As a famous man once said: “Violence is a terrible thing, but sometimes it is just terribly necessary.” For better or for worse, the images in this gallery, some of which are disturbing, are a testimony to that well-known quote, but it all depends which side of the ‘fence’ you’re on.
Citizens of a country historically riot for different reasons. Sometimes because they feel oppressed, sometimes because they are living in poverty, and sometimes just for political reasons. So the question is: are riots ever justified? We don’t have the answer to that question, as it depends on the situation, location and reasons for the riot. That being said, when innocent bystanders or cops just doing their jobs get hurt or even killed, it casts a whole new light on the legitimacy of that particular riot.
You may agree or you may disagree with the motives behind these 18 well-documented riots from around the world, but it’s a good thing that there was a brave photographer on hand to capture some of the moments that took place…
18 Powerful Riot Images From Around The World is an article from: LifeDaily