Watch closely: if you blink you might miss it.
Instagram account People are Awesome posted this clip. The account focuses on the incredible ways people can maneuver their bodies, and although this trick had very little to do with body maneuvers, it’s quite impressive.
Two incredible guys timed the trick perfectly and the outcome makes you think it must be a cleverly edited video. It’s not possible for physics to work this way, right? Even if they were able to match the timing perfectly, it seems impossible that you could put on a bathing cap by jumping into its way.
Don’t believe me, see for yourself:
Surely, this trick can’t be real:
It is real (and don’t call me Shirley). The Slow Mo Guys, who like their name suggests are simply a couple of guys who do cool stuff in slow motion, demonstrated how it works. When you fill a rubber swimming cap with water and add gravity you find the fastest way in the world to put on a hat (this is how Speedy Gonzales gets dressed every morning). The guys also discovered that you have to drop the cap on the top of the head, rather than directly on the face.
The Slow Mo Guys did this same trick, but they used a slow motion camera to record exactly how gravity and rubber work together. The outcome is bizarre and fascinating. Also, pay close attention to the guys reaction when the cap hits his head. The water and rubber move so quickly, that by the time his body reacts, the cap is already on his head. Yeah, humans are pretty awesome.
[Featured Image Credit: The Slow Mo Guys]