If you’re eating a tuna sandwich right now, you might want to put it down before you watch this video.
That’s because Dr. Karri of Vet Ranch made a shockingly disgusting discovery when she rescued a litter of feral kittens last week. The kittens came to the veterinarian because of eye troubles they were experiencing. However, when the doctor picked up one of the kittens and took a closer look at his ear, she saw something was breathing.
Yes, you read that correctly. The kitten had something breathing inside his ear that definitely shouldn’t have been there.
Still with me or has this unfortunate feat of nature grossed you out?
If you have stuck around to see how this story ends, then I’m happy to share with you that the kitten, who has since been dubbed Maddox, made a healthy recovery thanks to the hard work and steel stomach of Dr. Karri.
Maddox is now on his way to a full recovery and getting his eye issue taken care of too. Meanwhile, we’re on our way to never eating a tuna sandwich again.
And please SHARE with friends and family who might want to squirm over this story too.
[Featured Image: Vet Ranch via Youtube]
Vet Finds Bretathing Larva Living Inside Poor Kitten’s Ear is an article from: LifeDaily