody just to “go out” with.

In college, it’s so easy to fall into a group of people with whom you have no mutual interests. Don’t let your friends be the people you show up to the party with, chat with, and then disperse from to find more interesting people to spend the night with. Focusing on making valuable friends is an important thing to do when you’re new to the college scene. And the most important person you can befriend on campus is your Resident Assistant (RA).

If you live on campus, you will have an RA and you want to be their friend. As a former RA, I can tell you, it was in my resident’s best interests to befriend me. Here’s why…

Your RA has a lot of connections:

I hate to toot my own horn here, but RA’s are over-achievers. It’s the most demanding job/activity on campus. RA’s spend a full week with all the other RA’s bonding, training, and building connections. That’s a whole network of over-achieving friends, all of whom are president of their Fraternity, involved in student government, part of the radio station, or doing all three.

If you want to get involved on campus, especially with an activity that is semi-exclusive (like Greek life), your RA will certainly have some valuable connections that can help you.

When the RA busts you for drinking, you want to be their friend:

RA’s drink underage. They drink in the building. They even drink with residents in the building (rarely, but it has happened). However, their job is also to bust people for drinking. If you’re having a mellow night in the building or a huge rager, you do not want your first encounter with the RA to be when they’re writing you up.

Befriend them early and make it clear you’re a well-rounded friendly person who enjoys the social aspects of college. They too enjoy the social aspects of college and having some kind of connection with them won’t ensure you get out of trouble, but it certainly won’t hurt.

RA’s have great advice:

Having been through the tough transition into college, I know about the struggle of adjusting. I found out for myself which activities were worth becoming a part of and which should have been passed up. I learned the hard way that senior boys who show interest in freshman girls rarely have good intentions and I also learned the best way to get hired as an RA (and receive free housing) was to befriend current RAs.

Having a resource as a friend is valuable and highly beneficial to your college experience. I assure you, this is one friendship you do not want to pass up.

[Featured Image Credit: Talk Nerdy 2 Me]

Stop Wasting Your Sunday Afternoon With This Useless Activity


Image Credit: Sex and the City

There is a problem with millennials that needs to be immediately addressed.

Brunch, especially when it’s bottomless. Why is this a thing? Why is this okay? Who gave us the go ahead to spend our sundays drinking mimosas outside a ritzy city eatery?

I’m not here to tell you not to spend time with your friends, catching up and honoring this timely tradition. I’m here to tell you to stop wasting a perfectly good Sunday. If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time working, going to school, and doing a variety of other important activities with your week.

Spend time with your friends on Sunday, but don’t waste time with those friends.

Problem One: Proposing a plan

Good luck getting everybody to even answer there phones. Brunch plans always seem to be thrown together last minute, first thing in the morning. With everybody meandering out of bed and slightly hungover, it’s so hard to rally the squad and get them all in agreement.

Once the squad can agree, you have to figure out the logistics. When and where? Wait, Stacey lives all the way downtown and she’s going to see her boyfriend after and let’s not forget Amanda.

It’s so hard figuring out how to get everybody to meet up and when you do finally get your act together you encounter…

Problem Two: Cost

You order expensive eggs benedict, a bloody mary, and a mimosa. You also buy a side of hash browns and let’s not forget dessert. The money starts to rack up fairly quickly.

Some brunch places will offer you the 28 dollar deal where you pay $28 for endless mimosas and eggs, but is this really practical? You have to factor in the cost of getting there and getting home, which, considering it’s bottomless, you probably shouldn’t be driving. There’s also the fact that you’ll likely be spending money doing other things with your day (maybe), and you don’t want to waste all that cash on your first meal of the day.

Problem Three: Doing anything with your day

What’s the first thing you do as soon as you get home from brunch? Take a quick 6 hour cat nap, I bet.

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

By this point, it’s dark out, you’ve spent the whole day sleeping and eating (much like my furry friend above) and you haven’t accomplished anything you’ve been wanting to do with your day. You aren’t going to go to the gym now. You aren’t about to start that cleaning project you had been hoping to accomplish, and you are certainly not about to sit down and do homework.

Proposed Solution: Dinner

Skip brunch, actually do something worthwhile with your day, and only once you’ve completed chores and projects you’ve been looking to accomplish can you go out for said brunch (but at an hour when it’s socially acceptable to drink alcohol). You still get to see your friends and your body will thank you for this.

[Featured Image Credit: Sex And The City]

What Is Making This Owl Laugh?


Image Credit: Buy Lovely

Maybe he’s remembering something funny that happened last weekend.

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

This may not be the first time you’ve encountered an animal doing a bizarre human behavior. Maybe this isn’t even the first time you’ve encountered a viral video of a laughing owl. But this one is laughing and we don’t know why. It’s very possible this owl has finally discovered how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. He’s laughing because you will never know.


Maybe he’s an evil owl who’s perfecting his villainous laugh. After all, owls are commonly associated with being wise, and who’s wise? Evil scientists and supervillains that want to take over the world. They also have all perfected the laugh of menace that can send chills through our bones.

But does this owl’s laugh chill us?

One can’t help but be inclined to believe this owl is not an evil villain. It sounds like he’s more of a goofy kid. Maybe he’s being tickled by a ghost, or perhaps there’s an ant crawling on his toes. That would tickle quite a bit.

Actually, it’s more likely than not that this owl isn’t even laughing. Apply the concept of “monkey see monkey do,” to this owl and you’ll see a much more likely picture. This owl is most likely imitaing the behavior of his human counterparts.

Watch this owl see, owl do:

[Featured Image Credit: BuyLovely.com]

25 Smallest Homes in The World


Source: sandiegopropertysource.com

These tiny homes prove that living small in functional and sustainable homes doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, these homes provide something that no traditional home can, as they can be easily transported and come free of limiting mortgages.

Take a look at the most incredible tiny homes that will make you want to reevaluate your current living situation.

20 Photos That Prove People Are Geniuses


Credits: Files.wordpress.com

People can do some pretty silly things.

These 20 photos prove people are dumber than you think..

7 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget


Photo by www.weight-lift.com/

Buying groceries in college used to give me an absurd amount of anxiety because I had a very strict budget to stick to. However, over time I picked up a few tricks to satisfy both my bank account and my desire to eat healthy. As impossible as it might feel, living on a budget does not have to mean sacrificing your health.

If you’re a college student, or anyone living on a budget, and still want to be healthy, know that it can be done. Take a look at these tips for eating well without emptying your bank account.

7. Make a list- and stick to it!

Taking an extra five to ten minutes before going grocery shopping will save you lots of time and will keep you on budget. When you have an exact list of what you need, you won’t need to wander down every single aisle making sure you don’t forget something, and end up spending too much on chips and ice cream.

6. Don’t buy junk food.

This should go without saying if you’re trying to eat healthy, but packaged junk foods are also pretty pricey. Instead, use that money to buy fresh veggies and fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth.

5. Buy in bulk.

Many grocery stores have sections to buy ingredients in bulk, which are often much cheaper than the prepackaged equivalents. Just be sure to look at the price per unit, and make sure it’s cheaper than other packaged options.

4. Make your own meals.

As obvious as this one is, people rarely bother to pack their own snacks and meals for the day. Instead, they rely on buying food when out. Not only is this infinitely more expensive than preparing your own meals and snacks, but you have no control over what goes into the food, which is usually much unhealthier than what you would make yourself.

3. Avoid name brands.

You may have grown up eating certain foods only from certain brands, but it’s time to stop wasting your money on a label. Chances are, the ingredients in the name brand and generic are exactly the same.

2. Organize your fridge and pantry.

One of the sneakiest way you’re wasting your budget on food it by not having an organized fridge and pantry. Instead of putting the new, just bought items in front of the older foods, try putting the new food in the back.

It might take a bit more time to reorganize after every shopping trip, but it forces you to use all of your food before it goes bad, which minimizes food waste and reminds you of all the food you actually have when you start feeling like there’s nothing to eat.

1. Never go shopping hungry.

If there’s one tip you take away from this, the most important would be to never go grocery shopping while hungry. Your cravings will be at their highest and your willpower will be at its lowest, and you’ll end up buying $30 worth of expensive, unhealthy treats that will do neither your budget or waistline any favors.

Do you find it difficult to eat well while staying within your budget? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: www.weight-lift.com]


Watch This Precious Lion Cub Try (and Fail) to Roar


Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube

A lion’s roar is more than just an intimidation tactic. Roaring is actually a way to communicate with pride-mates, as well as let other lions know that a territory is occupied.

In the video, the tiny cub can be heard trying out his outside voice, and adorably failing since he won’t be able to make a proper roar until he’s closer to a year old.

This adorable tiny lion cub decided to start early with roaring lessons.

Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube
Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube

Despite his best efforts, all he could manage was a slight coughing sound.

Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube
Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube

This little cub will have to wait a little while longer until he can get out a proper roar.

Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube
Photo by Chubby-Fish via Youtube

Watch the entire video below to hear this adorable lion cub struggle to roar.

Can you believe this adorable fluff ball will grow up to be the ‘king of the jungle’? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Chubby-Fish via Youtube]

25 Celebs You Didn’t Know Were Latino


Credits: /Getty: Ari Perilstein, Cindy Ord, Alberto E. Rodriguez

You may think you know everything about your favorite American celebrities, but even if they grew up in the United States, they have more varied... Read more »

4-Year-Old Flower Girl Warns Dad Not to Embarrass Her During Ceremony


screenshot Youtube- JoJo Lomelino

I’m sure you remember JoJo Lomelino. She is the little girl who insisted she wasn’t a princess, and the video of her dad filming her went viral.

Well, she’s back in a brand new video.

And this time, she’s a flower girl who is nothing but serious about this very important role.

She knows exactly what she’s supposed to do, and instead of her dad being worried about her, she’s worried about him embarrassing her.

Rather than taking the risk of having her dad commit an epic faux pas during the elegant ceremony, JoJo sits him down and tells him exactly what he needs to do.

Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- JoJo Lomelino
Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- JoJo Lomelino

“You don’t know what weddings look like.”- JoJo says

She also explains to her dad that he can’t call her name during the ceremony to get her attention:

“There’s going to be a bunch of people sitting, and they’re just gonna hear us. And they’re gonna be like ‘Why would you do that? That’s a dumb person.'”

Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- JoJo Lomelino
Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- JoJo Lomelino

Sassy JoJo went on elaborating her point, until finally she says to dad:

“You do not understand weddings. At all.”

Watch this hysterical video of flower girl JoJo below:

[Featured Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- JoJo Lomelino]

The Most Revealing Red Carpet Looks of All Time


Credits: Kevin Winter/Getty, Kevin Mazur/WireImage.com, Frederick M. Brown/Getty, Ian Gavan/Getty

These celebrities have taken the shock factor to another level when they stepped out on the red carpet.

We know that sex sells, but these women have taken it a little too far.

“Less is more” is true with fashion, but these ladies may have taken it too literally..

They are practically naked!

You Will Be Astounded by This 6-Month Old Baby’s Balancing Skills


balancing baby

You’re not going to believe how skilled this baby is in balancing.

Noah Monte is just 6-months-old, and already his father has taught him how to balance in the air on just his two feet.

Normally, parents teach their kids how to read or speak, but this baby is learning a whole new set of skills- ones that will probably come in handy if he enrolls in gymnastics.

Noah apparently started performing this ‘circus act’ when he was 1-month-old.

And if you thought he was just a one-time balancer, you are wrong.

Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral

Noah and his dad practice their balancing in many locations..

Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral

And if Noah keeps it up, he will one day be ready for the olympics!

Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral

We have to give it to his parents- they must have nerves of steel.

Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral

Check out Noah in all of his balancing glory:

[Featured Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- Rumble Viral]

Avoid Letting Other People Influence These 5 Aspects Of Your Life


Image Credit: Flickr

“Never compare your insides to somebody else’s outsides.”

A college professor told my class this piece of wisdom before we graduated, and I think about those words almost everyday. Every time I check Facebook and see a classmate getting a job with a well-known corporation or moving into their new city apartment, I tell myself those words. Every time I see a snap from a friend who’t out at a concert or partying on a rooftop, I remind myself of it again.

People present their best “self” to the world and put out the image they want to world to see of them. Often these images are not an accurate display of who we are. Only I can know what is inside me and only they can know what is inside them. Therefore, if they show the world success and partying, good for them. I hope they achieve their goals. In the meantime, I’m making my way down my own path toward success and I won’t be influenced by other people’s goals or what the world tells me I should be. If you do find yourself easily influenced, take a look at these stages of life, and reconsider that nobody can tell you where you should be and what you should be doing with your life.

1. What your physical appearance should look like:

High school is over. You no longer need to dress like the cheerleaders nor do you need to be an emo kid to fit in with all the other non-conformists. If you want to dress like a hipster, dress like a hipster. If you don’t like the pressure to be in shape, then say, “screw it,” and pass up the gym membership. The world will try to tell you how to look. Take it with a grain of salt, look inward, and move on.

2. How you should spend your Friday night:

If you really want to go out and party, go out and party the effin night away. If you really want to take a hot bath and forget about the world, do that too. If you really want to take a walk through your neighborhood contemplating your life’s decisions, do it. There is no right or wrong way to spend a Friday night and don’t let the fear of missing out cause you to miss out on being content with yourself.

3. Whether or not you “should” feel guilt or regret:

If you mess up and you don’t feel guilty, that’s okay. If you think you should express empathy but can’t, that’s also okay. Everybody is at a different stage of emotional awareness and if something doesn’t evoke a strong reaction from you, take note of it and move on. Maybe you just aren’t at that level of emotional depth yet.

4. Taking part in cultural staples:

Your best friend is moving in with her boyfriend, meanwhile you have yet to encounter a stable relationship? That’s okay. You don’t need to be pressured into meeting certain stages and you will get there if you choose to do so.

The best way to end up in an unstable and unhealthy situation is by allowing the world to pressure you into it. If you aren’t ready for a relationship, that’s fine. If you don’t want to have kids, that’s okay too. The world will try to dictate your life. Accept this as unavoidable, feel the flow, and press forward.

5. Choosing between religious tradition, spirituality, and atheism:

Is it me, or is everybody very spiritual these days? I still encounter religious people, but everybody seems to be mainly unaffiliated and subscribing to the spirituality of the universe. If spirituality works for you, go for it. If you don’t get it, don’t feel pressured to get it.

If you want to follow a conventional religion, that’s great and it you want to follow no religion, that’s great too. We don’t know what lies beyond this world and what the nature of reality is. Don’t let the people around try to dictate your most fundamental beliefs.

[Featured Image Credit: Thomas8047 via Flcikr]

Need More Money? Stop Wasting It On These 8 Things


Image Credit: Flickr

You might not be a millionaire, but your paycheck dollars will extend a little bit farther.

There are gremlins that live in your wallet. When you are sleeping, they crawl out and whisper in your ear, telling you all the useless things on which you need to spend your money. It’s very easy to listen to these gremlins, but if you can learn to tune them out and take note of all the frivolities on which you spend your money, you’ll be surprised by how far that dollar can go.

1. Coffee

Depending on where you live and what you like to order, coffee can range from $2-$5 daily. That’s a lot of money considering that you need your fix daily. Let’s be generous and say you only spend $3 a day for coffee. You buy that coffee 5 days a week for 50 weeks a year. If you replace that corner store/overpriced Starbucks coffee with a coffeepot at home you will save quite a bundle.

Yearly savings: $750

2. Gym Memberships

If you actually use your membership and are in the habit of working out regularly, don’t quit. The regular workouts are benefiting you. However, if you are like most people with gym memberships, yours might be going unused. According to this extremely sketchy news source, 4 our of 5 gym memberships go unused after the first few days of the new year. According to StatisticsBrain.com the average gym membership costs $55 a month.

Yearly savings: $660 (or 153 cups of coffee from Starbucks)

3. New clothes and other fashionable impulse buys

You have a bad day at work and need a pick-me-up, so you shoot over to the mall just to browse. Two hours later, you walk out with a new pair of shoes ($36) and a cute wallet ($23). You do this once a month (spending an average of $59 on clothes/accessories). If this behavior continues every month for a year, how much are you throwing away yearly on impulse buys?

Yearly savings if you don’t buy impulsively: $708 (or a full 12 months of gym memberships)

4. Drinks

I had trouble finding statistics about alcohol spending, so I’ll make up a generous hypothetical for you. It’s Friday night and you decide to go out with a few co-workers to a local bar. You spend $10 to get in the door and $12 on a cocktail. You then have three beers (at $6 a pop), and call it a night at 1am.

This equals $40 for a night out. I’m being extremely generous here and assuming you only do this once a month and only have four drinks. Chances are you drink more often than this, but again, I’m being generous. Cut down and your drinking and you’ll save a lot.

Yearly savings: $480 (or 8 impulsive shopping trips)

5. Buying lunch instead of bringing it

If you’ve ever worked in a major city, you know the average meal can cost about $8.00 on a good day. Sometimes, you can save a couple of bucks if you spend your money on something small or healthy (or you could starve).

Or, you could brown bag it everyday and save a ridiculous amount of money.

Yearly savings: $2,000 (or 50 nights out) if you’re buying an expensive lunch everyday

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

6. Water bottles

Not only will bringing your own water bottle save you a ton of money, it will also save the planet. The average person uses 167 water bottles annually. If the average water bottle costs an estimated $1.45 a bottle, then by bringing your own reusable bottle, you’re saving a ton of plastic and money.

Yearly savings: 242.15 (or 30 lunch breaks).

7. Fast food splurges

Don’t splurge on fast food. It’s bad for your heart. It’s bad for your health. It’s bad for your wallet. Just don’t do it. And definitely don’t spend 6.27 doing it twice a week.

Yearly savings: 652.08 (and quite a few inches around your waist)

8. Boozy brunch

The average consumer in America spends $181 a month on going out to eat. Obviously, this number varies quite a bit from city to city. You should spend the occasional hard-earned buck on a nice meal, but should you be going out to brunch every weekend. It’s not just a waste of money, it’s a waste of a perfectly good day. Don’t do this to your wallet.

Yearly savings: $2,172 (or a year’s worth of water bottles, fast food splurges, drinks, AND impulse buys, with enough left over to get $30 cups of coffee.)

And you were wondering why you never have any money.

[Featured Image Credit: Andy Smith via Flickr]

20 Hot Female Athletes Who Are Only Famous For Their Looks


Credits: Ekaterina Orlova

Many female athletes, unfortunately no matter how good they are at their sport, may only be considered famous for their good looks. LifeDaily lists the 20... Read more »

Real Life Bambi & Thumper Will Make Your Day


Image Credit: Disney

These two are cuter than peas in a pod.

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

Disney is the fodder of the world’s best viral videos. We all long to see nature and music perfectly harmonize as it plays out our childish Disney dreams. Well, wait no longer, my beloved reader, because you’re about to see Bambi and Thumper frolic (and I mean literally frolic), through the flowers.

The two were captured by Youtube user Richard Saulnier who found the precious duo in his backyard. They seem to have met on a chance encounter and immediately formed a bond that only Disney can provide. In most contexts, it seems like a deer and a rabbit would make an unlikely pair, but here they are in the furry flesh.

This led us to wonder what other real life Disney duos there are out there, and here’s what we found:

Here we found real life Marlin and Dory (Finding Nemo):

Image Credit: Buzzfeed
Image Credit: Buzzfeed

And we also managed to find Simba and Mufasa going on an outing to overlook the shadowlands (The Lion King):

Image Credit: Buzzfeed
Image Credit: Buzzfeed

And of course, there’s Pooh and his butterfly (Winnie The Pooh):

Image Credit: Buzzfeed
Image Credit: Buzzfeed

Watch how this unlikely Disney pair befriended each other:

[Featured Image Credit: Richard Saulnier via Youtube/Disney]

Watch as Russian Adrenaline Junkie Performs Tricks On a 40-Story Building



Daredevil OlegCricket scales the side of a 40-story building in Russia.

The footage was shot in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and shows OlegCricket hanging from his friend’s arm, swinging back and forth from side to side, and using the building’s facade for traction.

Image Credit: businessinsider
Image Credit: businessinsider

Oleg claims to have had complete faith in his friend, Ilya Bagaev, not to drop him.

At one point, he decides to do somersaults on the edge of the building- the footage is enough to make anyone gasp in fear.

Image Credit: businessinsider
Image Credit: businessinsider

In another video, shot in Moscow, Oleg can be seen hopping between gaps in a roof, 30 floors in the air.

Image Credit: catersnews.com
Image Credit: catersnews.com

Such stunts have gained Oleg over 100,000 followers on Instagram, and his YouTube videos receive millions of hits.

Oleg says: “Most people react – and will react – negatively, but they don’t understand the other side of my thinking. They are taught that it’s scary, and something people are accustomed to, but it’s a different philosophy to know what I’m doing.”

Watch these insane clips from OlegCricket’s instagram:

Instagram Photo Instagram Photo Instagram Photo

And the full video here:

[Featured Image Credit: businessinsider.com]

The Incredible Moment a Deaf 7-Week-Old Baby Hears for the First Time


screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever

When baby Lachlan was just an infant, he was diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears.

It wasn’t until 7-weeks-old that he was fitted with his first hearing aid.

Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever
Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever

Lachlan’s parents, Michelle and Toby Lever, caught this incredible moment on camera.

Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever
Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever

Michelle says: “When they turned the headphones on and Lachlan smiled and his face lit up, it was the most magical thing I’d ever seen in my life.”

Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever
Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever

It gave everyone hope.

The family, who is from Australia says they were initially worried by the diagnosis, but as they watched their baby grow and blossom, those fears melted away.

Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever
Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever

“It’s such a happy, special moment. My baby’s world just opened up,” Michelle Lever says.

Lachlan has continued to amaze his family with his speech development, and it has given everyone hope that everything is going to be ok.

Moments don’t get any more special than this one. Watch the full video:

Share this incredible miracle.

[Featured Image Credit: screenshot Youtube- Toby Lever]

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