They say dogs are man’s best friend, but nobody proves that more true than Lego, the service dog charged with protecting young Tupper Dunlop from nightmares.
Ever since Tupper was an infant, his parents noticed something wasn’t quite right. Not only did he have trouble making eye contact or responding to his name, he also struggled to sleep through the night. A few hours a night was all the sleep his parents could stretch out of him and it took a toll on them both. Tupper only slept in 45 minute stretches, and he would rarely sleep more than 3-6 hours a night. He would toss and turn repeatedly, sometimes suffering from awful nightmares. It wasn’t until shortly after his second birthday that Tupper was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
Last year, Tupper parents made a decision that changed all their lives. They decided to get a service dog specifically for those who suffer from autistic disorders and a two-and-a-half-year-old Labrador, named Lego joined the family.
“We used to have to fight with him constantly to hold our hands,” explains Dunlop of her son. “Now, he is most often willing to hold the handle on Lego’s vest and walk with us.”
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[Featured Image: Nancy Dunlop]
Service Dog Keeps The Nightmares Away From His Little Boy is an article from: LifeDaily