Winston Churchill once said, “courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
For Wilma Price, courage came in the form of the latter, when she walked past a homeless man as she exited Walmart in Huntsville, Texas. The man was holding a sign that said, “Dog in pound. Need help.”
Price sat down and listened to the homeless man, and learned quite a bit. His name was Patrick and he had lost his beloved dog a few days earlier when he was arrested for trespassing. Patrick spent two days in jail, while his dog, Franklin, ended up in the pound and was labeled as a stray.
If this story inspired you today, please SHARE with friends and family.
Please also sit down and listen to those whom you’d rather not. It’s only through empathy and love that we can change the world.
[Featured Image: Wilma Price]
Kind Stranger Helps Homeless Man Get His Beloved Dog Back is an article from: LifeDaily