It’s not that uncommon for a former hospital patient to track down a doctor who saved their life years later, but few of these searches last a whopping 59 years.
Fastnachd was with some friends on that fateful day in 1957. His father had recently taught him how to shoot a shotgun and wanting to show off to his buddies; he pulled out his father’s gun and shells.
“The man saved my life. There’s no question about it,” said Fastnachd.
Gossard is now 95-year-old and admits he doesn’t remember having Fastnachd on his operating table that night so many years ago. However, he always welcomes the chance to check-up on an old patient. The two arranged to meet for coffee and were reunited after all those years in a heartwarming moment. They even went to the hospital, which has changed quite a bit since they were last there together.
“If you’ll come back every 59 years, you’ll be most welcome,” joked Gossard.
While it doesn’t seem that reunion will happen, we’re happy to hear these two had the chance to meet again and express gratitude.
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[Featured Image: NBC 5]
Patient Tracks Down The Doctor Who Saved His Life 59 Years Ago is an article from: LifeDaily