It’s not that some people are just good savers and others aren’t, savers work hard to save their money.
To help you, LifeDaily shares 9 Things Successful Savers Do:
1. They know that small amounts add up to something big
They don’t think that saving $5 here or $20 there is pointless. They know that it adds up to a lot of money over time.
2. They create a budget
Savers always have budgets, because without one they wouldn’t even know where to begin. Create your budget around your monthly/weekly salary, and start by saving 5%-10%.
3. They plan how they will save
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Successful savers don’t spend carelessly; they plan how much they are able to spend in each area of their lives, and they execute their plan.
4. They have specific goals that they are working towards
Savers write down their goals, and they are working towards something bigger- be it retiring early, or quitting their job to start their own business. They know what they are saving so hard for, which makes it a lot easier.
5. They have an account for each goal
6. They start now
7. They auto deposit money into their savings
8. They envision their end
They are constantly picturing and imagining their end goal in their minds. This helps them stay motivated to save.
9. They make saving a habit
9 Things Successful Savers Do is a post from: LifeDaily