Being a parent is often a game of monkey see, monkey do.
Children often see what we do and mimic that behavior, which is why it’s so important to teach our children to do the right thing with our actions.
Like my mother always says, “your actions speak so loud, I can’t hear your words.” My Mom, in her infinite maternal wisdom, knows that children mimic what they see of others, not what they hear. And all parents know how important it is to be a positive role model, because whether it’s something as simple as the way you tie your shoes or as complex as the way you react when you’re angry, children are always watching, mimicking, and learning.
And this rings true in the animal world too:
Take this kitten, for example, who watched how Mom bathes herself but struggles to mimic that behavior perfectly. The video is adorable but the underlying message strikes quite a chord.
If you connect with the message in this video and if you know how important it is to be a positive role model, then please SHARE with friends and family on Facebook. Let’s all be positive role models, not just to our own kids but to all kids in this world.
[Featured Image: Ari K via Youtube]
Adorable Kitten Struggles To Mimic Mom In Hilarious Video is an article from: LifeDaily