Every American remembers that fateful day on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese war machine launched a surprise, well-ordinated attack on American Naval forces at Pearl Harbor. The attacks went down as one of the worst tragedies to befall the American Navy in its history, and paved the way for the dropping of two atom bombs by the Americans on Japanese cities. So poignant were the events at Pearl Harbor that it was the preface for America joining the second world war.
The Pearl Harbor offensive started at exactly 7:48 a.m. Hawaiian Standard Time, and dealt a deadly blow to eight U.S. battleships stationed in the harbor there, as well as destroying three U.S. cruisers, and three destroyers.
The cost to human life was a painful one for the Americans and an estimated 2,400 sailors and other military personnel were killed by the Japanese, while an additional 1.170 were injured to varying degrees.
The images you will see in this gallery offer a rare insight into the events that took place at Pearly Harbor more than 70 years ago…
16 Rare Pearl Harbor Images That Have To Be Seen is an article from: LifeDaily