The connection that twins have is one that you will never understand unless you’re a twin.
Jenna and Jillian Thistlethwaite understand this better than anyone else, as these two Ohio girls were born just 48 seconds apart. Immediately after birth, a news site reporting the birth snapped this incredible photo of the girls holding hands when they were delivered in the hospital.
The girls were “monoamniotic twins” which means they shared an amniotic sac during gestation, instead of having their own. This condition is rare, and their mom had to spend 57 days on bed rest before the girls were delivered via C-section.
Following their birth, the twins had few medical problems, and mom Sarah Thistlethwaite describes them as a miracle from God. “They have absolutely no health problems. They are normal 2-year-olds,” Sarah told TODAY. “They run around. They chase after their brother, who teaches them pretty much what not to do, and then they still do it anyway.”
Even now at 2 years old, the girls are inseparable.
“All three are very, very close but the girls have just this unexplainable bond. Honestly, splitting them up, or doing anything with those two separately will make them cry. They don’t want to be away from each other,” Sarah says.
“But with that being said, they have no problem tattling on each other. They definitely will blame or get the other one in trouble,” she continued.
The girls were born on May 9, 2014, and the photo captured of them holding hands happened by coincidence. The hospital planned to document the birth as part of a Mother’s Day story, and it just so happened that after the twins were out of mom’s belly, they grabbed hands. Because mom couldn’t see her babies since her view was blocked by a surgical curtain, so the obstetrician had to explain what was going on.
“I heard Dr. Wolfe say, ‘Oh my gosh, they’re holding hands,’ and then Dr. Manacuso was like, ‘Hold them up so mom can see them'” she said. “I couldn’t believe they were holding hands. That was amazing. It was beautiful.”
“Even once they were born, they wanted to be right beside each other because that’s what they’re used to. It’s that constant touch,” Sarah said.
Watch this video of the twins below and please SHARE their beautiful story with your friends and family on Facebook!
[Featured Image Credit: Sarah Thistlethwaite]
Twins Born Holding Hands Are Still Inseparable Two Years Later is an article from: LifeDaily