If you’re an American, you’ve heard this song performed countless times in countless different ways and it never goes out of style.
I don’t know about you, but every time I hear our country’s National Anthem it leaves me with chills. That’s why I never expected to find myself saying that this next version of the Star-Spangled Banner is the cutest you will every see!
Proud mama Jessica Harris posted the following video on Rumble, which features her football star husband, Clark Harris of the Cincinnati Bengals, and her tiny, up-and-coming star Trent Harris.
In the precious video, we see the long snapper walk his 2-year-old son out onto the court of his alma mater, Southern Regional High School, to perform the National Anthem before a varsity basketball game.
This is one performance you don’t want to miss! It doesn’t get any cuter than this!
Did this precious performance put a smile on your face today? Please SHARE it with all of your friends on Facebook!
[Featured Image: Rumble]