A San Francisco man has been sharing a harrowing story of what happened when he was traveling through Arizona with his 7-year-old daughter and a cop threatened to kill him right in front of her.
He says he and his daughter are from San Francisco. They were traveling through the Southwest in a rental car when an Arizona cop started tailing them. After a few miles, the cop pulled them over.
However, when the cop approached the car, it was a less than friendly encounter. Walton says the officer start rapping forcefully on the rear passenger window with a pistol pulled only inches from his daughter’s face.
“My daughter rolled down her window and I explained that we were in a rental car, that we had no weapons, and I was having trouble figuring out how to roll down the front passenger window from my driver’s side door.”
Walton writes, “then, as I had my hands in the air, he yelled, at the top of his lungs, in a voice I will never forget, as my daughter looked on in terror, ‘Get your hands away from your waist or I’ll blow two holes through your back right now!’ “
The officer proceeded to arrest Walton and put him in the back of the cop car before clarification finally came. “Why was I arrested?” Walton writes. “The car I was had rented had previously had its front license plate lost or stolen, so the car rental company reported this to the Nevada DMV. The Arizona highway patrol officer, who looked up my plate number while he was tailing me, misinterpreted this Nevada DMV report as meaning that I was driving a car with a stolen license plate, and somehow this prompted him to approach me at gunpoint and threaten to kill me in front of my little girl.”
You can read Walton’s own words below.
If you have a thought, opinion, or suggestion for how this should have been handled, please tell us in the comments. And don’t forget to SHARE with friends and family!
[Featured Image: Kan Walton via Facebook]
San Francisco Man Says Cop Threatened To Kill In Front Of His 7-Year-Old Daughter is an article from: LifeDaily