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How to Tell if Your Stomach Ache is Really Appendicitis


Burst Appendix Story

When that nagging pain in the pit of your stomach strikes and persists for days on end it can lead people into a panic, and understandably so. While most stomach aches are nothing more than a touch of indigestion or wind, no one wants to think they have an inflamed appendix, let alone a burst one.

One can’t be too careful when it comes to their health, especially today, where so much great medical care is available to most people. There’s no need to put off seeing the doctor about a bothersome ailment anymore, and doing so could save your life. But how do you know whether the pain you’re feeling is appendicitis or not?

Highly Unlikely

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Let’s start with the good news, which is that only about 7 percent of the population has ever had the displeasure of suffering from appendicitis in their lifetime. And while that’s great news for anyone overly concerned about that pain in their gut, a ruptured appendix can be life-threatening. The longer the condition goes unchecked, the more the risk of the appendix bursting, and that’s not something anyone wants.

Warning Signs

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There are, however, some early warning signs that can alert a person to potential appendicitis, just as long as they know which symptoms to look out for. The first of which is an unusually bad stomach ache that doesn’t feel like trapped wind or acid reflux. The pain often runs from the belly button to the lower right side of the abdomen. A simple CT scan can detect whether a person does have the condition as well as indicating how swollen the appendix is.

Other Signs

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According to Dan Gingold, MD, an emergency physician at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, different patients feel different sensations when it comes to appendicitis. While some people experience the chronic stomach pains previously mentioned, others only feel the pain when “walking, coughing, or going over a bump in a car.” But there are other warning signs that go together with the stomach pain which can offer another clue.

Feeling Nauseous

Burst Appendix Story

Other telltale symptoms of appendicitis are extreme nausea and vomiting. While not every patient with appendicitis will experience those symptoms, they often go hand-in-hand with a swollen or inflamed appendix. For some people, the pain associated with the condition is felt in the lower pelvis, close to the bladder. When the inflamed appendix pushes against the bladder, it causes the person to need to go to the bathroom more than usual. Those people may feel like they need to urinate all the time, and when they do they may experience discomfort similar to a urinary tract infection.

Running a Fever

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The human body is an amazing thing as it gives a person all the warning signs they need to decide whether or not to seek medical assistance. Another two warning signs of appendicitis are running a fever and shivering. A fever usually means there’s inflammation somewhere in the body and the body responds to that by releasing several chemicals to “ring the alarm,” bringing additional cells to the area. But if you experience the next symptom, it’s time to call 911 immediately.

Deadly Symptom

Burst Appendix Story

If a person experiencing severe stomach pain or cramps in the abdomen is also confused or disoriented it could mean that their appendix has burst, and that the infection may have entered their bloodstream. This condition is known as sepsis, and it can be fatal. Therefore, if you or someone you come into contact with seems confused and is holding their stomach, it’s a good idea to seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible.

Appendicitis Explained

Burst Appendix Story

Appendicitis is a blockage or obstruction in the appendix. This blockage could result from a buildup of mucus or parasites, but is more commonly due to fecal matter. When the appendix is obstructed, bacteria can multiply at a quicker rate inside the organ, and that leads to the symptoms mentioned above. The appendix is located in the lower right side of the abdomen and is a narrow tube-shaped organ protruding from the large intestine.

Serves no Purpose

Burst Appendix Story

Evolutionists have always been fascinated by the human appendix which serves no purpose at all within the body. So much mystery surrounds this little organ that no one even knows the purpose of the appendix in humans. Some posit that it has to do with protecting the immune system from infections, but the scientific data on that theory is thin.

Appendicitis During Pregnancy

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For pregnant women, especially those in the later stages of pregnancy when a significant amount of weight has been gained, appendicitis is even more of a concern. However, the symptoms of appendicitis are similar to pregnancy pains so the condition can, in rare cases, go unnoticed, threatening the well being of the expectant mother and the unborn baby, too. The growing baby pushes the uterus higher during pregnancy, and that means that the pain is felt in the upper abdomen and not the lower.

Medical Tests

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If a person arrives at their doctor or to the hospital with symptoms suggesting appendicitis, the medical professional will call for some tests to look for signs of infection. They include blood tests as well as urine tests to check for signs of a UTI or kidney stone. If the doctor’s suspicions are confirmed, they will then move to an abdominal ultrasound or CT scan to see if the appendix is inflamed.


Burst Appendix Story

If the doctor decides that the patient does have appendicitis, they will likely give them a quick course of antibiotic medication to kill as much of the infection as possible ahead of surgery. Then, if required, the patient will undergo a surgery called an appendectomy to remove the whole organ. However, there are two different types of appendectomies at the surgeon’s disposal.

Open Appendectomy

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The first type of appendectomy is an open appendectomy, whereby the surgeon makes one small incision in the lower right side of the abdomen. They then remove the infected appendix and close the wound with stitches. This procedure is favored by surgeons who wish to clean the abdominal cavity if the appendix has burst or if there is an abscess.

Laparoscopic Appendectomy

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A laparoscopic appendectomy differs from an open appendectomy in that the surgeon makes a few small incisions in the abdomen then inserts a laparoscope into the incisions. Also known as keyhole surgery, this procedure is less intrusive than the last one and doctors can tie off the appendix with stitches before removing it. However, it depends on a number of factors which are decided by the surgeon performing the procedure at the time.

Post Surgery

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When it comes to invasive surgeries, the removal of an appendix is considered to be a painful one regarding the recovery period after the operation. Some people take days to even get the pain under control and regain the ability to comfortably consume liquids. While others need additional courses of antibiotics to ensure that an existing infection doesn’t spread to other parts of the body or other organs.


More Men than Women

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While appendicitis only affects a low percentage of people, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says that it is the most common cause of abdominal pain that leads to surgery. Appendicitis most often occurs in people aged 10-30, but interestingly, it affects way more men than it does women, mainly during adolescence. However, there are steps that can be taken to lower one’s risk of potential appendicitis.

Eating Healthy

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According to the institute, people can take steps to prevent the onset of appendicitis, mainly by watching what they eat and ensuring they consume healthy foods. A diet rich in fiber for example, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, is one piece of advice. Things like raspberries, apples, pears, artichokes, and broccoli are some suggested foods rich in fiber.

Preventing Appendicitis

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Stool buildup is one of the factors most responsible for appendicitis. Therefore, people who suffer from conditions associated with inflammation or infection of the bowels should work closely with their medical professional to ensure they don’t end up with a burst appendix. Thankfully, only about 1 in 100,000 people will die from appendicitis in the United States annually.

Most Common Surgery

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As more than 250,000 appendectomies are performed annually, appendicitis is considered to be the most common abdominal surgical emergency in the United States today. The most common fatalities from the condition are infants and the elderly.

Peritonitis is Fatal

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Peritonitis is a condition associated with appendicitis, as it is the result of it going undiagnosed or untreated. Peritonitis is the inflammation of the tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and supports the abdominal organs. The condition is caused by infection from bacteria or fungi which often comes from the appendix area. If it gets to that stage the chance of a fatality is more than likely.

Caution Pays

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Ultimately, the takeaway lesson from this is that people experiencing severe stomach pains, especially in the lower-right quadrant of the abdomen, should immediately seek medical assistance or make their way to an emergency room. If that stomach pain is accompanied by vomiting or feeling sick, it’s probably a good idea to call 911 and tell them the symptoms. In this way, the potentially fatal eventuality of a burst appendix will not be something one has to endure.

How to Tell if Your Stomach Ache is Really Appendicitis is an article from: LifeDaily

Everything You Need to Know About Concussions


Concussion Story

Concussions are some of the scariest types of injuries a person can have. Unlike a broken arm or sprained ankle, which limit what a person can do physically, a concussion affects the sufferer’s mental abilities.

They also occur at a higher rate than most people are aware, because many people aren’t familiar with the outward signs that come along with a concussion. This article will clear up some common misconceptions and give you a good idea of what symptoms to look out for in the short and long-term.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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A concussion, known medically as a mild traumatic brain injury, is a head injury that temporarily affects brain function. They typically occur when a person receives either a violent blow to the head, or a sudden acceleration or deceleration of the head such as in a car crash or when violently shaken.

Internal Damage

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When any of these things happen, the brain bounces and twists around inside the walls of the skull. That jostling causes stretching and compression, damaging the delicate cells and structures of the brain.

Countless Ways

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While sports-related concussions are the most talked about, especially the occurrence of concussions sustained while playing football, there are countless other ways it can happen. Any sport where a person could hit their head, from slipping while ice skating to heading a soccer ball, increases the risk of a concussion.

Everyone is at Risk

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But even if you don’t play any sports, you are still at risk. Each year, over a million people in the United States suffer a concussion from simply falling down and striking their head on the ground.

Accidents and Attacks

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There are three remaining common causes of concussions. The first is accidentally being hit in the head or banging your head against something, such as a low doorway or falling debris. Second is being in a traffic accident involving an automobile, train or bicycle. Third is being the victim of assault.


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It’s a common misconception that every concussion ends with someone being knocked unconscious. While it’s possible for it to cause you to lose consciousness, in most cases it doesn’t. That’s part of why it’s possible, and more dangerous, to have a concussion without realizing it.

Mental Struggles

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To complicate matters further, one of the possible effects of a concussion is memory loss, specifically about the injury itself and the time immediately following it. There is yet another factor that may lead to you overlooking a possible concussion: confusion.

Not as Smart as Usual

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The confusion that can sometimes result from a concussion means that you may not have the presence of mind to realize that your behavior is different. And even if you do, you may not realize the connection linking your state of mind to the head injury, if you even remember sustaining it.

Subtle Symptoms

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The symptoms already mentioned as well as the ones to follow can be subtle and some may not even be immediately apparent. However, with a knowledge of the short term and long term effects of a concussion, you will be better equipped to spot a potential concussion in yourself or someone else.

Common Symptoms

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The symptoms of a concussion may include a temporary loss of consciousness at the time of injury, headache, fatigue and confusion, as mentioned previously. People may also notice that the concussed person appears dazed, slurs their speech, or has a delayed response when asked a question.

Extreme Symptoms

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Some of the more obvious symptoms that you may experience include dizziness, ringing in your ears, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea and vomiting. If the symptoms are more extreme, they are usually noticeable by the person who is concussed, though they may not realize the cause.

Inability to Communicate

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For young children, short term effects may be difficult to recognize because the kids may not be able to describe how they feel. Head trauma-causing accidents are also fairly common for toddlers who are learning to walk or run. If a child hits their head, pay attention to the non-verbal signs of a concussion.

Signs in Children

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The things to look for specifically are if the child appears to be dazed, lethargic, or more irritable than usual. They may also tire out quicker than usual, have trouble with their balance, appear unsteady on their feet, and may have changes in their eating or sleeping patterns.

Short and Long Term

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Most often, these short term symptoms will go away in a matter of days. But in addition to the effects of a concussion mentioned so far, there may be additional long term effects after as well. They may even appear hours or days after the injury occurred.

Frustrating Difficulties

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The sensitivity to light and sound may persist in some people for longer than many of the other symptoms. They may also experience troubles with concentration and memory, which can be especially frustrating.

Emotional Changes

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The person may have trouble appropriately dealing with that frustration because they may be experiencing heightened irritability, mood swings, and other personality changes. They may also experience sleep disturbances, depression and other psychological problems, and even disorders of smell and taste.

Post-Concussion Syndrome

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Truly long term effects of concussions are rare and most symptoms clear up within a few weeks at the most. Only around 20 percent of people suffer from what is known as post-concussion syndrome, where they are still experiencing symptoms after six weeks.

Increased Risk

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However, the more concussions a person suffers, the more likely they are to suffer long term consequences. This is especially true if there isn’t sufficient time between the injuries to allow the brain to heal.

When to Visit the Doctor

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If a person may have experienced a concussion, they should consult with a doctor within one or two days, even if emergency care isn’t required. In the case of young children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends calling your child’s doctor for anything more than a light bump on the head.

Emergency Care

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If anything but mild symptoms are present, it’s best to seek emergency care immediately for an adult or a child. Athletes who get a concussion should never return to play or vigorous activity on the same day of the injury or while symptoms are present, and should be cleared by a medical care professional first. The best treatment for a concussion is complete physical and cognitive rest.

Everything You Need to Know About Concussions is an article from: LifeDaily

What Finding Blood in Stool Means for You or a Loved One


Blood in Stool Story

Bodily functions, as embarrassing as they may be to talk about, are a part of everyday life. Our trips to the bathroom are private matters that, frankly, are no one’s business but our own. But when it comes to an unusual occurrence, like finding blood in stool, we may have to bite the bullet and see a doctor.

If you notice something unusual during a trip to the bathroom, it probably means that there’s an internal issue that may not be so obvious. One such situation, such as finding blood in stool, can mean multiple things — none of which should be taken lightly. Below, we break down what finding blood in stool can mean for you or a loved one.

Blood Somewhere

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When you find blood in your stool, the first thing you might think is that it must mean you’re bleeding from around your anus. Though practical, this isn’t always the case. What blood in the stool actually means is that there is bleeding somewhere in your digestive tract. Sometimes you may not even notice it, but sometimes it can turn the whole toilet bright red.

Other Symptoms

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It’s a shocking thing to find yourself bleeding from a place that has otherwise been working fine for your whole life. This bleeding might be coupled with a series of other symptoms, however, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, weakness, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, palpitations, fainting, and weight loss. All of these symptoms can be attributed to the same malady as blood in stool.


Blood in Stool Story

There are different degrees of blood in the stool as well. It can be bright red, maroon-colored, or even black and tarry as dried blood. If the problem is in the lower part of the digestive tract, the blood will be brighter, if in the upper part, the blood will be dark. Either way, any amount of blood should be cause enough to take a trip to your doctor.

Barium X-Ray

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After collecting your medical history and a cursory physical exam, a gastroenterologist (a doctor in matters of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, among other parts of the digestive tract) may take stool samples to run as tests. After that, x-rays may be required. Gastroenterologists use a barium contrast when x-raying the digestive tract so it shows up in an x-ray. Nevertheless, more tests may be required.

Scope it Out

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Another test that may be required involves inserting a scope through the rectum in order to view the colon. This test, known as a colonoscopy, is frequently used to collect tissue samples within the colon to test for cancer. An endoscopy is the same sort of procedure, only the tube and scope is inserted in the mouth to view the small intestine. Both usually involve using a camera to see inside the digestive tract.

Nasogastric Lavage

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Another test involves removing the contents of the stomach by way of a tube inserted into the stomach through the nose. This method is used to determine if the blood is coming from the upper or lower part of the digestive tract. If there is no blood in the stomach, the bleeding is likely lower, closer to the colon.

Radionuclide Scanning

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The medical procedure known as radionuclide scanning involves injecting a small amount of radioactive material directly into a vein. After it’s injected, a special camera transmits images of blood flow in the digestive tract to a monitor, which allows doctors to detect where the bleeding is occurring.


Blood in Stool Story

A similar, albeit much less complicated, procedure known as angiography, is often used before getting to the point of radionuclide scanning. It works by injecting dye into the blood vessels that make them visible by either x-ray or CT scan. It detects where the bleeding is by seeing where on the scan the blood appears to be leaking out of the digestive tract.


Blood in Stool Story

If all these prove to be inconclusive, there are more invasive means of determining where a bleed is located. A laparotomy is a surgical procedure in which the doctor opens and examines the abdomen. It is a bit more extreme than all the other procedures of course, but it is often necessary to get to the real answer.


Blood in Stool Story

Health care providers will sometimes order lab tests to test stools for anemia, clotting problems, or the presence of harmful bacteria like H. pylori in concert with the other tests. Once they understand what is going on, your doctor can more accurately diagnose the source of the bleeding. There are several maladies out there that can cause blood in stool.

Diverticula or Anal Fissures

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One of the things that might affect your stools is something called diverticulitis, which is an infection of the diverticula, small pouches that project from the colon wall. These diverticula can become inflamed and bleed from the infection. Another thing that might cause bleeding is anal fissures, which are small cuts, like a paper cut, in and around the anus. Anal fissures can be caused when passing large, hard stools.

Colitis or Angiodysplasia

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Simple inflammation of the colon may be what’s increasing the blood in your stool as well. These basic infections, otherwise known as colitis, are common and can usually be managed with medication. Angiodysplasia is a rare condition which sees small, fragile, abnormal blood vessels in the colon bleeding after becoming inflamed.

Peptic Ulcers

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A peptic ulcer is caused by an open sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum. The duodenum is located at the upper end of the small intestine. Many peptic ulcers are actually caused by the bacteria, H. pylori, but they can also be caused by the long-term or abusive use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen.

Esophageal Problems

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Similar to the tears involved in anal fissures and angiodysplasia, varicose veins within our esophagus can tear suddenly, leaking blood into the digestive process. These tears can be severe and usually come along with pain and other symptoms, so you might be more aware of them than you would with the other diagnoses.


Blood in Stool Story

The final source of blood in the intestine may be due to polyps, benign growths that can appear in the colon. Normally, these growths are mostly harmless. Sure, they can bleed and are of some concern, but they are generally removed when they are found. This is most commonly done during colonoscopies.


Blood in Stool Story

When these polyps are left to their own devices, they can become cancerous. Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the United States and one of the most aggressive if it’s not caught early. It should also be noted that these polyps don’t always cause noticeable bleeding so if you have a history of this cancer in your family, so it pays to get regular checks for it.


Blood in Stool Story

So now we know what might be causing us to have blood in stools, but how do we fix the problem? Acute bleeding is a long-term problem and there are many ways that gastroenterologists treat it. One of them involves using an endoscopy to inject chemicals at the bleeding site. They can also treat the site with a laser, apply a clip to staunch the bleeding, or even use an electric current.

The Underlying Cause

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Beyond stopping the immediate bleeding, more long-term treatments may be necessary. These solutions will address the underlying cause of the bleed and hopefully, stop it from returning. Long-term solutions include medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs to treat colitis or antibiotics to treat H. pylori infections.

Surgical or Simple Solutions

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In some cases, whether they be cancer, diverticulitis, or inflammatory bowel disease, surgery may be required. There are a number of simple things you can do in the meantime that might stop things like constipation and anal fissures. Try eating more fiber and taking warm baths to relieve the pain from inflammation.

Call the Doctor

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Ultimately, the best thing you can do when you find any blood in your stool is to talk to your doctor. We may be able to provide you with possible explanations, but only they will be able to best determine the cause and treatment for what could be a potentially serious malady and make recommendations for your speedy recovery.

What Finding Blood in Stool Means for You or a Loved One is an article from: LifeDaily

14 New Treatments That Could Eventually Cure Cancer


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

Cancer is a word that spells dread and uncertainty to all who hear it. Its devastating effects do not only directly affect us and our health, but also reverberate through the lives of those we love; those who suffer with us in very different ways. Cancer may destroy lives, but all hope is not lost.

Each year, scientists and oncologists experimenting on the many different cancers out there are making new strides in the realm of cancer treatment. Many of the treatments represented here are in the very experimental phases, but each is promising enough to give hope to those affected worldwide.

Radiation Therapy

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For years, oncologists have used various forms of radiation therapies to help attack cancerous growths and irradiate human blood against the formation of new cancer cells. Many times, irradiated tumors will go into remission and these treatments are fairly effective. Still, they can be painful and result in tissue damage.


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

Localized radiation isn’t the only therapy used to destroy cancer cells, either. Recently, scientists have begun using the whole-body administration of extreme heat to help destroy cancer cells. We have learned that intense heating will cause denaturation and coagulation of cellular proteins, which is to say it rapidly kills the cells within a tumor.

Application of Heat

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Once those cells are denatured, they spread apart and are harmless enough that the body’s natural healing mechanisms can “clean them out” without spreading cancer. If this turns out to be a viable treatment, we can destroy cancer from the inside out. Now, all we have to do is figure out how much heat is needed to destroy the tumor without affecting our other, healthy cells.


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

There are many non-invasive cancer treatments out there as well. These treatments are designed so that doctors aren’t required to create an incision or remove any tissue, tumor or otherwise. Non-invasive treatments have the benefit of requiring shorter recovery time for patients and can be used in scenarios where surgery isn’t an option.

Radio Waves

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One such non-invasive treatment that scientists are trying out involves the experimental application of radio waves. The idea is that gold or carbon nanoparticles will be injected into the tumor. Radio waves will then be directed at the tumor and used to essentially heat up the tiny metals in the cancerous tissue, destroying it. Gold and carbon are chosen to limit the risk of metal poisoning.

Tumor Treating Fields

Promising Cancer Treatments Story

Another experimental non-invasive treatment is one that involves electric fields. These tumor treating fields are created through the use of external electrodes placed on the body surrounding the cancerous growth. The treatment is still in the early stages of development but results have been more successful than chemotherapy and seem to have no side-effects other than being time-consuming.


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

Many places around the world are using High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) to successfully treat cancer. China, Hong Kong, and Korea have all seen several thousand patients receive positive results. Thus far, HIFU has been used to destroy tumors in the bones, brain, breast, liver, pancreas, rectum, kidney, testes, and prostate.

Astounding Results

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The downside to the application of ultrasound is that sometimes the heat and movement it produces can agitate more than just cancer cells. Nevertheless, there are many benefits to using HIFU and in the future, the addition of HIFU along higher-density anti-cancer drug loads and nanomedicines could target tumors quicker and more effectively than traditional cancer therapy.

Gene Therapy

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Some cancer treatments involve something called gene therapy. This involves introducing certain enzymes into cancerous cells to make them more susceptible to particular chemotherapy agents. One of those therapies introduces a chemical component called thymidine kinase, which normally plays a key function in the synthesis of DNA and affects cell division.

Suppressing Growth

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The basic idea here is that by introducing genes that suppress cell division, we can slow the rapidly growing cells of malignant tumors, thereby stopping cancer at the source. If we can arrest tumor growth on a cellular level, then no chemo, radiation, or surgery will be necessary. It’s been highly effective in the treatment of chickenpox and shingles but is in the early stages of clinical trials.


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

The idea behind immunotherapy is to use the body’s own natural defense mechanisms to fight off cancerous cells. These treatments are usually facilitated in the form of vaccines that introduce tools into our existing immune system to help fight cancer. It has been proven to work best on lung and bladder cancer. Thus far, only Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) has been FDA approved as an immunotherapeutic vaccine.

Monoclonal Therapy

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Scientists are using Monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer as well. Normally, our antibodies stick to other proteins called antigens and attack them. Once an antigen is “flagged,” other antibodies attach to and attack it as well. Monoclonal antibodies are designed to find and attach to cancer cells, something normal antibodies don’t usually attach to, and they prompt our antibodies to attack these cancer cells on their own.

Adoptive Cell Transfers

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Another strange and surprisingly effective treatment involves removing immune system cells from a patient’s body, re-engineering them to fight back against specific cancer cells, and putting them back into the patient’s body to battle cancer. This method is known as adoptive cell transfer and it is difficult because no two cancers are the same. The cells have to be specifically tailored to each patient.

An Expensive Enterprise

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This makes adoptive cell treatment particularly resource-intensive and not applicable to the overall treatment of cancer. That being said, we already understand that each cancer is different and that blanket treatments don’t necessarily work for everyone. It has been a highly promising treatment since its introduction in the 1990s but because of the cost, is not readily available for most patients.

Drug Therapies

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As with many other diseases, drugs therapies are also sometimes used in the treatment of cancer. Traditional drug therapies involve using man-made or even natural drugs to promote cancer recovery. One drug in particular, Dichloroacetate (DCA) has been found to reduce tumors in lab rats by reactivating the mitochondria in oxygen-starved tumor cells, and thus promoting apoptosis, or the removal of destroyed cancer cells.


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

Quercetin is a dietary supplement and antioxidant that eats up cancer-causing free radicals in the body. It has been proven to have anti-tumor properties in both oral cancers and in leukemia, one of the most widespread and difficult to treat cancers out there. Quercetin is a naturally occurring substance found in most fruits, vegetables, leaves, and grains, all of which doctors recommend their cancer patients should eat more of.

Bacterial Therapies

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Researchers have also found that they can use anaerobic bacteria to consume the insides of oxygen-poor tumor cells in patients. When these tumors come into contact with their new oxygenated sides, they die. The one problem with this therapy is that the commonly-used bacteria, clostridium novyi, does not consume all parts of the malignant tissue and will leave some behind.

Viral Therapies

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The last, most unusual therapy is one that utilizes genetically-modified poliovirus samples to help treat cancer. This is an extremely new option and it works by using a modified type of poliovirus along with a portion of a cold-causing rhinovirus to remove the intrinsic disease-causing properties of the poliovirus. Once inside the tumor, the new version of the poliovirus destroys the cancerous cells.

Fighting the Good Fight

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It also has the added benefit of alerting our own immune system to the presence of the cancerous cells and drives them to fight against cancer too. Our immune system is trained to fight against viruses but not cancer. However, now that it sees the cancer cells as viral, it has no trouble attacking them.


Promising Cancer Treatments Story

Most of these amazing treatments are still in the experimental stage, but all have been proven to have at least some positive effect in eradicating cancer in clinical trials. The more we learn about what is possible, the more we can replace traditional cancer treatments and find ways to eventually eliminate cancer entirely.

14 New Treatments That Could Eventually Cure Cancer is an article from: LifeDaily

20 Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack


Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Our heart is vital to our survival, everyone knows this. It pumps blood through the entire body, to our brains, our limbs, our lungs, and so on from our head to our toes. Unfortunately, although it’s one of our most-vital organs, second only to the brain, many of us don’t take care of the blessed blood-pumper as well as we should.

In the United States, one in four deaths are caused by heart disease, usually in the form of a heart attack. That may be because most of us don’t know, misunderstand, or simply ignore the warning signs. But this willful ignorance and misunderstanding have proven disastrously fatal — more deaths are the result of heart disease than anything else in America. So to help educate our readers, we’ve compiled this list of 20 warning signs of a heart attack you should never ignore.

Heart Pounding

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Normally, our hearts only pound that way after a hard workout, but if it’s pounding when you’re just watching TV it could signify that your arteries are clogged with plaque, restricting the blood flow to and from your heart. This will mean that the heart has to work much, much harder to do what it does normally and should indicate that you need to see a doctor.

Irregular Beats

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Another thing to watch out for is an irregular heartbeat. Again, this is something to be expected when you’re working out, but if it’s happening all the time, then it could be a sign of an arrhythmia, the cause of which may well be heart disease. Of course, arrhythmia can be a sign of a congenital problem or an electrolyte imbalance as well, but it pays to look into it either way.

Out of Breath

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It’s not unheard of for even the most physically fit among us to be winded after an intense workout. However, if bringing the groceries up a flight of stairs leaves you so winded you need to sit down, it may be a sign that your heart isn’t working properly. In this case, it might not be pumping blood to the blood vessels in your alveoli, the air sacs in your lungs.


Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

This is also true if your breathing sounds wheezy, nasally, or is becoming more and more difficult. This may be a sign of pulmonary edema, which is a common symptom of heart disease. The best way to avoid a dire result, in this case, is to be mindful of changes in your breathing, especially if you’re overweight or have been known to have to heart conditions.

Sleep Apnea

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Further breathing issues, such as snoring, can also be the result of your heart not working as well as it should. If your snoring is coupled with a feeling in the morning of fatigue, then you might have sleep apnea. Though they aren’t always directly related, heart disease and sleep apnea often go hand-in-hand. Losing weight is actually one of the best ways to battle both conditions at once.

Feeling Tired

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

If you’re an adult, then you’re probably tired a good chunk of the time. We get it, there’s too much to do and none of us gets enough sleep each night. However, if you feel some sort of unshakeable fatigue even when having slept for a day and a night, then chances are your heart might not be pumping oxygenated blood to your brain and organs as well as it should.

Not Hungry?

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Being overweight can seriously contribute to heart disease and it’s not an easy problem to fix. If you’re struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise, and suddenly feel like you’re not really hungry, it might seem like a consummation devoutly to be wished. Unfortunately, sudden appetite loss or turning your nose up at your favorite foods is a sign something might be seriously wrong.

Feeling Queasy

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

We all get stomach aches for one reason or another. It could be a bit of undigested beef, a bad piece of fish, or some slightly spoiled cheese, but it could just as easily be a sign that something is wrong with your ticker. If you’re queasy or experience sudden vomiting or nausea out of nowhere, it could be an early warning sign that a heart attack is imminent.

Unquenchable Thirst

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

For years, experts have been telling us to drink more water. In fact, the CDC has suggested that most adults are actually drinking less than a third of what we should actually be drinking each day. That being said, if you’re drinking a ton of water and still feeling like you have an unquenchable thirst, then it could be a sign that you have heart disease.

Busted Thyroid

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story
  Nucleus Medical Media / YouTube

When things go wrong with your weight, your doctors might look to examine your thyroid to make sure that the often-overlooked gland is still regulating your metabolism properly. This may not be the first thing people think of when it comes to heart disease, but there has been a correlation between that and either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Working Harder

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Exercising isn’t easy and for those of us already a stone’s throw away from heart disease, it’s even harder. Nevertheless, it’s absolutely necessary for keeping our hearts pumping properly and minimizing the effect of McDonald’s cheeseburgers. If you find that your exercise is becoming harder rather than easier though, it may mean that your experiencing decreased blood flow or pulmonary edema.

Putting on Weight

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

If you find that despite your best efforts to maintain a balanced diet and a reasonable healthy weight seem to be having the opposite effect, it might mean that you’re already experiencing the early signs of heart disease. Rapid weight gain of more than five pounds a month without can mean edema, a sure sign of heart failure.

Swollen Ankles

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Many of us spend a good portion of our day on our feet, sometimes wearing very uncomfortable or impractical shoes. After a day like this, anyone’s legs and fee might become swollen. That being said, if your feet and ankles look to be increasing in size, it might be a sign of edema and could indicate your heart needs looking at.

Achy-Breaky Shoulder

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Many people already know this, but one of the most well-recognized signs of an impending heart attack is a sudden numbness or pain in the left shoulder. This is a widely-reported symptom and one that you should never ignore. You can distinguish it from a normal shoulder ache by the fact that it moves down into your chest, neck, jaw, or fingertips. If you feel this, call 911.

Persistent Cough

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

We all know what a cold feels like. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of rest, some chicken soup, and a few doses of NyQuil to feel better. If you’re feeling the pain of an impending heart attack, however, that persistent cough might not go away with the rest of your cold symptoms. This could be an indication of pulmonary edema.

Acid Reflux

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Eating too many spicy foods or something too acidic might cause your stomach acid to come bubbling up into your chest. Yet, if you didn’t have a big plate of nachos last night and you’re still feeling that burning sensation after a big ol’ dose of Pepto Bismol, then it could mean that your heart isn’t working properly. Also, too much heartburn can increase your chances of esophageal cancer, so you should address it either way.


Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

We all feel a bit out of sorts mentally sometimes. Heck, a little too much coffee or time in the sun can leave us feeling a bit dizzy now and again. But if this dizzy sensation occurs even when you’re perfectly hydrated, it could mean your brain isn’t receiving enough blood flow. An imminent feeling of dizziness could mean you’re not far from a heart attack.

Mass Confusion

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Many of us find it difficult to keep up with the constant tirade of 24-hour news or what movies are out this week. It’s a confusing, overstimulating world, but we can usually clarify things pretty easily. If you’re losing track of your keys or where your house is, then it might mean the same as the dizziness; that oxygenated blood isn’t making its way from your heart to your brain.

Doom be Upon You

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Heart attacks can also be preceded by a sense of impending doom. This sense of unease may actually be your hearts way of telling you that something’s wrong and it can be attributed to a sudden lack of oxygen or blood flow. Panic and breathlessness often follow it, as well as our next symptom.

Chest Pain

Heart Attack Warning Signs Story

Thanks to television and movies, everyone is familiar with the image of someone grabbing their chest and complaining of tightness when they’re about to have a heart attack. Serious chest pain is perhaps the most worrying symptom that you’re about to have a heart attack. Crushing chest pain should always be responded to with a call to paramedics, post-haste.

20 Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack is an article from: LifeDaily

Study Finds Possible Non-Surgical Alternative for Appendicitis


Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

Many people, if given the option, would rather avoid surgery whenever possible. Going under the knife can be a scary prospect when you consider the chances for complications.

So when some new alternative to surgical treatment presents itself, you can be sure that there will be interest in it, especially with a condition as serious and potentially dangerous as appendicitis.

Mysterious Organ

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

The appendix is a small, finger shaped organ located in the lower right part of the abdomen, connected to the large and small intestines by a small pouch called the cecum. We don’t have a clear understanding of what the organ does, if anything at all. In fact, the longstanding medical consensus is that the appendix is a vestigial organ, having lost its purpose long ago.

Potential Purpose

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

There is new science to suggest that the appendix may play a role in the maintaining a healthy immune system, digestive health, and the body’s gut flora, the complex community of microorganisms that live in our digestive tracts. While the science is still out on its proper function, we are certain about what can happen when the appendix isn’t behaving as it should…

Blockage Risk

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

There are a number of ways that the hollow portion of the appendix can become blocked as a result of a viral infection, parasites, gallstones, tumors, or most commonly from a calcified “stone” made of fecal matter. That can lead to increased pressure, decreased blood flow, and bacterial growth inside the appendix causing inflammation.

Serious Illness

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

That inflammation, known as appendicitis, can have dire consequences if not properly treated. In addition to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever, an untreated appendix will eventually burst, spilling infectious materials into the abdominal cavity…

Spreading Infection

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

That can lead to a septicemia, which is a serious blood infection, or peritonitis, which is a severe inflammation of the intestinal lining. A cascade of problematic reactions can follow which can ultimately end in septic shock, severely low blood pressure, multiple organ failure and, in the worst-case scenario, death.

Standard Treatment

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

For those reasons, it’s critical that problems with the appendix be identified and treated as early as possible. For decades, the standard procedure for treating appendicitis has been an appendectomy, which is the complete surgical removal of the appendix…

Early Days

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

Surgical treatment for appendicitis began when surgery itself was a relatively new idea, back in the 1880s. It was difficult at the time for doctors to choose which patients to operate on because surgery itself was risky and some patients would recover from their condition without it.

Reducing Risk

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

But as surgical knowledge and technology improved and reliable and effective anesthesia was introduced, the risks associated with performing surgery grew smaller and smaller. Eventually, the appendectomy became the standard course of action…

Quick Fix

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

Doctors tend to favor appendectomies for two main reasons. First, they want to address the problem as quickly as possible before the appendix bursts to eliminate the risk of the more serious, life-threatening infection that can result.

Not Necessary

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

Second, a person doesn’t need their appendix to live, strictly speaking. People who have their appendixes removed seem to have no significant long term health effects as a result, though they may have a slightly increased risk for some conditions like Crohn’s disease…

Potential Downsides

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

However, there are potential downsides to appendectomy as a treatment for appendicitis. There is a risk of infection at the site of the surgical incision. Those infections can quite mild, with only some redness and tenderness as symptoms, to severe, requiring antibiotics and further surgery.

Further Complications

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

There is also the possibility that an appendectomy can lead to the formation of an abscess, which is a collection of pus, in the area of the appendix or pelvis. Though the risks of those complications or the thought of surgery can be scary, many people believe that appendectomy is the only option they have…

Another Way

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

However, research in recent years has shown that there is a non-surgical option when dealing with appendicitis. When appendicitis is “uncomplicated,” meaning that the appendix has not yet ruptured, it is possible to treat it using only antibiotics.

Finnish Study

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

A recent study performed at Turku University Hospital in Finland took 530 patients with uncomplicated appendicitis and split them into two groups. One group received antibiotic treatment while the other had appendectomies. They then followed both groups for one year…

Overall Success

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

In the end, 72 percent of the group that received antibiotics didn’t require removal of their appendixes. Other studies over the last two decades have shown similar results, suggesting that the appendectomy may not necessarily need to be the first choice for treatment.

Many Get Better

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

This is especially compelling when you consider that the appendix bursts in only 15 to 25 percent of cases of appendicitis. For all other people, appendicitis eventually goes away on its own, though they will still suffer the unpleasant symptoms in the interim…

Easier Path

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

People treated only with antibiotics also required fewer doses of painkillers, which is an important factor to consider in the midst of the opioid epidemic. Those patients were also able to return to work faster than people who underwent surgery.

Other Advantages

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story
  Pictures of Money / Flickr

In further support of antibiotic-only treatment, it is also significantly less expensive than surgery, and results in 31 percent fewer complications, according to a recent study. However, there are still some advantages to the surgical option…

Not All Positives

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

The biggest one is that an antibiotic-only treatment may not be a permanent solution. In about 20 percent of cases, patients can suffer from appendicitis again within a year. And of those 20 percent, one in five of them suffer from a burst appendix and the associated complications.

Talk To Your Doctor

Appendicitis Non-Surgical Story

Ultimately, the decision to have an appendectomy or take an antibiotic-only approach should be made in conversation with your doctor. If you believe you may be suffering from appendicitis, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Study Finds Possible Non-Surgical Alternative for Appendicitis is an article from: LifeDaily

10 Causes of Sepsis and How to Treat Them


Sepsis Story

More than 257,000 Americans each year are killed by sepsis. What is sepsis you may ask? Well, sepsis is our body’s response to an exacerbated, life-threatening infection. Prolonged sepsis can result in organ tissue damage and if not addressed, can be fatal.

If you have a persistent infection resulting in a fever of 101°F and a high heart rate, you may have sepsis and should, therefore, seek medical attention. But how does one get sepsis in the first place? Here we will list 10 common causes that might just save your life…

A Common Ailment

Sepsis Story

Though it usually only kills the elderly or infirm, the flu can indeed be deadly. Extreme cases of the flu can result in potentially septic infections if left untreated. While there is a vaccine for the flu, there are no catch-all cures for the virus besides rest and recovery. If you experience worsening symptoms after a week, see a doctor.


Sepsis Story

Influenza, more commonly known as “the flu”, is one of the most common viral infections. It also happens to be one of the most contagious as well. Most of us have had it and have felt the symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, aching muscles, fatigue, and high fever. But did you know the flu can also cause sepsis?


Sepsis Story

Pneumonia is not a fun ailment to come down with and those of us who have dealt with it know all-too-well the chest pains, coughing, and labored breathing that comes along with the infection. It’s a tricky infection because it’s one that can be contracted whilst in the company of other infected people or in the hospital.


Sepsis Story

Normally, pneumonia is treated with antibiotics and these helpful microorganisms normally do the trick. Nevertheless, if antibiotics prove ineffective, the infection can worsen and eventually result in sepsis, which can then easily spread through the bloodstream of those with weaker immune systems.


Sepsis Story

Diabetes is a disease that affects more than 100 million adults in the United States. Those with diabetes cannot properly regulate their blood sugar and must monitor it in order to ensure that their blood sugar levels. If they’re too low, it means your body might starve if they are too high, well there are a number of consequences, including sepsis.

Lack of Glucose

Sepsis Story

Those with diabetes are more prone to developing wounds that don’t heal properly. Because of this, any tiny infection that isn’t properly treated can easily become aggressive. If these infections are left to their own devices, they can become septic and ultimately fatal if resistant to antibiotics.


Sepsis Story

This is a big one. The appendix, for all those that don’t know, is a tiny 3 ½-inch-long tube of tissue that extends from our large intestine. It is a vestigial organ, which means one that we used to need in prehistoric times but can do without nowadays. This is a good thing because the appendix is one organ that can and does become infected fairly easily.


Sepsis Story

Most people get through life without having their appendix removed, but if it does become inflamed, infected, and somehow bursts, sepsis can occur. Septic infections within the appendix are extremely serious and if you feel persistent pain in your lower right quadrant, it may behoove you to see a doctor as quickly as possible, just in case.

Kidney Stones

Sepsis Story

The kidneys act as a filter of sorts which removes and releases impurities and infections out into the bladder for release as urine. As such, they are one of the most important organs in the body. Kidney stones are small masses of calcium or uric acid that can sometimes form in the kidneys as a result of this filtration process.

Curative Measures

Sepsis Story

Many times, these stones are small and can pass through the ureter without issue. When they are too big to pass or become stuck, they can lead to infections within the kidneys and may have to be removed surgically. If these infections worsen to the point of sepsis, it’s possible that the kidney itself might have to be removed to avoid the spread of infection.

Urinary Tract Infections

Sepsis Story

Often, when kidney stones become dislodged, even if they do make it through the ureter and out of the body, they may scrape against the inside of the urinary tract. This can lead to urinary tract infections. By the same token, any foreign or dangerous bacteria entering the urinary tract can cause painful infections.

Seek Medical Help

Sepsis Story

These types usually affect more women than they do men, but no one is immune to them. Antibiotics are usually administered at the first onset of the infection but if the condition spreads back to the kidneys, sepsis may develop as a result. The term for this is specifically named as urosepsis. Seek medical help right away if you suspect you have a UTI.


Sepsis Story

Meningitis is caused as a result of the inflammation of the protective tissues covering the brain and spinal cord. These are known as the meninges and known collectively as the meninges. Many things can inflame the meninges but bacteria, viruses, and fungi are the three most common culprits of meningitis affecting us today.

Increasing Severity

Sepsis Story

Meningitis infections can be severe and can result in a difficult to cure a case of sepsis. The brain and spinal cord regulate everything in our bodies so it’s important to know the signs of meningitis and seek medical help as soon as possible. Common symptoms consist of: fever, headache, neck stiffness, confusion, altered consciousness, vomiting, and an inability to tolerate light or loud noises.

Autoimmune Disease

Sepsis Story

Autoimmune diseases are also a fairly common cause of sepsis today. By definition, an autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body’s immune system is defective. Rather than attack bacteria, viruses, and other infections, the confused immune system instead attacks its own healthy cells.

Many Symptoms

Sepsis Story

Some examples of autoimmune diseases are celiac disease, diabetes mellitus type 1, Graves’ disease, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. These are all potentially dangerous diseases that can compromise how our body fights off infections, thereby resulting in difficult to treat cases of sepsis.

Blood Poisoning

Sepsis Story

It may seem slightly redundant, but the term “blood poisoning” doesn’t just mean sepsis. This blanket term is often used to describe not only septicemia but any type of bacteremia. Bacteremia means that there are bacteria in the blood, whereas septicemia describes any kind of blood infection, including those caused by unchecked viruses.

Effective Antibiotics

Sepsis Story

One of the worst cases of blood poisoning is one that affects the white blood cells in our blood. It is often misdiagnosed as a form of sepsis but is actually an infection that can result in sepsis. Most of these blood infections can be severe and many can be fatal because the infection sometimes spreads as our blood circulates. Antibiotics are needed in most cases of blood poisoning.


Sepsis Story

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease born of a parasite that affects humans and other animals alike. It is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. In 2017 alone, the World Health Organization reported 216 million cases of it across the globe. Though most of these cases were in Africa and other tropical regions.

Dangerous Reaction

Sepsis Story

Symptoms of malaria include fatigue, fever, vomiting, headaches, yellowing skin, and seizures. Coma and death can occur if the disease is left untreated, along with, you guessed it, sepsis. Remember, if you’re traveling to a region known to be home to malaria, take the necessary precautions and protect yourself.

10 Causes of Sepsis and How to Treat Them is an article from: LifeDaily

Concussions: Read This Before Signing Your Child Up for Football


Football Concussions Story

Professional football is the most popular spectator sport in the United States. The National Football League (NFL) brings in more revenue than the National Basketball Association, National Hockey League, and Major League Baseball combined. And, year after year, the Super Bowl is the most watched television event in America.

But in the past few years, one of the hidden consequences of the popular sport has come to light after a number of high profile football players were revealed to have extensive, hidden injuries as a result of their careers, some of which ended up being fatal.

High Impact Sport

Football Concussions Story

Any sport where large men routinely crash into each other moving as quickly as possible is bound to carry the risk of injury along with the excitement. In football, athletes take precautions by wearing protective body armor and helmets. But even with those precautions, scientists have learned that serious harm is almost inevitable.

Dangerous Injuries

Football Concussions Story

Aside from the dislocated shoulders, the torn ACLs, and the other various injuries that are common across all sports, scientists have discovered that the repeated tackling and clashing of helmeted heads in football can have serious long term effects on the health of athletes’ brains…

Precious Cargo

Football Concussions Story

Underneath the artificial armor of the helmet and the natural armor of the skull sits the vitally important and utterly fragile brain. When a person is struck on the head, it can cause damage to the brain regardless of those layers of protection.

Internal Damage

Football Concussions Story

That’s because a blow can cause the brain to bounce around and twist inside the skull, causing what’s known as a traumatic brain injury or concussion. That temporary deformation of the brain during impact can cause individual neurons to be stretched and damaged and brain chemistry can be thrown out of whack…

Serious Effects

Football Concussions Story

If the blow is hard enough, the person struck may pass out but even if they don’t they may still experience symptoms of concussion including “seeing stars,” confusion, headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, and fatigue, all of which can last anywhere from a few hours to months.

Almost Certain

Football Concussions Story

The routine smashing of bodies and heads in games and in practice makes concussions almost a certainty. Despite new rules put in place to reduce helmet on helmet collisions, documented concussions in the league went up from 243 in the 2016 season to 281 in the 2017 season…

Cumulative Damage

Football Concussions Story

However, that data doesn’t cover those concussions that go undocumented or the countless other blows to the head that don’t reach the level of a concussion but still may pose a risk to the brain. The accumulated effect of all of those blows over time can result in chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE.

Degenerative Disease

Football Concussions Story

CTE is a degenerative brain disease where a specific type of protein called tau accumulates in clumps in the brain, interrupting its proper function. Scientists believe the tau protein is dislodged from brain fibers during injury. In 2005, researchers published the first confirmed case of CTE in an NFL player…

Slow To Show

Football Concussions Story

The symptoms of CTE manifest themselves slowly over time, usually taking eight to ten years to show up after repeated brain traumas and the symptoms only get worse over time. At first, CTE results in subtle things like headaches, short-term memory loss, and attention problems.

Severe Decline

Football Concussions Story

But as the condition progresses, “most subjects also showed a profound loss of attention and concentration, executive dysfunction, language difficulties, explosively aggressive tendencies, paranoia, depression, gait and visuospatial difficulties,” according to a study that assessed 85 brains of former athletes and veterans who suffered from CTE…

Coming To The Public Eye

Football Concussions Story

The violence and depression associated with CTE are really what brought it to the forefront of the NFL fan’s mind as several former players, including hall of fame linebacker Junior Seau were found to have CTE in autopsies performed after they committed suicide.

How Common?

Football Concussions Story

It’s unclear exactly how many football players have CTE because the condition can only reliably be diagnosed by an autopsy. However the frequency of CTE in those autopsied is alarming to say the least…

Major Study

Football Concussions Story

In 2017, the Journal of American Medical Association published the results of a major study where they had collected and autopsied the brains of 202 former football players who had donated their brains to science or had their brains donated by next of kin. Some of the players studied had played in the NFL, some only in college, and a few that only played in high school.

Extremely High Rate

Football Concussions Story

A staggering 87.6 percent, 177 out of 202, of those brains studied were diagnosed with CTE. Those who played football longer were more likely to have worse brain damage, with a full 99% of the former NFL players having CTE. That finding strongly suggested that the effects of brain trauma on CTE are cumulative…

The Later The Better

Football Concussions Story

A number of other studies performed seemed to show that athletes who started playing tackle football before the age of 12 suffered more damage and showed symptoms sooner than player who started later, even if they played the same number of years, suggesting that the earlier a person begins the worse it is for their brain’s health.

Change Of Opinion

Football Concussions Story

While the science is far from complete, it has had a significant effect on participation in football. The number of high school students playing the sport dropped by 25,000 in the 2016-17 school year and celebrities like Justin Timberlake and President Obama saying they wouldn’t let their sons play football. Even retired star quarterback Brett Favre said he’d prefer his grandsons play golf over football…

Acknowledging The Problem

Football Concussions Story

After downplaying the and denying the dangers of concussions and long term brain damage for years. But pressure from the public in the face of mounting evidence, the NFL finally acknowledged the problem in 2009.


Football Concussions Story

Now the league donates millions to concussion-related research, though there was some controversy about that when the NFL “backed out of a major study that had been awarded to a researcher who had been critical of the league,” according to ESPN…

Rules Changes

Football Concussions Story

The NFL has also incorporated some rules changes to make the game safer for players, including a strict protocol of rest and diagnosis after a potential concussion before a player can return to play.

Danger Remains

Football Concussions Story

They’ve also banned helmet-to-helmet hits and limited the amount of contact allowed in practices. Though these are positive steps, they don’t change the fundamental nature of the game, which is man-to-man collisions. Until that ends, some risk of head injury will always remain.

Concussions: Read This Before Signing Your Child Up for Football is an article from: LifeDaily

Man Needs Emergency Surgery After Shooting Himself with Nail Gun


Doug Bergeson Story

News anchors called him the epitome of Iron Man, adding that he’s the kind of guy you want in a high-pressure situation. Around the world, he became known as the calmest man to ever have a nail pierce his chest.

The following story gives an in-depth look into what really happened that day and how this man’s actions were the determining factor in his survival. Whether he lived or died depended on what he did next in this highly-stressful situation. His story made headlines thanks to his humor and calm demeanor.

A House Work Accident

Doug Bergeson Story

As Doug Bergeson worked on adding a frame to the fireplace at his house near Peshtigo, in northeast Wisconsin, his nail gun accidentally fired. This sent a nail ricocheting off some nearby wood and into his chest. “I thought it nicked me,” Bergeson recalled in an interview. “I looked down. I couldn’t see anything.”

Staying Calm

Doug Bergeson Story

“I was kind of in an awkward spot,” he said. “And I wasn’t quite ready for the nail gun to go off and it fired … where I didn’t want it to go.” But, being that he felt fine and wasn’t worried about the injury, Bergeson remained calm.

“I Have a Nail in My Chest”

Doug Bergeson Story

“I couldn’t feel any pressure or blood building up.” But as he tugged at his sweatshirt, he realized only about 1 inch of the 3 ½ inch nail was sticking out of his chest. “I could see the nail moving with my heartbeat. It was kind of twitching with every heartbeat,” he said.

No Need to Call 911

Doug Bergeson Story

Being that Bergeson was more annoyed than worried, he knew he had to go to the emergency room. But he didn’t bother calling 911 to take him because he didn’t want to bother anyone. “Well, I don’t like to bother people if I don’t have to, and you know I felt pretty good,” Bergeson told CBC’s Mike Finnerty.

Driving Himself to the Hospital

Doug Bergeson Story

So he washed up, hopped in his truck and made his way to Bay Area Medical Center in Marinette. “I got a three-quarter-tonne truck, so it picks up all the bumps in the road … and it just kind of aggravated it a little bit,” Bergeson said. But after driving about eight miles, he knew he needed the nail taken out.

Time is of the Essence

Doug Bergeson Story

It took him 15 minutes to get to the hospital and once he did, he found a “good parking spot.” After parking his truck, Bergeson walked into the ER and noticed there was another patient at the reception desk, so he leaned over the security guard and said …

A Calm Demeanor

Doug Bergeson Story

“I’ve got a nail in my chest. I’m just going to sit down here. If you can find somebody to help me out, that would be just fantastic.” It was arguably the most level-headed conversation that ever existed between a man with a nail in his chest and hospital security.

Texting His Wife

Doug Bergeson Story

After disclosing what was going on, the medical staff immediately rushed to his aid. While doctors started working on Bergeson, he was busy texting his wife who happened to be at church that day. “At the we,” he texted — the message auto-corrected “ER” to “we” and his wife Donna had no idea what it meant.

“I’m OK”

Doug Bergeson Story

Once the couple spoke, Bergeson calmly told his wife that he was fine. Figuring he would be on his way home soon after a little medical attention, he asked her to bring him a new shirt. Naturally, the medical staff had to cut off the one he was wearing in order to tend to the nail in his chest.

Rushing to Her Husband’s Side

Doug Bergeson Story

Mrs. Bergeson arrived at the hospital and asked her husband, “What did you do?” To which he shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Oops.” After taking X-rays, it was determined that Bergeson needed surgery.


Doug Bergeson Story

Hospital staff rushed him by ambulance to Aurora BayCare Medical Center in Green Bay. He offered to drive himself, but emergency personnel wouldn’t let him. Dr. Alexander Roitstein, a cardiothoracic surgeon, said that the nail was 1/16 of an inch from a major artery.

It Could Have Ended Terribly

Doug Bergeson Story
  Aurora Health Care / YouTube

“It was also difficult to access how deeply the nail penetrated, although the nail did leave bruising and a nail-sized hole,” said Roitstein. “A wrong heartbeat, a wrong position and he would have had a much more complicated problem than he was bargaining for.”

“A Close Call”

Doug Bergeson Story

“He’s quite fortunate from that standpoint,” Roitstein said after confirming the nail did hit Bergeson’s heart. The nail had just missed the main artery in his heart by the thickness of a piece of paper. “It was a very close call.”


Doug Bergeson Story

After spending two days in the hospital, Doug left with some bruising, a scar, and an appreciation for the power of nail guns. “Accidents, they happen so quickly, and fortunately this one had a good ending,” he said. Luckily he did not suffer any permanent damage.

Awakening Experience

Doug Bergeson Story

Doug would return to work after a week at the Village of Lena waterworks plant. He also has a vegetable farm and a construction business. “I feel pretty good. I’m back to doing things carefully,” he said, adding that “It was a pretty awakening experience.”

Steve Irwin

Doug Bergeson Story

After the ordeal, Roitstein commended Bergeson for not removing the nail. “He was very astute not to remove it because he remembered Steve Irwin, and that’s what played through his head,” says Roitstein. Many may remember Steve Irwin …

Crocodile Hunter

Doug Bergeson Story

Irwin, more popularly known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” died in 2006 after a stingray stung him. Initial reports claimed that he died from a loss of blood because he pulled the barb out of his chest. Those reports were later refuted, but it’s generally believed that certain puncture wounds should be left alone until examined by a medical professional.


Doug Bergeson Story

When our bodies are injured, our instincts and fears may motivate us to get rid of the impaled object as quickly as possible. However, removing an object that is stuck, whether in your chest, heart, hand, leg, eye or other body part, can be the deciding factor in what happens to you.

Acting as a Plug

Doug Bergeson Story

In very extreme cases, pulling an impaled object out of your body can lead to a loss of blood and even death. If you think of a sharp object, such as a knife, going into the body in one smooth motion, it will likely create a wound internally similar to the size of a knife. But it also acts as a cork or plug, fitting into the wound.

Advice for Others

Doug Bergeson Story

If it is pulled out, any blood vessels that are cut will no longer have the knife pressing against them, allowing them to bleed freely. “Any object penetrating into the flesh should be left in place if at all possible,” according to Staten Island Live. “Objects that are not very sharp or have barbs or jagged edges can do more damage on the way out. They should be left in place.”

Man Needs Emergency Surgery After Shooting Himself with Nail Gun is an article from: LifeDaily

After Struggling with Infertility, Couple Finds Happiness by Adopting 6 Children


Alo Moli Story

Everyone deals with the diagnosis of infertility differently, and while some are open to a child-free life, others explore alternatives. Regardless of what the outcome may be though, everyone’s fertility story is different, as shown by an Arizona couple in the following story.

After falling in love and getting married, they began to plan their future together. When they were hit with the bombshell that they couldn’t conceive, the heartbreaking news shattered their lives and tore apart their friendships. But they were able to turn the painful experience into a positive one when they decided to adopt.

Met in College

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

Alo Moli was a football player at Mesa Community College in Arizona when he met the love of his life, Ashley Watson. She was attending Arizona State University in 2012, and after a year of dating, the couple decided they wanted to get married.

The Wedding

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

The ceremony was in Utah, and Moli remembers the day like it was yesterday. “My heart was so full and there was nothing more beautiful than seeing my wife in her wedding dress,” he recalled. After the pair married, they began sharing their dreams for the future, including having and raising children, but they didn’t anticipate the trials they would face.

Her Health was in Jeopardy

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

Their dreams of becoming a family were overshadowed by hospital visits. Moli even had to end his football career to take care of his wife. “My wife suffers from endometriosis and had severe pelvic pain and ruptured cysts. She was also hospitalized for pneumonia,” Moli told Yahoo Lifestyle.

Conceiving was Difficult

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

He continued, “Due to the issues with my wife’s health and in regards to her reproductive system, we had tried to conceive for years, and it just wasn’t working out for us.” Moli admitted that it was a very dark time for him and his wife — they felt utterly defeated.

Accepting Defeated

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

The most difficult part for Moli was seeing his wife distraught because she couldn’t have children. No matter what, she would always apologize to him saying, “Alo … I’m so sorry I can’t have kids. I’m sorry that I can’t give you what we wanted. I’m just sorry for everything.” Sadly, there was nothing Moli could do or say to convince his wife that he didn’t blame her.

A Toll on Their Relationships

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

Over time, not having children took a toll on their marriage and the couple’s friendships also began to suffer. Friends of theirs that were expecting knew how hard it was for them to see others who were pregnant, so they sort of backed away. Moli explained, “It got to the point that [friends] were afraid to announce their pregnancies around us because of our current situation and did not want to be insensitive.”

Jealous of Their Friends’ Happiness

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

“We felt horrible for not being able to express how happy we were for them,” Moli continued, “but they knew deep down that we were hurting.” However, before giving up hope of having a family of their own, the couple vowed to explore being foster parents.

The Next Best Thing

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

Doing so wouldn’t require them to commit to adopting a child, so it was the next best thing to having their own biological child to take care of. However, Moli confessed that the thought of loving someone else’s child as their own seemed hard to process at first.

Becoming Foster Parents

Alo Moli Story

But they knew it was what they ultimately wanted, so at the beginning of 2015, they decided to become foster parents. Moli received a call from his brother saying that he had good news to share. “We have a family of three who was just placed in the state’s custody that is needing a home and you were the first ones I wanted to talk with.”

A Multitude of Emotions

Alo Moli Story
  Lifey Missions / YouTube

Moli called his wife with the news and he felt both nervous and anxious that this might actually be happening. “We had spoken for what seemed like an eternity and came to the decision that we were going to take them in.” After calling his brother with the good news, Moli learned that the family of three was actually part of a family of six.

Taking in All Six Siblings

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

While this would seem like a bit of a reach for any family, Moli felt that if anyone could do it, he and his wife could. After speaking with his wife, they agreed they could never separate siblings, so they planned to take all six children in. The siblings included four boys (now ages 4, 7, 18, and 21) and two girls (now ages 16 and 19).

Thrown a Curveball

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

Moli shared a photo of the family on his Twitter explaining, “We took in this family of 6 and they looked like they were just as defeated as we were … and we were okay with that. All we wanted to give them was the love we’ve been yearning to give to our unborn children.” But as the months went by, they learned the children had more needs than they anticipated.

Raising Children with Special Needs

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

Four of the six children had special needs, and despite this, Moli and Watson loved them just the same. However, they admitted it was difficult at first. “It was pretty hard to understand their ways of thinking and how to raise their delicate lives. We read and experimented different ways, but [what] I loved most: My wife was getting her light back,” Moli explained.

The Unexpected

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

The couple had to implement a lifestyle that was not only conducive to their children, but also to them as parents. They explained that having children with special needs meant there will be “spontaneous moments that keep us on our toes.” While taking care of six children can be chaotic at times …

Making it Work

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

… the Molis do their best to schedule times for naps, appointments, and their daily routines. Over time, they developed a set schedule that works for them. After three years passed, they decided to make it official and adopt all six children. On April 3, 2018, the kids took on Moli’s last name and even changed their first names, incorporating names from Watson’s side of the family.  

To Those Struggling with Infertility

Alo Moli Story
  holy_moli88 / Twitter

They decided to share their journey on social media to show anyone struggling with infertility that there is light at the end of the tunnel. “If you or anyone is struggling with infertility, I’m here for you. I understand that at times it feels like a lonely road, but I’m here to lend an ear,” Moli wrote on his Twitter account.

Sharing Their Journey

Alo Moli Story

He also tweeted a photo montage of the couple’s journey since they met, got married, took in the foster children, and then became an official family. Included with each photo is a positive message, including the emotional process they went through every step of the way.

It All Comes Down to Love

Alo Moli Story
  TODAY / YouTube

“Our journey to get to this point was worth every ounce of what is left today: Love. Loving them regardless of their situation and history of where they came from.” Moli even shared advice for parents considering taking in foster children.

Advice for Parents

Alo Moli Story

He told Yahoo Lifestyle, “Sometimes the word ‘foster’ has a lot of negative connotations when in all reality it can be the biggest blessing to you in time of need. Although having a biological child of our own is a huge goal, you can always look at other options. Do your research.”

What Family Means

Alo Moli Story
  Lisiate Tukuafu / YouTube

Since adopting the children, the couple has been able to provide them with a new life and stability after coming from a terrible experience. They have also shown them what unconditional love is and what being part of a family should feel like.

After Struggling with Infertility, Couple Finds Happiness by Adopting 6 Children is an article from: LifeDaily

You May Have Endometriosis if You Experience These Symptoms


Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Endometriosis has remained a relatively unknown, yet very serious condition. When compared to heart disease or cancer, the two leading causes of death in the United States, it’s almost unheard of. However, endometriosis is quite common, affecting an estimate of one in 10 women between the ages of 15 to 49 — approximately 176 million women globally.

Now, what endometriosis is and how it develops are both complex topics, which we do our best to explain in the paragraphs below. What’s important while answering both of these questions is also recognizing the symptoms of endometriosis and knowing what to do when experiencing each.

In a Nutshell

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Simply put, endometriosis is the “development of uterine-lining tissue outside the uterus,” according to the WebMD website. During endometriosis, this uterine-lining tissue, called the endometrium, grows not only outside the uterus but can also grow on other organs within the body. When this happens, although the endometrium continues to function normally (other than growing outside the uterus), certain symptoms can occur, but not always …

Thickening Tissue

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

The fact that the endometrium continues to function normally — meaning it continues to break down each menstrual cycle — during endometriosis, is part of the problem. Since the endometrium has grown outside of the uterus, the blood that usually leaves the body through menstruation becomes trapped within the abdominal cavity. This abnormality can sometimes affect the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and the tissue inside of the pelvis.


Endometriosis Symptoms Story

When endometriosis finds its way into the ovaries it can be even very painful. Cysts known as endometriomas can form and the tissue surrounding them can often become irritated. This, in turn, forms scar tissue and abnormal bands of fibrous tissue called adhesions. These adhesions can sometimes cause pelvic organs and tissues to stick to one another.


Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Instead of a symptom as apparent as searing pain within the abdomen, oftentimes women will go to the doctor’s office in search of infertility treatment not knowing that there’s much more going on. This, in general, is how most women find out they have endometriosis. And as the condition increasingly affects more and more women, it’s something gynecologists regularly look for when asked to treat infertility.

Menstrual Pain

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

The primary symptom of endometriosis is closely associated with pain in and around the pelvic region. Normally, this pain is simply associated with a menstrual period and is simply chalked up to dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Those suffering from endometriosis, however, experience a different kind of cramping than usual.


Endometriosis Symptoms Story

The pain and cramping from endometriosis may actually begin prior to the menstrual cycle and then extend for several days afterward. This pain might even extend up the lower back or around to the abdominal muscles. It tends to be much worse than other menstrual pain and can be situated differently depending on where the endometrial growths reside.

Much Bleeding

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Endometriosis can also result in excessive bleeding during a menstrual period as well. Women who have the disorder may experience much heavier periods, called menorrhagia. Those with endometriosis might also experience menometrorrhagia or bleeding between periods. This condition, called intermenstrual bleeding, but more commonly referred to as “spotting,” in and of itself can be worrisome enough. It can also be a symptom of endometriosis.

Over Time

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Those who suffer from endometriosis have also reported that the painful cramping can also increase with time. Pain is generally relative of course, so the severity of it isn’t exactly a reliable indicator as to the true extent of the condition. This is particularly true when you see that some women find the pain to be intense, while advanced cases may have little or no pain at all.

Painful Intercourse

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

As if the pain before, during, and following a menstrual cycle isn’t bad enough, endometriosis can also cause sexual intercourse to become extremely painful. This should, of course, be obvious based on the other symptoms, but it is not uncommon for someone suffering from this condition to feel pain following or even while having sex.

Painful Expulsion

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Women suffering from endometriosis can also experience pain during bowel movements or urination. This pain is most commonly felt during the menstrual cycle, which may not be as noticeable if the pain isn’t overly severe. The condition can also cause bouts of diarrhea, constipation, and bleeding during urination — also during the menstrual period.

Painful … Everything

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Pain can also be experienced in the pelvic area, bladder, bowels, and lower back. As a result of myriad pains, sufferers can also experience chronic fatigue. Think about how it would feel to be in constant pain — it would be exhausting for anyone. Therefore, if experiencing both pain and exhaustion, it may be time to consult a physician.

Rare Symptoms

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Pain in the abdomen and fatigue are the most common symptoms of the condition. Some endometriosis sufferers have also had additional symptoms like chest discomfort or coughing blood, both due to endometriosis in the lungs. There have even been reports of endometriosis in the brain, which causes headaches or worse.


Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Many doctors might misdiagnose the symptoms of endometriosis as evidence of some other condition. The pelvic pain associated with it might be construed as ovarian cysts or pelvic inflammatory disease. The abdominal pain and painful bowel movements could be assumed to be irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Discovering Symptoms

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

The presence of IBS symptoms or potential ovarian cysts could most definitely complicate a proper diagnosis. It’s important to understand that in most cases, endometriosis is usually detected based on the pattern of the symptoms, coupled with a physical examination. Unfortunately, the only definite diagnosis involves laparoscopic surgery.

Retrograde Menstruation

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Although the exact cause of endometriosis is not certain, there are a number of possible explanations for the disorder. One of these causes is something called retrograde menstruation. This means that menstrual blood, containing endometrial cells, ends up flowing back through the Fallopian tubes rather than leaving the body.


Endometriosis Symptoms Story

There are other potential causes of the disorder as well. One of the current explanations involves a possible autoimmune disorder. In this scenario, the body’s immune system may be unable to recognize and destroy endometrial tissue growing unchecked outside of the uterus in the pelvic cavity.

Causes and Complications

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

The list of other potential causes of the condition includes the transformation of peritoneal or embryonic cells into endometrial cells and surgical scar implantation. Whatever the reason, endometriosis can come with a number of complications. Chief among them is a fertility impairment. Approximately one-third to one-half of the women suffering from endometriosis have trouble getting pregnant.

Holding it Back

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

For pregnancy to occur, an egg must be released from an ovary, where it travels through the adjoining Fallopian tube and becomes fertilized by a sperm cell. After that, it attaches itself to the uterine wall and begins development. However, if endometrial cells obstruct the tube, they might separate the sperm and the egg, or else damage one or either of the two in the bargain.

The ‘C’ Word

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

Perhaps the most severe complication associated with endometriosis is that it can result in ovarian cancer. Though it is not directly linked, this type of cancer does occur at a higher rate in women with endometriosis than those without. It even has its own rare form of cancer called endometriosis-associated adenocarcinoma.

There is Hope

Endometriosis Symptoms Story

There is no cure for endometriosis at this point, but all hope is not lost. In fact, many women who suffer from moderate or mild endometriosis can still conceive and carry a child to term. Cancer is not a foregone conclusion by any means, and the pain can be treated with medication and surgery if it gets to that point.

You May Have Endometriosis if You Experience These Symptoms is an article from: LifeDaily

20 Diabetes Signs And Symptoms You’re Probably Ignoring


Diabetes Symptoms Story

More than 30 million individuals — roughly 9.4 percent of the American population — currently deal with one of the most common diseases in human history. Frequent urination, a common symptom of the disease, was first reported in 1552 B.C. by an Egyptian physician name Hesy-Ra. Diabetes is a disease that affects the way our body manages its own blood sugar. It’s debilitating, disheartening, and potentially deadly if it’s not taken care of. What’s worse, 7.2 million US citizens don’t even realize they have it.

Many of these people may not want to know they have diabetes, as a positive diagnosis means a number of difficult lifestyle changes ahead. Ultimately though, knowing is better than not knowing. To help you discern the truth, we’ve compiled 20 signs and symptoms that might help spur you to get tested.

Sudden Slimming

Diabetes Symptoms Story

It may seem like a strange symptom, but one of the first signs of diabetes is unintentional weight loss. Now, because diabetes is sometimes in direct correlation to a lifetime of obesity, it may seem like a dream come true to suddenly and miraculously shed pounds. Unfortunately, abrupt weight loss is the first sign that the pancreas, which regulates insulin, isn’t working right.

Putting on Pounds

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Many diabetics are first tipped off to their condition by the fact that they experience sudden weight loss, but it’s also just as common to notice a sudden increase in weight at the onset of the disease. This is due to the fact that diabetes and thyroid disorders often go hand-in-hand. The thyroid regulates our metabolism, so when this and the pancreas are both not working, unwanted weight shifts are the obvious effect.

Gum Troubles

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Our mouths can indicate a great deal about our overall health. Our teeth and gums are especially indicative of problems that might otherwise be overlooked. Gum inflammation is often an indication that your blood sugar is levels are just too high. Receding gums and excessive bleeding when you floss are other indications that you might want to see an endocrinologist.

Sweet Teeth

Diabetes Symptoms Story

If the puffy, bleeding gums weren’t enough of an indicator, many diabetics notice that they have developed a sweet-smelling or even nail polish-smelling breath even before they’re diagnosed. If you have this malady, see a doctor immediately as it’s often a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis. This means your body can’t effectively convert glucose into energy and that your blood sugar might be at potentially fatal levels.

Insatiable Appetite

Diabetes Symptoms Story

If you’re suddenly hungry all the time, that is, hungrier than usual with increasing frequency, then it could mean that your body is trying to tell you something. Many diabetics experience extreme hunger because their sugar in their blood isn’t being converted into energy. This usually happens when you’re diabetes is left untreated.


Diabetes Symptoms Story

Sometimes, if you’re diabetic, an uneasy, queasy feeling in your stomach can be the result of your condition rather than simple nausea. Sugar levels that are either too high or too low can cause nausea and that persistent unsettling sensation in your stomach could be the first sign that something might be seriously wrong.


Diabetes Symptoms Story

Some diabetics will experience numbness or tingling in their hands and feet. This is a sign that your blood sugar levels might be slightly elevated. High blood sugar can cause nerve damage, most commonly in your hands and treat. If it’s left untreated, it can lead to tissue damage, sepsis, and in the most extreme cases, it may require amputation.

Strange Lesions

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Those who don’t know they have diabetes may look to their shins for the first clues. If you notice several round or oval lesions appearing on your lower legs, you may be showing the first signs of diabetic dermopathy. This condition occurs in a whopping 55 percent of all diabetes diagnoses. If not cared for, these lesions can actually become infected, and infections are no joke for diabetics.

Slow Regeneration

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Diabetics that suffer cuts, scrapes, bruises, or who undergo surgery, will often find that these wounds take much longer to heal. Cuts that have been around for months might look as though you just got them. This is usually due to a combination of high blood sugar and poor circulation. It also means that these open wounds are more likely to become seriously infected.

Infections Galore

Diabetes Symptoms Story

If you happen to be dealing with chronic skin infections, gum infections, or frequent urinary tract infections that just won’t go away, you might have diabetes. Persistent high blood sugar levels have been proven to weaken a person’s immune system, which means infections stick around longer and can come back more often. They can also worsen quicker, becoming septic if left untreated.

Excessive Thirst

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Doctors have been telling us to drink more water for years now. Most of us should be drinking eight glasses a day but never seem to get around to it. Diabetics, however, will find an unquenchable thirst that’s hard to ignore. What’s actually happening is that their bodies are trying to help them flush out all that extra sugar in their blood with more water.

Frequent Urination

Diabetes Symptoms Story

If you have diabetes and suffer from an excess of blood sugar, then you may find yourself rushing to the bathroom far more often than a normal person. You see, when kidneys are made to compensate for all that extra blood sugar, they tend to work on overdrive. This, coupled with the excessive thirst mentioned above, ensures that you’ll be in and out of bathrooms regularly.

Dark Patches

Diabetes Symptoms Story

One of the most unusual physical changes one can undergo because of diabetes is a strange darkening of the skin that has nothing at all to do with tanning. This darkening of the skin on the hands, feet, folds of skin, armpits, groin, and along the neck is called acanthosis nigricans and is one of the first signs of diabetes. It occurs when insulin levels are too high. Your body increases the production of skin cells with more pigmentation, giving skin an overall darker look.

Snappy Temper

Diabetes Symptoms Story

If you notice that your attitude is rapidly becoming as dark as the blotchy skin suddenly appearing on your hands, then you might have diabetes. Snappy dispositions are a sure sign of changes in blood sugar levels. This irritability can just easily be attributed to the constant hunger, thirst, nausea, tingling, and mood swings you’re already feeling from the onset of the disease as well.

Down in the Dumps

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Diabetes and depression can go hand-in-hand as well. If you’re suddenly feeling a bit down in the dumps and can’t seem to zero in on why, then you might be able to blame it on diabetes as well. Like the aforementioned irritability, rapid surges or dips in blood sugar can affect mood as easily as anything else.

Always Tired

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Getting a good night’s sleep is sometimes all we need to start feeling better. Eight hours of unimpeded rest are hard to come by. Yet, if you’re getting that amount and more, and still feeling exhausted by noon, you might be dealing with some fluctuating blood sugar levels. Diabetes affects circulation and can prevent oxygenated blood from reach your brain, rendering you tired.

Lower Sex Drive

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Speaking of circulation, men with diabetes may find that there is a noticeable sign in the area of sexual arousal. A loss in the ability to get erections may be to a problem with blood sugar levels and it’s pretty easy to correlate the two. A recent study found that 71 percent of men with diabetes also suffer from erectile dysfunction as well.

No Drive at All

Diabetes Symptoms Story

It’s not just men who suffer from this condition, though it results in a more cerebral shift when it comes to women. The combination of fatigue, poor circulation to “non-necessary organs,” and outright depression will wreak havoc on your sex drive. Many diabetics find that they have difficulty getting aroused, much less staying aroused while their blood sugar dips.

Lady Troubles

Diabetes Symptoms Story
  Health News / YouTube

Some women with diabetes will develop a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This condition often comes along with diabetes as both are attributed to insulin resistance. They also both have much to do with hormone dysfunction. In many cases though, the answer to both is as simple as watching your weight and keeping an eye on your insulin levels.

Blurred Vision

Diabetes Symptoms Story

Sudden changes to vision, specifically persistent blurriness should always be addressed by a doctor. Blurry vision is a sure sign that something is wrong with your eyes and it can often be attributed to diabetes. High blood sugar levels can cause swelling in the lenses of your eye which then distorts sight. This effect can be temporary as long as it’s managed, but if it goes too far, the results can be as extreme as blindness.

20 Diabetes Signs And Symptoms You’re Probably Ignoring is an article from: LifeDaily

The 10 Symptoms That Mean You May Have Lupus


Lupus Symptoms Story

Lupus is a mysterious disease that is little understood by the public and has perplexed the medical community for over a century. We are unclear exactly what causes it and its symptoms vary from case to case and can seem to come and go without reason.

As difficult as it may be to diagnose, there are signs to look out for that you may have lupus. The more you know about what lupus is, how it works, and what symptoms it may have, the better able you are to tell if you have Lupus…


Lupus Symptoms Story

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease. That means that instead of just attacking foreign invaders into the body, the immune system turns on the person’s own body, attacking and destroying healthy tissue.

Not Like HIV

Lupus Symptoms Story

Lupus is quite a bit different from HIV, the most well known autoimmune disease. Lupus isn’t contagious at all and can’t be passed from one person to another, even through sexual contact. Where HIV or AIDS makes the immune system underactive, lupus has the opposite effect, making the immune system overactive…

Varying In Severity

Lupus Symptoms Story

While some cases of lupus can be life-threatening, some can be mild. Regardless of the severity, it should always be treated by a doctor. With proper medical care, most people with lupus can lead a long, full life.

Unclear Numbers

Lupus Symptoms Story

In the United States, more than 16,000 new cases of lupus are reported each year. Most estimates calculate that there are at least 1.5 million Americans affected by the disease, though the actual numbers may be higher…

Different Risk Levels

Lupus Symptoms Story

While anyone can have lupus, people in certain demographics ale an a greater risk of developing the disease. Women are far more likely to develop lupus than men, women of color develop it at two to three times the rate of Caucasians, and most people develop the disease between the ages of 15 and 44.

Hard To Spot

Lupus Symptoms Story

For those that do have lupus, the symptoms can be difficult to recognize. For one thing, the symptoms tend to flare up at times followed by periods of remission, which can make them easier to dismiss…

The Major Signs

Lupus Symptoms Story

The early symptoms of the disease are also similar to those of other conditions, meaning that if you experience one or more of them, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have lupus. That said, there are ten symptoms you should be on the look out for that may mean you have it.


Lupus Symptoms Story

The first and most common symptom is fatigue. About 90 percent of people with lupus experience some level of fatigue. While it can be debilitating for some, others can make it through the day just fine with the help of an afternoon nap…


Lupus Symptoms Story

People with lupus may experience fever but it can be different from what you would typically experience from a viral or bacterial infection. Rather than the intense fever that may can be caused by something like the flu, a fever caused by lupus tends to be low-grade.


Lupus Symptoms Story

That means that a person’s body temperature will usually be just above normal — between 98.5˚F (36.9˚C) and 101˚F (38.3˚C) — if it’s caused by lupus. Because it may not be much warmer than the person’s normal body temperature, they might not think they need to see a doctor, even though such fevers may occur frequently…

Hair Loss

Lupus Symptoms Story

Lupus may cause the thinning or loss of hair as a result of inflammation of the skin and scalp. Some people with lupus lose hair in clumps but it is more common for a person’s hair to thin out slowly.

Lupus Hair

Lupus Symptoms Story

In addition to losing hair from their heads, some people may experience thinning of the beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, and other body hair as a result of lupus. It can also cause “lupus hair,” where the hair feels brittle, breaks easily, and looks generally ragged…

Butterfly Rash

Lupus Symptoms Story

About 50 percent of people with lupus develop its most visible symptom, a “butterfly-shaped” rash on the cheeks and over the bridge of the nose. It can pop up suddenly or appear after exposure to sunlight and, for some people appears just before a flare-up. People with lupus may experience non-itchy lesions in other areas and are often sensitive to the sun or even artificial light. Some people may experience discoloration of the fingers or the toes.

Pulmonory Problems

Lupus Symptoms Story

People may experience inflammation of the pulmonary system as a result of lupus. The lungs, lung blood vessels, and even the diaphragm can be affected, which can lead to chest pain when breathing in. Over time, this can worsen, shrinking the lungs and leading to ongoing chest pain and shortness of breath…


Lupus Symptoms Story

It’s also possible for a person with lupus to develop nephritis, which is an inflammation of the kidneys, making it harder for them to filter out toxins and waste from the blood. Outward symptoms of that are swelling in the legs and feet, high blood pressure, darker urine that may contain blood, having to urinate more frequently at night, and pain in your side.

Joint Swelling

Lupus Symptoms Story

The inflammation that comes with lupus may also cause pain, stiffness, and visible swelling in your joints, especially in the morning. It may be mild at first and gradually increase over time. Like other lupus symptoms, the joint problems may come and go…

Gastrointestinal Problems

Lupus Symptoms Story

Some people with lupus may experience occasional gastrointestinal problems. That may include heartburn, acid reflux, or other problems. If you have frequent heartburn or acid reflux, try reducing the size of your meals, avoid caffeinated beverages, and don’t lie down immediately after a meal.

Thyroid Disease

Lupus Symptoms Story

People with lupus may also develop autoimmune thyroid disease. Problems with the thyroid, which helps regulate the metabolism, can cause weight gain or loss, dry skin and hair, moodiness, or even affect the brain heart and kidneys…

Sjogren’s Disease

Lupus Symptoms Story

Lupus may also result in Sjogren’s disease, which is another autoimmune disorder that affects the glands responsible for tears and saliva. That can cause dryness of the eyes, mouth, and of the vagina in women.

Other Symptoms

Lupus Symptoms Story

There is a long list of other symptoms in addition to these ten main ones. Among them are oral ulcers, enlarged lymph nodes, muscle pain, chest pain, osteoporosis and depression. Not everyone gets all these symptoms and while some symptoms pop up, others may go away. Speak to your doctor if you think you might have lupus.

The 10 Symptoms That Mean You May Have Lupus is an article from: LifeDaily

Long and Short-Term Effects of West Nile Virus Explained


West Nile Virus

Since arriving in North America in 1999, West Nile Virus has infected tens of thousands of people, with the majority of cases taking place in August and September, during the summer months. The reason being that these are the peak months for the infected mosquitoes who transport the virus.

However, while a simple mosquito bite may not seem like a big deal to many, around 15 percent of people infected will see unpleasant symptoms, similar to a fever, but there are also some short and long-term effects which can be even more dangerous.

Viral Infection

West Nile Virus

A viral infection is an infection caused by the presence of a virus in the body. The problem with viral infections is that they can infect almost any type of body tissue and that includes organs like the brain. West Nile Fever is caused by such a viral infection, typically if not always transported by infected mosquitoes. Only 15 to 20 percent of people affected will show symptoms, while the others wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary; other than an annoyingly itchy bite on the skin.

Painful Symptoms

West Nile Virus

While roughly 75 percent of people infected will feel nothing and not even know they have WNV, around 15 to 20 percent may develop a bad headache, begin to vomit and in some cases, see a spreading rash on the skin. Then there’s the rare one percent of people who can suffer from serious conditions as a result of being bitten, such as encephalitis or meningitis. Recovery from such conditions can take weeks or even months, but there’s also a risk of the virus affecting the nervous system long-term.

From Birds

West Nile Virus

While mosquitoes are the culprits who carry the virus, it doesn’t originate from them. The mosquitoes become infected after they feed on infected birds (usually dead ones) but the virus is otherwise not spread directly between humans. However, if someone does display the more worrying symptoms of the virus, blood tests will be carried out to ascertain if it’s WNV or something else.

No Vaccine

West Nile Virus

While the whole subject of vaccines and immunizations is a controversial one in itself, there currently exists no vaccine to counteract the West Nile Virus. As such, the only way to ensure one doesn’t get infected is not to get bitten by a WNV carrying insect, which is almost impossible to control. Staying away from stagnant pools of water is one idea, as is mosquito nets and window screens. For the time being, the only thing to do if you are bitten and affected badly is to take some anti-histamine and possibly some pain medication.

Not Just Stateside

West Nile Virus

The West Nile Virus hasn’t just reached the shores of the United States; Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia have also had their fair share of the virus, although due to population numbers, the U.S often leads the pack in terms of annual numbers. Having first been discovered in Uganda back in 1937, it took many years for the virus to make it to the west, even if that eventuality was anticipated.

Serious Issues

West Nile Virus

To get technical for just a moment, even patients with apparently mild cases of the virus can often suffer from subjective, somatic complaints. These complaints include but are not limited to limb weakness and neurological disorders which can in some cases be life-threatening. The emergence of the WNV epidemic in America is a reminder for science as to the ability of new viruses to emerge unexpectedly and even thrive in the most unlikely of settings.

Morbidity Rates

West Nile Virus

Back in 2006 when the virus was at a peak in the U.S., more than 23,500 cases of West Nile Virus were reported, including 904 cases which resulted in death. That’s according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the issue is long-term effects of the virus on people who didn’t even know they were infected in the first place. While the long-term effects are more difficult to assess than the short-term effects, they represent a source of ongoing morbidity.

Outcomes of WNV

West Nile Virus

Interestingly, outcomes of human WNV infection in Africa and many parts of the Middle East have historically only resulted in mild symptoms, with only a small percentage (mainly children) noticing any more serious or long-term effects. While some outbreaks in Israel and some parts of Europe followed the U.S. model more closely, they have seen a more frequent development of neurologic illness in those countries.

More Significant Problems

West Nile Virus

During the early years of the WNV outbreak in the states, no one was overly worried about the long-term effects of a virus which appeared not to be affecting that many people that badly. However, more recent data suggests that the virus may be associated with more-significant ongoing problems than were initially found. While age is definitely a factor, many people may have no idea that they are suffering acute symptoms due to having been bitten by a WNV mosquito.

North Dakota Study

West Nile Virus

A study carried out on 49 North Dakotans who had suffered from at least one symptom after a West Nile Viral infection revealed some interesting but worrying results. As already mentioned, only one in five people infected with the virus will notice it, enduring a flu-like illness known as West Nile Fever. Doctors call the symptoms, a “benign, self-limited illness,” but this study showed that results could be a lot more negative.

One Year Later

West Nile Virus
  UND TV Center / YouTube

Researcher Paul J. Carson M.D. from the University of North Dakota, spoke to reporters about the worrying findings from the study, noting, “Our patients continued to show clinical abnormalities one year after illness,” adding, “Patients with ‘milder’ illness — that is, non-hospitalized patients with West Nile fever — demonstrated equivalent rates of these abnormalities.”

Lingering Symptoms

West Nile Virus

The year 2003 was a big one for the West Nile Virus in the U.S. During that year, almost 10,000 new cases of the virus were reported, with 617 of them hailing from North Dakota. Carlson and his team attempted to track down the 122 infected North Dakotans known to the state. Carlson then persuaded 49 of those people to submit a number of tests, which included measuring psychological and neurological function.

Scary Results

West Nile Virus

While four-fifths of those patients had contracted West Nile Fever at the time, the other fifth had suffered from a confirmed West Nile infection with symptoms. The scary part is that those people were all diagnosed with an infection of the brain or the lining of the brain and spinal cord. Fortunately, only one patient from the 49 had the most severe form of the virus, which caused a polio-like paralysis.

Lasting Effects

West Nile Virus

The issue here and the thing that Carlson was trying to figure out was why a year after being infected, around half of the patients reported poor physical health. Symptoms like fatigue, memory problems, weakness, headache, joint pain, and balance problems were among the bunch, while a third of those patients had been hospitalized. Interestingly, one in four of the respondents reported suffering from depression, which they believe was connected to WNV.

Chilling Findings

West Nile Virus

Possibly the most chilling and worrying results found by Carlson and his team was from the numerous psychological and neurological tests which were carried out. Of the patients tested who hadn’t even been admitted to hospital after they were infected, at least 15 percent said they had, “moderate-to-severe impairment of executive function.” But the finger tapping test revealed even more strange results.

Motor Speed

West Nile Virus

The subjects undertook a finger-tapping test along with the other tests to ascertain their motor speed. Worryingly, a massive 70 percent of the patients showed some form of abnormal results during the test, while in 43 percent motor skills impairment was classed as “severe.” The researchers concluded that the people in the 43 percent were the most likely to suffer from depression.

Some Good News

West Nile Virus

Despite the issues with motor skills and depression, most of the patients tested were able to return to a “reasonable level of daily function.” And that explains why previous studies found better long-term results for WNV as they only looked at disabilities and not things like motor skills and mental impairment. As such, Carlson believes the WNV is a brain infection which leaves long-lasting damage in its wake.

Aggressive Action

West Nile Virus

Back to the present day and a recent report out of North Dakota which notes that the head of the mosquito control program of the Grand Forks Public Health Department, Todd Hanson, said his department will be taking “aggressive action” this year when it comes to countering what they consider to be “an elevated threat of West Nile virus.” “We are finding mosquitoes and birds that are positive for West Nile virus on a weekly basis,” Hanson said.

Don’t Be Fooled

West Nile Virus

Hanson warned residents not to be fooled by the lack of mosquitoes this year, as the ones which are around may well be carrying the virus, “We don’t have a lot of nuisance mosquitoes right now, so people tend to think that mosquitoes are not that bad,” he said. “But we are reaching peak season for West Nile virus, which is pretty much all of August. That’s generally when the highest number of human cases is reported.”

Taking Precautions

West Nile Virus

Hanson urged residents to take full precautions where possible, and not to assume that mosquitoes are only a threat at night. Hanson said that while residents “think they don’t have to take precautions, now is the time they need to be vigilant about this,” adding, “Personal responsibility is the most important part. Apply mosquito repellent and wear protective clothing,” and concluding, “All it takes is one mosquito to bite you and transmit that virus to you.”

Long and Short-Term Effects of West Nile Virus Explained is an article from: LifeDaily

20 Things to Know About Sepsis That Could Save Your Life


About Sepsis Story

We humans are complex creatures. Our internal workings are vast ecosystems of good bacteria and helpful cells all working in concert with one another. But all it takes is one bad bacterium to get in and begin wreaking havoc within these carefully-woven systems.

When an infection spreads and becomes too difficult for our body to fight off naturally, sepsis can occur. It may seem like a strange factoid, but sepsis is actually one of the leading causes of death in hospitals in the United States. Surviving sepsis depends on knowing how to recognize it, and how to treat it.

Sepsis at its Core

About Sepsis Story

The most basic definition of sepsis is a body-wide inflammatory response to infection. Sepsis spreads, injuring tissues and organs and if it is allowed to persist, can even result in death. Most of the harm caused by sepsis is often derived from the immune response of the disease rather than the actual infection itself.

Minor to Major

About Sepsis Story
  Your Education Video / YouTube

It’s important to remember that sepsis isn’t always the result of large-scale infections. It can come from something as minor as a cut, cavity, or ingrown toenail. If the invading bacteria are not killed off or if they make their way into the blood while strengthened, the resulting infection can spread to other parts of the body.

Got a Leak

About Sepsis Story

Sepsis can also cause blood clots to form in the veins and arteries. This inhibits oxygen delivery and directly correlates to vital organ failure. The most severe sepsis causes a condition called systemic vasodilation, resulting in capillary permeability. Essentially, this means that fluid, blood in this case, can leak out of the blood vessels thereby causing septic shock.

Dead and Gone

About Sepsis Story

It is when this happens, as organs fail and blood no longer stays where it’s supposed to, that 40 percent of septic patients die. So how can we tell the warning signs before our organs begun to fall like ninepins? Thankfully, there a number of ways that we as patients can discern what’s happening inside us before heading to the hospital.

Warning Signs

About Sepsis Story

There are a number of warning signs that will help doctors and nurses accurately assess whether or not their patient is experiencing sepsis. For example, if you possess a temperature greater than 100.4 °F or less than 96.8 °F, if your pulse is over 90 beats per minute, or your white blood cell count is unusually elevated, you might have sepsis.

Looking Fine

About Sepsis Story

In addition to these vital signs, many people experiencing sepsis may actually look a lot better than they feel. They may even look pretty healthy. Tissue hypoxia, a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply, and organ failure aren’t always overt, even in severely septic people.

Grim Visage

About Sepsis Story

All of this seems to strike before hypotension and cryptic shock, both of which are obvious signs of near-fatal septic shock. It is usually once a patient has developed hypotension, that they begin to look the most ill. By then, it is often too late to do anything for them. It is therefore prudent for those experiencing unusual symptoms to seek medical help immediately.


About Sepsis Story

The thing about sepsis is that it doesn’t discriminate, neither by age nor by degree of physical health. If an infection has taken root, it can run rampant regardless of how often you exercise. That being said, sepsis is most common in the elderly and in those with HIV, hepatitis, organ transplants, or on chemotherapy.

Healthy or Unhealthy

About Sepsis Story

Just as it can affect the immunocompromised and the infirm, sepsis can also affect healthy children and young adults. Minor injuries and some common illnesses, ranging from appendicitis to the flu, can result in sepsis if improperly treated. People who have experienced these ailments should always follow-up with their doctor following treatment, just in case.

Many Sources

About Sepsis Story

Sepsis can also be caused by persistent infections like pneumonia, urinary tract infections, meningitis, and ear infections. There are millions of different types of harmful bacteria out there and if our systems are weakened or busy fighting off other types, then some might be able to get in and spread.

Lactic Acid

About Sepsis Story

This is more of a signal for doctors, but increased levels of lactic acid in the body might indicate that sepsis is forthcoming. In severe sepsis, lactic acid is released into the bloodstream and this slows the metabolism. You may feel this as a muscle ache or fatigue even after you feel you’ve recovered from an infection.

Panicky Patients

About Sepsis Story

Many people experiencing the later stages of severe sepsis might actually begin to feel panicky. It’s similar to the way that those experiencing an imminent heart attack feel a sense of doom around them. It’ll feel like you’re having a panic attack, you’ll hyperventilate, sweat, and begin to feel dizzy.

Infections a’ Plenty

About Sepsis Story

If you’re prone to infections, whether they be something as simple as athlete’s foot to as complicated as a kidney infection, you should always be wary of the possibility of sepsis. A good way to minimize the spread of infection is to fold more home remedies into your diet. Things like garlic, ginger, and apple cider vinegar are all products that fight off infection and bacteria. They won’t cure sepsis, but they’ll help.


About Sepsis Story

Just as low or high fever can be a clear indication of a septic infection, so too can chills. If you’ve ever had the flu, you know that chills are an uncomfortable, worrying symptom of the virus. Well, chills happen with sepsis too, and if you’re getting them, it may mean that the infection has spread to dangerous levels.


About Sepsis Story

If your infection began in a certain spot, be it a tooth, a surgical site, or a stubbed toe, then it’s likely that pain will have spread to the surrounding area. This is generally a process that happens over the course of several days, so if you notice pain spreading from a finger wound, for example, get to the doctor before it gets any worse and you have to amputate the limb.

Blood Pressure

About Sepsis Story

Low blood pressure or increased heart rate are both signs that your infection might have reached your heart, and that’s a dangerous place for it to be. In fact, low blood pressure might indicate that you are in the critical stage between when an infection is dangerous, and when it becomes deadly. IV and antibiotics may need to be used in order to treat at this stage.


About Sepsis Story

The timely administration of antibiotics is one of the most effective ways to treat sepsis, at least before things like hypotension begin. Thanks to the proven effectiveness of a number of antibiotic cocktails, many paramedic transport teams have begun taking these along with them for when they pick up patients.

Antibiotics en Route

About Sepsis Story

That said, administering them while transporting patients in ambulances can be tricky though, and investigations are still ongoing into the feasibility of this practice. Regardless of this, the studies look promising and would be a great additional tool for EMS personnel to help stabilize septic patients en route before things get even worse.


About Sepsis Story

Unfortunately, once septic shock begins, there’s very little that doctors can do to help. In fact, if IV fluids and antibiotics aren’t administered within an hour of arrival, it may be too late for many patients. Thus, knowing the early warning signs and causes of this deadly condition can help save your life.

Lessons Learned

About Sepsis Story

The Internet can provide advice on how to recognize the signs, but it ultimately falls upon the patient to determine if they need to take the next step and call 911. It is important that any reader who recognizes any of these indicators or potential causes of sepsis within themselves seek medical attention right away.

20 Things to Know About Sepsis That Could Save Your Life is an article from: LifeDaily

Fascinating Roots of Maryland Family Discovered Through DNA Testing


James Clark Story

With the advent of modern DNA technology, it’s now possible for anyone in the world to find out their ancestry and where they come from simply by sending in a saliva sample for testing. This new technology reveals secrets families could only have dreamed of once upon a time.

The illustrious Clark family from Maryland always knew they had some very solid roots. It wasn’t until they opted for some DNA testing that some fascinating, age-old secrets would come to light which would inspire a generation.

Clark Family

James Clark Story

In 1850, the Clark family began purchasing land in the western portion of Howard County, Maryland. Having purchased Wheatfield Farm, the family went on to purchase Fairfield Farm, which is where James Clark Sr. was born; James Clark Sr. married on that farm and his son was called James Clark Jr. — we’ll talk about James a lot more later. Meanwhile, the family was building up quite the estate, while they reared cattle and began making money.

State Senator

James Clark Story

James Clark Jr. was always a special kind of child and his loving parents had high hopes for him from a young age. When he returned from fighting in World War II, his parents were over the moon. Before long, James would gain some serious clout by becoming president of the Maryland State Senate. His farm is still in business today, as his descendants have continued running the farm selling fresh vegetables and also operating a cute petting zoo for kids.

Outdoor Reunion

James Clark Story

Fast forward a few years and nearly 100 Clark descendants showed up for an exciting family reunion. The family had originally left Ireland back in 1797 to settle in Howard County, and they were about to learn a bunch of interesting information about their roots thanks to DNA testing. They also learned that Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Marylander who signed the Declaration of Independence, seemingly corresponded with the Clark brothers in his day.

Just the Beginning

James Clark Story
  MREDC UME / YouTube

Martha Clark, who runs the produce farm and petting zoo — a 540-acre farm located on Route 108 — and is the daughter of state Sen. James Clark Jr., told reporters at a family event, “As I see it, this is just the beginning of new research on the Clark family.” But with the advent of DNA testing, Martha said the Clark family is more excited than ever to learn more about their roots and ancestors.

Very Curious

James Clark Story

Martha spoke about how excited the Clark family was about learning more about their roots, despite the fact they already know more than most families. “People are even more curious now [about their ancestry] thanks to websites like Ancestry.com and the popularity of programs like ‘Who Do You Think You Are?'” Clark said. The family lineage of interest started with David, John and James Clark signing a 30-year indenture to work for the famous Charles Carroll.

Making Money

James Clark Story

The Clarks are ambitious types, and that is clear from their numerous agricultural business ventures. Having leased 150 acres from Carroll at Doughoregan Manor in Ellicott City, the brothers grew wheat and produced textiles at a fulling mill. That indenture was later renewed for an additional 20-year period.

Howard District

James Clark Story

While David Clark was 26 years old when they arrived at what was then known as northern Anne Arundel County, the family records didn’t indicate what had become of the other brother, James. The area where the men lived and worked was designated the Howard District in 1839, and officially became Howard County in 1851. Buying land in Howard County would prove to be an excellent move for the Clark family.

Hard Workers

James Clark Story

“The brothers were hard-working and smart, and they bought land in Howard County when they could,” Martha said. As well as Wheatfields, the brothers also created Elk Ridge Farm, which is where Long Gate Shopping Center is now located. They also ran Font Hill Farm and Fairfield Farm, and before long, proudly boasted a massive estate which they had worked hard to build.

Martha’s Cousin

James Clark Story

Martha’s cousin, Robert Clark, is the president and CEO of Historic Annapolis and is the one who requested the new research on the Clark brother’s early days in Maryland. “When I got this job, I mentioned how my father, James Thomas Clark, was interested in the randomness of the three Clark brothers’ 30-year indenture with Charles Carroll,” he said, adding, “This was something we had talked about our whole lives.”

Translating Terms

James Clark Story

At the behest of Robert Clark, an archaeologist from Anne Arundel County was tasked with trying to translate the old building terms mentioned in the Clark brothers’ contract. He was able to translate the old measurements into modern-day alternatives which were very revealing. Robert Clark spoke about his visit there with his father, who sadly died shortly afterward in January of 2017.

Stone Formations

James Clark Story

“When my dad and I went there, we clearly saw man-made stone formations, and his eyes got the size of hubcaps,” Robert Clark said. “I told him to wait while I climbed the hill, and he said, ‘Robert, I’ve waited 95 years for this and I’m not waiting in the car.'” That interaction led to what Robert Clark called a collective “aha moment.” Robert added, “This will provide us with a good tree to continue putting branches and leaves on.”

Letters from Carroll

James Clark Story

In a number of published letters exchanged between Charles Carroll and Robert’s father, there are many references to the Clark family. “These are very interesting leads that we hope to continue to research,” Martha said, although she also noted that the reasons for the Clarks immigrating to the U.S. remained unclear. “Did Charles Carroll pay for their passage here, or were they escaping revolution?” she wondered.

Good to Know

James Clark Story

Another Clark family member — Andy Clark — retired recently from his position as owner of Clark’s Ace Hardware. He left the successful 173-year-old business to his daughter Marget who intends to carry on the illustrious family tradition. Margaret said she was thrilled to learn more about her family’s roots and found the revealing information very gratifying.

Still the Same

James Clark Story

Andy Clark also spoke to reporters about the family reunion and the fact that, in his opinion, the Clark family is still very much the same as their forefathers. “My parents were killed in an auto accident in 1972 and they left the business to my brother, Edward, and me,” he said, adding that his brother Edward decided to become a plumber in Virginia.

Honorable People

James Clark Story

Growing up in Howard County gave Andy Clark a tremendous sense of family, as well as some sterling values, “It came across to us as kids that we were to be honorable people,” he said, noting that he had continued doing business in the way his family had all those years ago, giving something back to the community. As it stands, Margaret is the seventh generation of Clarks running the family business.

A Solid Connection

James Clark Story

Having moved from Ireland to the States, the Clark family offer a great example of how to make things work in America under the right circumstances. “This shows what Howard County continues to mean to the Clarks, and what the Clarks have meant to Howard County,” Margaret said. The fact is that the Clarks are Howard County and Howard County is them, and they even had a hand in naming the place.

Dream Job

James Clark Story

For his part, Robert Clark feels that he is a very lucky man. As president and CEO of Historic Annapolis, Clark claims he has a “dream job,” but when he needs a break from work he walks down to his favorite restaurant, Chick and Ruth’s, where he can often be seen enjoying his favorite crab cakes and strawberry-rhubarb pie. When he’s at home, Robert enjoys spending time with his daughters and grandchildren.

Honoring Family

James Clark Story

For the Clark family, their connection to their forefathers is a meaningful one and something they don’t want to be forgotten with the passage of time. While Historic Annapolis aims to, “preserve and protect the historic places, objects and stories of Maryland’s capital city,” Clark takes his position very seriously. “We’re the advocates and stewards of our city’s preservation,” he said.

Huge Project

James Clark Story
  Google Maps

For the time being, Clark is excited about the three-year restoration project currently underway at Brice House, under his auspices. Clark noted that the project is to be completed with the guidance of Colonial Williamsburg and will be something special when it opens to the public. The project is to develop a permanent exhibit tracing the history of Annapolis through its objects and artifacts.

“Aha Moment”

James Clark Story

“It will be an ‘aha’ moment when this house opens to the public,” Clark said, adding, “It’s going to be very cool!” The amazing story of the Clark family is one that has inspired many people from different walks of life. Their journey proves that with enough hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

Fascinating Roots of Maryland Family Discovered Through DNA Testing is an article from: LifeDaily

Priest Nearly Pays for Another Man’s Sins in Case of Mistaken Identity


Bernard Pagano Story

Priests dedicate their lives to their faith and teaching their community to live a life full of love, service, and devotion to God.

As part of their service, priests have the power to absolve people of their sins. However, one priest was nearly forced to pay for another man’s sins after police accused him of not only living a lie but being the culprit behind a string of crimes.

The Priest

Bernard Pagano Story

In the late 1970s, a Roman Catholic priest was stationed in Cambridge, Maryland, where he was an assistant pastor at the Saint Mary’s Refuge of Sinners church. Before that, he was a chaplain at the Delaware State Hospital.


Passion and Dedication

Bernard Pagano Story

According to all his parishioners, the 53-year-old priest was dedicated to serving others and would stop everything to help or listen to anyone struggling or going through a hard time. While saying mass, the passionate priest would often speak about love and sacrifice.


Beloved by the Parishioners

Bernard Pagano Story

Because of his own passion and conviction, the priest’s sermons never felt like a lecture and the parishioners loved him as a result. “Most people were used to having some idiot priest yelling at them all the time. Bernie was kind and gentle,” said Fran Herron (pictured), a former priest who served as Pagano’s superior at a Wilmington church.


Leading by Example

Bernard Pagano Story

Part of the reason he was so beloved, however, was because he taught and led by example. “He worked with kids in trouble, he worked with adults, he saved marriages,” said an acquaintance, Art Renkwitz. “Just like Robin Hood, he would always be where the people would be.”


Above and Beyond

Bernard Pagano Story

While working as the chaplain at the Delaware State Hospital, Reverend Bernard T. Pagano was known for coming in several hours early and staying late to visit patients, talk with employees, and listen to struggling family members who needed a shoulder to cry on.


A Shoulder to Cry On

Bernard Pagano Story

“When a patient stopped him on the grounds, no matter where he was going or what he had to do, he always had time for them,” said Mary Price, a hospital worker who also came to rely on Rev. Bernard when her husband was dying of cancer.


A Shocking Accusation

Bernard Pagano Story

“I couldn’t have lived through those eight months without him,” said Price. “He was my crutch.” However, investigators from the Delaware State Police alleged that the 52-year-old priest wasn’t as good as the public seemed to think he was.


The Gentleman Bandit

Bernard Pagano Story

While everyone believed Rev. Bernard Pagano was a tireless priest, the police believed Pagano was the culprit behind a string of robberies at six Wilmington, Delaware stores and a few more in Pennsylvania the previous winter committed by a man they had begun calling the ‘Gentleman Bandit.’


The Modus Operandi

Bernard Pagano Story

According to police, the ‘Gentleman Bandit’ earned the moniker because of the way he robbed his victims. Rather than using force or violence, the man would calmly stroll into stores, pull out a small chrome-plated gun, and politely ask the clerk at the register to give him all the money.


The Community is Blindsided

Bernard Pagano Story

“I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have to,” the robber once said apologetically to the clerk as he robbed the store. While Pagano’s parishioners were shocked by the allegations, the police were sure they had finally caught the man behind the robberies.


The Informant

Bernard Pagano Story

According to investigators, they had no idea who the bandit could possibly be until a woman, who was a member of a parish Pagano, served in 1972 and who claimed to be his former lover, contacted police after seeing a composite sketch of the bandit.


Character Called into Question

Bernard Pagano Story

“I wouldn’t put [the robberies] past him,” the woman warned the police after supplying them with photographs of the priest. While they would never have suspected a priest was behind the nine robberies, they began an investigation into the priest, and what they found convinced them he was guilty.


Building a Case

Bernard Pagano Story

Not only did three robbery victims identify Pagano as the ‘Gentleman Bandit’ through photographs, but the police discovered the priest owned an overcoat and three hats that matched the victims’ description of the robber. But that wasn’t all they found.


A Controversial Clergyman

Bernard Pagano Story

During the investigation, the police found out that the priest had lived a slightly controversial life for a member of the clergy. Rather than live in the rectory with other priests, Pagano lived in a home that he owned along with his “sister,” although they didn’t believe the two were actually blood relatives.


The Arrest

Bernard Pagano Story

Police also found that Pagano had lied on an application for a teaching position and ran into trouble with the church when he started offering a private counseling service for money. After arresting Pagano, he insisted he was innocent and that they had made a mistake.


Unwavering Support

Bernard Pagano Story

Yet while in police custody, Pagano failed three polygraph tests, and eight witnesses picked him out in a police lineup. Meanwhile, parishioners back in Cambridge offered their unwavering support and even set up a legal defense fund for him.


The Defense

Bernard Pagano Story

During the trial, Pagano and his lawyer were prepared to argue that the witnesses that identified him had been influenced as most had seen his images in the newspapers. However, they never got the chance to make their argument.


The Real Bandit

Bernard Pagano Story

During the trial, a 39-year-old postal service employee, Ronald W. Clouser, walked into the courtroom with his lawyer, Saul H. Segan, and claimed that the police had charged the wrong man and that Rev. Bernard Pagano was innocent.


The Confession

Bernard Pagano Story

“I have the authority to indicate Clouser has involvement in these acts that gave rise to the charges against Father Pagano,” Segan said. “Our intention is to be as helpful as possible to exonerate Father Pagano for acts in which he was wrongly charged.”

Justice Prevails

Bernard Pagano Story

Eventually, Rev. Bernard was cleared of all charges and Clouser was charged for the robberies. “This great experience God has given men, I would go through it all again because I know that I am not alone,” Rev. Bernard said to the parishioners who never lost faith in him.

Priest Nearly Pays for Another Man’s Sins in Case of Mistaken Identity is an article from: LifeDaily

12 Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion You’re Probably Ignoring


Concussion Symptoms Story

Ready for a staggering statistic? It’s estimated that each year 2.8 million people sustain some type of traumatic brain injury in the United States, according to a study conducted between 2007 and 2013. Many of these types of injuries are severe and can have long-lasting mental or physical effects even after they’ve healed.

A concussion may seem somewhat commonplace, but it can be far more traumatic if you don’t take care of it afterwards. Unfortunately, even those who have suffered concussions don’t always know the extent of the damage. We’ve compiled 12 symptoms of concussions that you should be wary of if you or someone you know has hit their head.

Sudden Head Blow

Concussion Symptoms Story

Concussions are usually caused by a blow to the head. Now, because our brains are basically the consistency of gelatin, it means that anything that violently slams them into our skulls can damage them, either slightly or severely. Our brains are cushioned from everyday jolts and bumps by the cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull. Sometimes this fluid protects the brain from a concussion, and sometimes it doesn’t.

Full Contact

Concussion Symptoms Story

Concussions are a fairly common occurrence in some lines of work, particularly in the world of sports. Full contact sports like football, mixed martial arts, boxing and hockey are some examples of sports careers that result in players receiving at least one concussion in their careers. Most players will recover fairly quickly from such injuries, however.

Undetected Dangers

Concussion Symptoms Story

Though many concussions are severe enough to cause us to lose consciousness, some do not. It is this feature of concussions that makes them particularly dangerous because it is possible that someone may not realize they’ve had one. Most of the time, damage from a concussion will heal naturally, but precautions must still be taken.

Subtle Symptoms

Concussion Symptoms Story

Concussions may be the most apparent brain injury one can think of, but the symptoms can sometimes be so subtle that they go unnoticed. In other words, some symptoms are so common as to appear to not be symptoms at all, and they may not arise initially following the injury itself. Many of them can last for days, weeks, or even longer if not addressed right away.

Splitting Headache

Concussion Symptoms Story

It will come as no surprise that one of the first symptoms of a sudden and violent blow to the head is often a persistent headache. It can be as simple as a tension headache, or something much more similar to a migraine. Regardless of the severity, these headaches should lessen over time and can be treated with medication. If they don’t clear up, or if they worsen over time, then medical help should be sought out.

Knocked Out

Concussion Symptoms Story

Many times, the direct result of a concussion will be that the person is knocked unconscious. This is to be expected, considering that their very mushy brain has just been slammed against the inside of the skull. One does not necessarily lose consciousness after a concussion, but if it does occur it is usually only temporary.


Concussion Symptoms Story

Fatigue is also a common sign of a concussion, which is ironic because one of the worse things you can do for a person with a concussion is to let them fall asleep right away. Also, despite the fact that it’s a common symptom, any situation in which a person with a traumatic head injury can’t seem to stay awake could be a sign of serious damage.

Seeing Stars

Concussion Symptoms Story

Even if a person isn’t feeling particularly sleepy as a result of their concussion, they might certainly feel dizzy. They might also experience a ringing sound in their ears or “see stars.” If a person experiences any of these symptoms, have them sit down for a bit to gather their wits about them. If their dizziness persists into something worse, it might mean they need to see a doctor.


Concussion Symptoms Story

Some concussion victims find that they are very confused afterward. They may feel as if they are in a fog or unable to focus. This is especially dangerous when one sustains a concussion with no one else around. If you are alone and confused after hitting your head, you may not, but should, have the presence of mind to avoid sleeping or even see a doctor.


Concussion Symptoms Story

Many who sustain a concussion don’t initially remember what happened immediately prior to the injury. Frankly, when your brain bumps around in your head, it’s expected that your memory might be a little hazy. Long-term symptoms of a more serious concussion can involve persistent amnesia and memory gaps, as well as problems with concentration.

Nausea and Vomiting

Concussion Symptoms Story

It may seem unusual but it’s actually perfectly normal for people with concussions to feel nauseous at the onset of the injury. This feeling may persist as well and make the person increasingly sick to the point of them having to vomit. These symptoms may be signs of underlying issues rather than just the result of the dizzying, perception-altering effects of the concussion.

Slurred and Delayed 

Concussion Symptoms Story

There are a number of more serious symptoms that come along with more severe concussions as well. One of them, slurred speech, is only really noticeable when the person is conscious and with someone who picks up on the sign. If the person is slurring or seems delayed in their responses when questioned, it can be indicative of unexpected damage from the concussion.

Light Sensitivity

Concussion Symptoms Story

Another fairly common symptom of a concussion is that the victim may seem particularly sensitive to bright lights and loud noises. Light tracking and a test of pupil dilation can determine the extent of this light sensitivity. If they are feeling oversensitive, it’s best to lower the lights or allow the victim to rest in the dark, but not to let them fall sleep directly following the accident.

Odd Tastes and Smells

Concussion Symptoms Story

In addition to their sense of sight and hearing, those with more severe concussions might notice short-term or in some cases, even long-term changes to the way they taste or smell certain things. They might even notice strange tastes in their mouth or smells in the air that no one else senses. These are not the worst symptoms, however.

Seizures or Convulsions

Concussion Symptoms Story

All of these pale in comparison to some of the more troubling physical and mental symptoms of a concussion. Even a simple concussion can trigger seizures or convulsions in a victim. Whether these seizures only happen once, or if they persist over time, it is prudent for anyone with a traumatic head injury to investigate them with the help of their doctor.

Personality Changes

Concussion Symptoms Story

A person who suffers a serious concussion may find that they experience a certain amount of irritability in the short term. This irritability can be a portent of other, more serious personality changes to come, ranging from further malaise and short-temper to those as serious as full-on depression. In times like these, medication might have to be introduced to regulate these psychological symptoms.

Prone to Concussions

Concussion Symptoms Story
  Jamie Campbell / Wikipedia

Concussions are fairly common in younger children like infants and toddlers, who spend much of their time walking around like drunken sailors and not watching where they’re going. They are also pretty common in older kids, who either don’t wear protective helmets when they ride a bicycle or end up roughhousing a little too much. Their symptoms are slightly different.

Children with Symptoms

Concussion Symptoms Story

Despite their obvious penchant for it, concussions can be difficult to recognize in young children. Unlike adults, infants and toddlers can’t really describe how they feel. Therefore it’s important to watch for signs. Loss of balance, listlessness, crankiness, excessive crying, lack of interest in their favorite toys, and changes in their sleep patterns.

Doctor Time

Concussion Symptoms Story

Even if it doesn’t seem like the victim of a concussion needs to see a doctor or if they have made it clear they don’t wish to, it’s important to at least touch base within one or two days with a physician just in case. This is especially true for children, including those who might not exhibit symptoms. They may ultimately be fine, but it doesn’t hurt to check.

Get Help

Concussion Symptoms Story

If a concussion is not addressed right away, this type of injury could cause bleeding in and around the brain, which can often be fatal. It can also lead to serious long-term physiological and physical effects. The best way to help someone with a concussion, including yourself, is to monitor them and make sure that if symptoms persist, you seek medical attention.

12 Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion You’re Probably Ignoring is an article from: LifeDaily

What to do if You Suffer From Heat Stroke this Summer


Heat Stroke Story

Some people call it heat stroke while others call it sun stroke, but no matter how you break it down this is a condition that no one wants to experience. If your body temperature exceeds 104 degrees, and you start feeling lethargic and confused, it’s time to see a doctor.

While it may not be life-threatening in normal situations, heat stroke is something which affects thousands of Americans each year and is thought to be responsible for claiming up to 600 fatalities annually in the United States alone.

Heat Stroke

Heat Stroke Story

Heat stroke is considered to be a severe heat illness which results in high body temperatures and disorientation. Many people who spend too much time under the summer sun will also experience red or dry skin, headaches and in some cases, dizziness. A cold bath and plenty of water is the recommended course of action, but sometimes heat stroke requires more treatment.

Not just Sun

Heat Stroke Story

While the main cause for heat stroke is too much exposure to sun, that’s not the only cause. Too much physical exertion, especially in heat and humidity, can also lead to the same outcome. The most common risk factors for heat stroke are heat waves and high humidity, but specific drugs such as diuretics, beta blockers, or alcohol can also be a problem. While different from a fever in many ways, heat stroke is a type of hyperthermia.

Preventative Measures

Heat Stroke Story

We don’t want to state the obvious, but staying out of the sun for long periods of time is the best way to avoid heat stroke. Drinking plenty of water is also a good idea, but if you aren’t able to successfully prevent heat stroke, you may need to seek medical attention immediately. Fortunately, doctors and nurses have some tricks up their sleeves when it comes to treating heat stroke.

Cooling Down

Heat Stroke Story

It stands to reason that the best treatment for heat stroke is to cool the person down as fast as possible. While many opt to go to the emergency room, others can treat the symptoms at home with some simple methods. Spraying the person with water is one option, while giving them an ice bath is also recommended. If the condition is too severe for that, a cold intravenous drip is the next step.

Warning Signs

Heat Stroke Story

You can often tell that a person is about to suffer a heat stroke by looking for early warning signs, especially on a hot day. If it’s baking hot outside, but your friend isn’t sweating, that’s one sign. If they are acting strangely or feel dizzy, it’s time to get them out of the sun and into some shade, with plenty of cold water to drink.


Heat Stroke Story

The length of time that heat stroke lasts very much depends on whether or not the person suffering catches it in time. If a heat stroke victim’s body temperature can be brought below 104 degrees within 30 minutes, that person will usually make a quick recovery and start feeling better in no time. However, if the body temperature isn’t brought down quickly enough, a person could suffer from long-term cognitive problems.

Taking Lives

Heat Stroke Story

While it’s still considered relatively rare, heat stroke does actually kill hundreds of people a year. In 2015, for example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 335 Americans died from heat stroke. “Heat-related illness is all too common during the summer months and can lead to serious complications and even death,” Dr. Reginald Mason, total health lead for Kaiser Permanente in Atlanta said. “While certain people are at higher risk for heat-related illness, anyone of any age, especially if they exercise in hot weather, can suffer from this. It is important to recognize that even well-conditioned athletes can suffer severe consequences from overexertion in the heat.”

Silent Killer

Heat Stroke Story

While death from heat stroke is rare, exertional heat stroke can strike at any time. Back in 2001, Korey Stringer, former offensive lineman for the Minnesota Vikings, collapsed after practicing on an unusually hot day. At the age of 27, Stringer died after experiencing a heat stroke even though he was taken to the hospital. His core body temperature exceeded 108.8 degrees. This is, however, an extreme case, as the elderly and the young are the most susceptible to heat stroke caused by hot sun.

Increased Risks

Heat Stroke Story

People who are obese or in poor health generally are also more likely to be affected by heat stroke. Folks also affected include people who take regular blood pressure medication like beta-blockers. Another important factor at play is that humans need to sweat in hot weather, and if they don’t, it’s a big problem. When the body gets too hot, the heart needs to pump harder to cool things down. If something interrupts this process heat stroke may occur.

Heat Waves

Heat Stroke Story

Heat waves are very dangerous for vulnerable people or those who work outdoors during the summer. In 1995, a massive heat wave in Chicago claimed more than 700 lives, with 39 percent of the victims having had prior heart conditions, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, part of the National Institute of Health.

Expert Advice

Heat Stroke Story

It’s time for some expert advice about the best ways to avoid heat stroke this summer. “Instead of mowing the lawn in the middle of the day when it’s 100 degrees, I suggest you do it at 8 a.m. or at night,” Dr. Mark J. Conroy, a self-confessed heat stroke expert due to years of bitter experience, advises. “Sports teams take this advice; many of them practice early in the day rather than in the middle of the day, when temperatures are highest.”

Work-to-Rest Ratio

Heat Stroke Story

Dr. Conroy advises those who have no choice but to work outside alter their work-to-rest ratios depending on conditions. “If it’s hotter outside, you’d do more rest than physical activity.” But he also advises trying to gradually acclimatize oneself to the heat over a period of a few days, if possible.

Stay Hydrated

Heat Stroke Story

Dr. Dustin J. Calhoun, assistant professor in the department of emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, claims “hydration is the single most important aspect of heat stroke prevention since sweating is the most important mechanism our bodies have to get rid of heat.” As such, a quick snack while drinking water is also advised as one needs to consume electrolytes such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Cool Threads

Heat Stroke Story

Meanwhile, Dr. Raymond L. Fowler, professor and chief of emergency medicine services at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, advises that outdoor workers wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. “You’re better off wearing clothes that are loose enough to allow breezes to pass through,” he said. “The same goes for light-colored clothing, which absorbs less heat than dark-colored items. Wear a hat with a brim that shields the sun from your face.”

Taking Breaks

Heat Stroke Story

One of the single most important steps a person can take to avoid an episode of heat stroke is to take regular breaks throughout their work day. If one is working near to an air-conditioned building, it’s a good idea according to Conroy for them to take their breaks there to cool down. If that’s not an option, any area in the shade should suffice.

Pittsburgh Marathon

Heat Stroke Story

One example of Dr. Conroy’s commitment to helping people with heat stroke is when he attends the medical tent at the Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon every year. Conroy and his colleagues treat a handful of runners who inevitably suffer from heat stroke during the marathon, due to overheating. While most of the runners are fit, young athletes, some of them push themselves just a tad too far.

Not just Athletes

Heat Stroke Story

In his capacity as emergency medicine doctor at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio, Conroy recently provided care for a woman in her 70s suffering from extreme heat stroke. She had suffered heat stroke just from sitting in the sun for 90 minutes. The fact that she was obese was also a contributing factor. These two examples illustrate the contrast between heat stroke for the young and fit versus for the old and obese.

Be Prepared

Heat Stroke Story

When it comes to the otherwise healthy marathon runners, according to Conroy, their symptoms of heat stroke developed over the course of several hours and were due to physical activity and overexertion. “If you’re out exercising at the wrong time of day or have some of the risk factors, you can develop heat stroke in 20 or 30 minutes,” he said.

Stay Indoors

Heat Stroke Story

Conroy also pointed out that people like the woman in her 70s who suffered heat stroke from sitting in the sun for an hour are better off staying indoors. “You don’t have to be out exercising for two hours; it can happen pretty quickly if you’re vulnerable to heat stroke and shouldn’t be out in 100-degree weather,” he said. He later added that obesity and high blood pressure were also the main culprits in this case.

Staying Safe

Heat Stroke Story

When all’s said and done there is nothing more useful than common sense when it comes to staying safe in the sun and avoiding heat stroke. For people who live in hot climates, this can be even more challenging, especially if that climate is very humid. Erring on the side of caution is recommended when it comes to staying safe in the sun and enjoying the summer.

What to do if You Suffer From Heat Stroke this Summer is an article from: LifeDaily

What You Need to Know About the 5 Different Types of Lupus


Lupus Story

When it comes to diagnosing diseases, doctors have their work cut out for them ascertaining the root of an issue. Whether via blood tests, urine samples or CT scans, it’s often hard to be entirely sure which specific ailment the patient needs treatment for, let alone what that treatment will be.

However, one autoimmune disease which causes anything from swollen joints to hair loss is called Lupus, and for people that suffer from it the first thing to ascertain is which of the five types one has contracted.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus Story
  Osmosis / YouTube

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, known as SLE for short, is commonly referred to as Lupus. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in the body. While symptoms vary from mild to severe, the most commonly reported symptoms include swollen joints, fever, chest pain, hair loss, mouth ulcers, and a red rash on the face.

Cause Unknown

Lupus Story

Unfortunately, the actual cause of Lupus is unclear, although it is widely believed that it has to do with genetic factors as well as environmental ones. At the same time, it has been noted in studies that Lupus sufferers are often those people who are exposed to excess sunlight, smokers and those with a vitamin D deficiency. But when these antibodies begin to get to work, it results in what most people report as serious pain.

No Cure

Lupus Story

While scientists and researchers work to find a cure for the disease, that goal has yet to be accomplished. For the time being, treatments include NSAIDs, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, hydroxychloroquine, and methotrexate. But none of these actually cure the root of the problem, instead they simply mask it. However, those who contract Lupus are at risk of seeing a lower life expectancy, and that’s due to a number of reasons.

Life Expectancy

Lupus Story

While SLE significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, it is also the most common cause of death for people who have it. Modern treatments bring some good news as around 80 percent of patients survive for more than 15 years. The other point of interest is that Lupus can threaten an unborn child in pregnant women, although most pregnancies are a success.

Rates of SLE

Lupus Story

Rates of SLE vary from country to country and depend on many different factors. The variation is approximately 20 to 70 percent per 100,000 people. With that said, it’s a fact that women of childbearing age are nine times more affected than men, and the disease usually starts between the ages of 15 and 45. Interestingly, people of African, Caribbean or Chinese descent are at a higher risk of contracting the disease.

Types of Lupus

Lupus Story

Being a complex and highly mysterious autoimmune disease, there are five distinct types of Lupus. They include Systemic lupus erythematosus, which mainly affects joints and organs; discoid lupus, which affects the skin; sub-acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus shows as a non-scarring skin lesion; drug-induced lupus develops as a reaction to medication taken; and finally, neonatal lupus affects newborn babies.

Discoid Lupus

Lupus Story

Discoid Lupus is characterized as a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the skin, getting its name from the disk-shaped lesions it produces on the surface of the body. The condition is painful and gets worse with exposure to sunlight. The rash can also appear just about anywhere on the body, but the most likely places are on the scalp, neck, hands, and feet. Severe cases have been known to lead to permanent scarring and even hair loss.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus Story

SLE is known as “the great imitator.” It earns this worrying name as it often mimics or is mistaken for other illnesses. Therefore, SLE for many is the worst of all the types of Lupus as it is so elusive, going undetected sometimes for many years. However, the next type of Lupus recommends that patients stay out of the sun if at all possible.

Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus Story

Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus, also known as SCLE, is a distinct subset of Lupus Erythematosus. This form of the disease most commonly presents itself in Caucasian women between the ages of 15 and 40. It causes skin lesions that are scaly and evolve as polycyclic annular lesions or plaques similar to those of plaque psoriasis. The lesions usually appear in sun-exposed areas such as the neckline or the forearms, but not the face.

Drug-Induced Lupus

Lupus Story

Drug-induced Lupus, or DIL, is a condition very similar to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus but is caused by the chronic use of drugs or a type of allergic reaction to them. When drugs cause an autoimmune response, the results are similar to those seen with SLE but are from a different, known cause. To date, 38 known medications cause DIL, although three are at the top of that list. They are hydralazine, procainamide, and isoniazid.

Neonatal Lupus

Lupus Story

Neonatal Lupus is the least common of the five types of Lupus, usually manifested by cutaneous lupus lesions and congenital heart block. Without wanting to get too bogged down in the technicalities, this condition is caused by maternal autoantibodies of the Ro/La family wreaking havoc with an unborn child inside the womb and causing tremendous issues for the mother.

Mainly Women

Lupus Story

Perhaps one of the most interesting things about Lupus is the fact that it affects roughly ten times as many women as it does men. That means that women who may be susceptible to the disease need to stay away from the sun and cover up properly during the summer months. At the same time, pregnant women need to be even more conscientious.

Lupus Criteria

Lupus Story

Lupus is different from other connective tissue diseases in that it is based on eleven criteria as set out by the American College of Rheumatology for classification purposes. These classifications include butterfly-shaped rashes across the cheeks and nose, a scaly disk-shaped rash on the face, neck, ears, and scalp; sensitivity to sunlight, mouth sores, joint pain, chest pain, kidney issues, mental issues, anemia, immune system deficiencies, and antinuclear antibodies.

Getting Diagnosed

Lupus Story

For all of the reasons mentioned above, getting a proper diagnosis for Lupus can be challenging for many patients. For starters, the disease is highly unpredictable, meaning that no two cases are ever exactly the same. As so many symptoms of Lupus mimic other rheumatic diseases, the diagnosis process is a tough one.

Severity of Symptoms

Lupus Story

For patients who are diagnosed with non-life threatening symptoms, conservative treatments such as using drugs like Ibuprofen and Plaquenil can be an option. These medications may be recommended for people suffering from joint pain, muscle pain, fatigue, and skin rashes. Other medications for more serious cases would include high dose corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs.

1.5 Million Sufferers

Lupus Story

The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that at least 1.5 million Americans have the disease. That said, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a more conservative estimate of around 237,000. The bad news is that roughly 70 percent of cases are systematic, and in at least half of those cases a major organ in the body is affected.

Racial Factors

Lupus Story

The thing to remember with this mystery disease is that it affects some races more than others. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, the disease is roughly 2.5 times more prevalent among people of color. Nevertheless, Caucasians are also affected by this disease, so it is non-specific to a degree.

Living Life

Lupus Story

The good news for Lupus sufferers is that the majority of them will live normal lives for many years to come. Sure there are limitations at times, but with the right disease management and a caring doctor, quality of life can be sustained at a high level. Possibly the worst part of having Lupus is the internal struggle many sufferers experience, which sometimes leads to depression.


Getting Treatment

Lupus Story

A family doctor won’t be able to help a patient much when it comes to Lupus, other than by giving a referral. Rheumatologists are specialists who deal with all forms of Lupus. Some people can get an appointment with a rheumatologist through self-referral if their health insurance provides for it; but either way, a specialist of this type is the person that Lupus patients need to see.

Following Up

Lupus Story

Having visited various medical professionals, it’s vital to follow up after appointments to ensure one is getting the very best medical care available. Your doctor should offer you a summary of the appointment, and let you know what lab tests you will need to do in the near future. Once the next appointment is set, one can rest easy to a degree, knowing that they are in the best hands.

What You Need to Know About the 5 Different Types of Lupus is an article from: LifeDaily

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