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5 Subtle Signs His Body Language Says He’s Into You


Image Credit: Giphy

Sometimes men obviously display their interest in you and other times they don’t.

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

Men, however, are fairly simple beasts. Sociologists, life coaches, and the occasional Carrie Bradshaw wannabe have devoted countless hours to studying the complex and subtle mating ques of the male homo sapien. The research is in and we have discovered that if he invites you to “Netflix and chill,” he is likely interested. However, if he approaches the subject with a little more subtlety, it may be challenging to figure out if he’s actually into you.

Look out for the following, but don’t take it too seriously. Behavioral patterns and body language can be very telling, but it’s also possible that what you interpret as nervousness around you, is him actually trying to hold in his explosive diarrhea from too much Taco Bell.

1. He pulls on or fixes his tie when you talk to him:

If you encounter him in a workplace setting (or if he’s just an extremely dapper dude), you may notice him tugging on or fixing his tie frequently. This could be a subconscious sign of attraction. Basically, he’s letting you know he’s a man and men wear ties.

Translation: “Look, I’m a man. I wear a tie like men wear. I have broad shoulders, like men have. I’m a man. Have sex with me.”

Clearly, body language isn’t as eloquent as his English (hopefully).

2. He stands tall and proud:

Again, leadership is a trait typically associated with being an alpha male. Men like to assert their manliness and throw it out there for all to see.

If he stands up straight around you, his body is trying to tell you he’s interested and wants you to view him as a viable Alpha.

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

3. He laughs at your jokes:

According to science, we find people funnier when we’re attracted to them. If you tell a joke to a group of people and he is the only one who busts a gut, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is he’s probably into you. The bad news is you probably aren’t that funny.

The reason we laugh at the jokes of those we find attractive has to do with mating habits and group behaviors. Humans are social creatures. Our species learned over thousands of years that if you aren’t part of the group, you’re likely dead. Humor is a way of showing membership in a group because you “get it” in ways outsiders don’t. When he laughs at your stupid jokes, it shows he’s trying to be a part of your group.

4. Pay attention to his feet. Are they pointing in your direction?

You  know what they say about men with big feet: they wear big shoes.

The size his feet are irrelevant. Oddly enough, this subject has been researched multiple times and studied over and over (imagine doing your doctoral research on the correlation between show size and penis length) and the conclusion is consistently that there is little correlation between shoe size and the size of his favorite appendage.

However, his feet can give valuable insight about his second favorite head: his feet can tell you what he’s thinking. Feet are actually very telling about how invested somebody is in the conversation. If somebody speaks to you with one foot pointing toward the room (or, especially, the door!), they’re looking for an escape. They possibly want to talk to somebody else or they just find you painfully dull. However, if somebody stands with both feet facing you directly, they are literally aligning themselves with you.

You can test how aligned somebody is by walking slightly to the left or right. If they move with your body, they want to continue being aligned with you.

5. He catches your eye across the room:

This is probably the most telling thing a man can do to show interest. If you catch him looking at you, especially if you frequently lock eyes, there’s a good chance he’s consciously interested in you.

Staring (or even inconspicuously looking) can feel invasive and we often try to avoid staring. If he’s singling you out to look at you intently, there’s some further interest going on there.

If you catch him staring once, that’s a strong indicator. If you catch him staring more often than not, there’s something deeper going on here.

[Featured Image Credit: Huffington Post]

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