The “good day” is an elusive beast commonly found only on the beaches of a tropical island.
Often, we find ourselves not even bothering to look for a good day because we believe they don’t live in this region of the world. Instead, we make room for our mediocre or even bad days. However, we sometimes find ourselves experiencing those hard-to-find good days, cropping up where they least expect them. The sneak in through the doggie door as we eat our cheerios in the morning and sometimes, they’ll even follow us to work. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s possible you’re being shadowed by a good day.
- When you ate your breakfast this morning, your cereal had the perfect flake to milk ratio. The pieces were neither too dry, nor too soggy.
- Your favorite song came on the radio in your car this morning.
- A song you like followed your favorite song.
- A song with a good tune that you have never even heard before came on the radio too. The music was on point today.
- Somebody genuinely laughed at a joke you told.
- Your coffee didn’t leak or dribble faint brown (yet delicious smelling) drops across your pants.
- You can’t remember the last time you watched the clock.
- An email that you received this morning had a funny meme included in it, which made you chuckle. Somebody in the office appreciates 21st century humor.
- You send your significant other a “thinking of you” text, just to let them know they’re dancing across your brain and waltzing through your heart.
- You have a productive morning and get more work done than you expected to.
- You think you’re running late, but then you realize the clock you had been looking at is just running five minutes fast.
- Your lunch is delicious.
- The cafeteria is serving your favorite flavor of ice cream…with sprinkles.
- You receive a compliment from your boss.
- You receive a compliment from your co-worker.
- You receive a compliment from yourself (sometimes the hardest to receive).
- A stranger on the subway is exceedingly polite to you. They even offer you their seat out of the kindness of their heart.
- Inspired, you offer the seat to a haggard woman who looks like she could use some time off her toes.
- You meet up with a friend or relative for a drink after work.
- You receive good news from this friend that makes you genuinely smile and feel happy for them.
- You hear children laughing as you walk home and it warms your heart.
- You feel like your life sounds a little bit too much like a cliche listicle, and you laugh, because what else can you do?
- You feel good because life is something worth feeling good about.
- You cook dinner with your significant other and eat the pasta al dente because it’s too good to wait.
- You do a corny dance to the music playing on the radio, likely mimicking “the Carlton.
- You call your mother just to see how she’s doing and to catch up on each other’s lives.
- You take a walk before bed and just think.
- You stop and think about how you’re grateful for the life you have been blessed with.
Any day can be a good day if you try hard enough. You simply have to keep an eye out for all the tiny pieces that comprise a good day, and if you string them together just right, you’re left with a positive, uplifting collision of hours.
[Featured Image Credit: Tumblr]