Women can go back and forth on the issue of breastfeeding forever, but when it comes down to it – it’s her body and her choice.
Breastfeeding has been a hot topic this year, from whether or not to cover up to the appropriate age to stop nursing a child, as you can see in this shocking post. Yet one thing we rarely hear about is the struggle a woman faces when she is unable to produce milk and the heartache that comes with it.
That’s exactly why California mom and Art Director Elaina Bellis decided to share her story to lift up women who can relate to her story. Bellis gave birth to identical twin daughters, Quincy Kay and Rowe James, in March and decided to share a very raw and real photo of herself tandem nursing on Instagram.
“I tried everything in my power to build a supply for my girls,” Bellis wrote on Instagram. “Pumping, lactation consultants, mothers milk tea/vitamins, formula wired to my nipples, up all hours of the night and having emotional breakdowns not understanding why my body couldn’t build up any milk over the last month. Due to the way my birth went and excess of fluids in my body and trauma, my breasts aren’t able to supply even enough milk for one baby.”
Yet the mom was determined to feed her babies breastmilk and decided to feed Quincy and Rowe with milk from donors.
“I never thought I would have problems breastfeeding and realize now I did the absolute best I could do. I wanted to thank my friends who have supplied my girls with their milk @kikialamode and @kacej. I’m so lucky to have friends like you!!! I also feel like people don’t talk about how hard breastfeeding can be and if you can BF you’re incredibly lucky.”
The mom’s story went completely viral and she was able to accomplish more than she could have ever imagined… helping other women and instilling strong female values in her unknowing newborns.
“I pump all day to be able to provide my girls with one ounce of my milk, and I’ve excepted that’s the best I can do. All I can give them is my love and that’s most important.”
Please SHARE this mom’s amazing story with your friends on Facebook today!
[Featured Image: Instagram / laylaygibson]
Mom Shares Honest And Inspiring Story About Her Struggle To Nurse Newborn Twins is an article from: LifeDaily