When most dogs see their dinner waiting for them, they don’t even wait 2 seconds before running over and digging in.
But this special golden retriever you’re about to see in the video below has a very different routine.
His owner has trained him to pray before eating his dinner, and only after his human says, “Amen,” is the dog allowed to eat.
While we do imagine it took a little training to get the dog to sit and listen to a prayer before eating, we do think it’s a beautiful practice. What’s a very more seconds before eating anyway? We imagine that a thankful dog is a happy dog.
What’s a very more seconds before eating anyway? We imagine that a thankful dog is a happy dog.
Watch this well-mannered pooch in the video below and please SHARE it with your friends and family on Facebook!
To watch an incredible dog not other praying, but tucking a little boy into bed, click here.
[Featured Image Credit: Facebook-
Devout Dog Prays Before Eating Dinner is an article from: LifeDaily