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9 Things To Stop Expecting From Others



If we want to live happy and more fulfilling lives, than we have to learn to stop expecting so much from other people.

We say we don’t expect certain things from the people in our lives, but we actually do, and expecting too much is the quickest road to disappointment.

Things To Stop Expecting From Others:

1. Stop expecting others to be perfect

No one is perfect, including you, so don’t ever expect anyone to be. Everyone in your life is going to make mistakes over and over again, so avoid giving anyone a hard time when they slip up- because you wouldn’t want someone to do that to you. Plus, it makes that person feel like a letdown if they’ve disappointed you, and it can really put a strain on your relationship.

2. Stop expecting others to read your mind

The only person that really knows what goes on in your mind is you, and maybe a really good psychic- but everyone else can only guess or imagine. Just because you may be more sensitive or understanding of others, doesn’t mean that they are as well- some people just have a more finely tuned intuition.

3. Stop expecting others to always agree with you

Even best friends don’t always agree on everything, so don’t get upset when people challenge what you say, or when they simply have a difference of opinion. The world would be pretty boring if everyone agreed, and we would be like robots, and pretty monotone. Different people and different viewpoints is what makes life interesting.

4. Stop expecting others to pick you up every time you fall

Of course your close friends and family will be there for you and help you when or if you need it, but you can’t count on them to pick you up every time you fall. Maybe they have their own internals struggles going on, and it’s too much for them to carry the weight of both your problems and theirs at the moment. It doesn’t mean they don’t care, it just means you have to fight your own battles sometimes.

5. Stop expecting others to understand you

“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not theirs to make sense of – it’s yours.” – Unknown

The most important thing is that you understand you, and it is then that you won’t feel the need to gain acceptance from others. Then the fact that they just don’t get you won’t phase you anymore.

6. Stop expecting others to treat you the same way you treat them

Everyone is different, and while we wish everyone would treat us the same way that we treat them, it is just not that simple. Most people lack an understanding and relationship within themselves, which makes it difficult for them to treat us the same as we treat them. If we view their attitude from a compassionate stance, then we won’t feel as hurt when they don’t treat us so kindly.

7. Stop expecting others to always have everything together

Life throws everyone a curve ball from time to time, and it can take longer than expected sometimes for us to get back on our feet. This is why we need to be compassionate of others, and understand that everyone is going through their own things, and they’re just trying to do their best. There are times when our lives will feel like a complete mess, and other times when we’ll have it all together.

8. Stop expecting others to be the same person that they were a year ago

Everyone changes, and this is is completely normal, and our experiences and surrounding circumstances change all the time too. You can’t expect someone to be the same person you knew when you were young, or even a few years ago, because life shapes us all differently as we have different paths- one that may or may not agree with yours. It’s all about accepting, and not being judgmental.

9. Stop expecting others to reach out to you all the time

You have to show people with your actions how you wanted to be treated. If you always expect someone to call you or invite you out all the time, you may certainly be disappointed. If you find your friendship being a one-way street, where you are the one constantly making plans and an effort, then discuss it with this person and don’t expect them to just know.

By implementing these 9 Things To Stop Expecting From Others into your life, you will feel a lot better, and lead a more fulfilled existence.

[Featured Image Credit: buzzsouthafrica.com]

9 Things To Stop Expecting From Others is a post from: LifeDaily

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