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Ellen DeGeneres Dresses as ‘Karla’ Kardashian for Halloween and It’s Amazing


Ellen Degeneres

Ellen DeGeneres makes us laugh again, with her funniest halloween costume ever.

Although, we thought she couldn’t top her 2013 costume when she dressed as Nicki Minaj:

Image Credit: techglam.com
Image Credit: techglam.com

Or in 2012, when she was Sophia Vergara:

Image Credit: awomensclub.com
Image Credit: awomensclub.com

But, it looks like she’s done it again, and it seems like Keeping Up With the Kardashians may be adding a new sister, ‘Karla,’ to their clan.

Ellen took to her show and Instagram to debut her ‘Karla’ Kardashian costume:

Don't miss my Halloween show tomorrow! Love, Karla Kardashian.

A photo posted by Ellen (@theellenshow) on

She figured rather than dressing up as a real celebrity this year, she would invent one instead.

“I’m a big part of the family, but for some reason I’ve always been cut out of the show,” Karla explained. “And I understand, because they only have like 12 reality shows that are on TV 80 hours a week, but, you know, they didn’t have room for me,” Ellen joked. 

Karla rocked a wild and elaborate outfit consisting of a shimmering animal print top that showed off her “double K” chest, fully embodying the Kardashian spirit.

Image Credit: Youtube- TheEllenShow
Image Credit: Youtube- TheEllenShow

Watch as Ellen debuts her hysterical Karla Kardashian halloween costume below:

Did you like Ellen’s ‘Karla’ Kardashian costume? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured Image Credit: Youtube- TheEllenShow]

9 Reasons Why You Should Never Take a Good Friend for Granted



While it’s important to never take anyone in your life for granted, it’s really important to never take a good friend for granted.

The reality is, you don’t know when a good friend will come around again.

Sure, friends are going to make mistakes, but at the end of the day, being there for your friend and appreciating them will be one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life. 

And remember, the good friends will stick around, and the ones who don’t aren’t worth your friendship. 

9 Reasons Why You Should Never Take a Good Friend for Granted: 

1. They are the ones there for you when your family isn’t 

No family is perfect, and sometimes you may feel like a family member is turning their back on you. In these instances, you know you can count on your good friend to be supportive. 

2. They will be there for you when you have a guy problem 

Sure, you may tell your mother everything, but maybe there are some things you’d rather discuss with a friend. 

3. A good friend is the best person to reminisce about your past with 

No one knows you better than a good friend, which makes them the best person to reminisce with. All the funny things you did when you were younger that you may not even remember, your good friend will.

4. No one will laugh harder with you than your good friend 

There is no one that will find weird and random things as funny with you as your friend will. You literally can laugh until your stomach hurts.


5. A good friend is someone you can go to when you’re having problems with your family 

Who else do you feel comfortable sharing the most personal details about your family with? Your good friend knows things that no one else knows, and you trust them wholeheartedly.

6. You can text your good friend 1 million times a day and they won’t get sick of you

Your boyfriend might think your 100 messages a day are annoying, but not your best friend.

7. When you have a dilemma and need advice, your good friend is there for you

They are there to read your 100 screenshots of conversations until they fully get the picture, and after dissecting them, they offer you their best advice.

8. “No matter who broke your heart…or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends.” – Carrie Bradshaw

This Dude Is The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Sleep At Your Desk


Image Credit: Youtube

It goes without saying that falling asleep at your desk is a bad habit to practice.

It sends a bad message to your manager that you don’t really care about the job or impressing anybody in the office. Instead, I recommend you sneak off to the bathroom, make a nice pillow of tissues in the corner, curl up in a ball and patiently wait for Friday.

One man, however, did happen to fall asleep at his desk and the consequences were confusing. The man woke up with a very confused look on his face and an even more troubling feeling in his gut.

This had something to do with the fact that his co-worker managed to dupe him into believing he slept the weekend away at his desk.

This is shoes the woes of what happens when you doze:

In a parallel universe, that man wakes up after a month to discover the entire world silenced. He wanders down the hallways of his office, struggles to find a sign of life, and eventually faces the conclusion that the world has been overrun with zombies. Humanity is no more, and his best friend has been shagging his wife.

[Featured Image Credit: ViralNova]

Unsurprising Study Finds Cheese Triggers Drug-Like Response In Brain


Image Credit: ChefJJS

In case you were wondering why you often feel sexually attracted to cheese, the answer is suddenly clear.

If you’re like me, congratulations, you may be addicted to cheese. According to a group of Yale University researchers, cheese triggers the same opioids in our brains that are triggered by highly addictive drugs, like cocaine No wonder it’s so hard to stop once you’ve started.

In a study designed to figure out why we’re fixated on certain foods more than others, scientists found that cheese, like all dairy products, contains casein.

Maybe that explains why we love cheese cake so much:

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

Casein is a substance that can trigger our brain’s opioid receptors, which is linked to addiction. It is especially present in processed, fatty foods like cheese and foods containing cheese.

The scientists tested their theory with a pair of experiments that got several hundred students to use the Yale Food Addiction Scale, which measured their dietary fixations. The results showed that fatty foods containing casein (like cheese or those delicious, delicious foods containing cheese) ranked highest in problematic eating patterns, whether the students were aware of an addiction or not.

It will likely come as no surprise to you that we react so strongly to this delicious food.

Now pass the string cheese!

[Featured Image Credit: ChefJJS]

You’ll Never Believe What This Squirrel Does to a Pumpkin


Photo by Poke My Heart

Squirrels are incredibly intelligent and inventive animals, but what this man caught a squirrel doing will is truly unbelievable.

In the video, a squirrel jumps up onto the table with a brand new pumpkin. He starts chewing away at the pumpkin, and slowly but surely, you start to realize that the holes he’s chewing aren’t random.

At first, this squirrel looks like he’s about to start munching into the pumpkin for a feast. As he works, however, you can start to see the beginnings of a face.

Photo by Poke My Heart
Photo by Poke My Heart

This squirrel may not have been the tidiest worker, but he managed to make an impressive jack-o-lantern.

Photo by Poke My Heart
Photo by Poke My Heart

Watch the entire video below to see this squirrel’s pumpkin carving talents.

Were you amazed by by this talented squirrel? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Poke My Heart]

Wife Surprises Husband in the Sweetest Taste Test Ever


Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA

Cory Williams is a popular YouTube vlogger, but his wife is the one taking all the credit with his latest video. 

Going by the name DudeLikeHELLA, Cory thought he was filming a taste test to entertain his followers, but his wife Kristen had something else in mind. 

Kristen decided to slip a secret message into the assortment of pureed foods he was about to sample. 

While blindfolded, Kristen gave Cory ice cream and then avocado, and held up signs of her plot so that only we could see:

Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA

She proceeded to give Cory banana baby food, and she asked him: “Can you think of any reason I’d give you that?”

“Because it was my favorite when I was a little boy?” he said with a smile.

Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA
Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA

It took Cory a few moments to make the connection, but when the news finally clicked, the Alaska resident’s reaction was precious:

Cory captioned the video: “I can’t watch this video without crying. We’re so happy! We’re going to have a baby!”

[Featured Image Credit: screenshot YouTube- DudeLikeHELLA]

How To Ask A Man Out On A Date: A Guide For The Modern Woman


Image Credit: Huffington Post

Ladies, we need to have a little chat.

I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that this quarter’s performance report is a positive one. You’re becoming leaders in the work place, closing the wage gap with your confident attitudes (slowly but surely), and stopping cat-callers in their tracks. I’m very impressed with how you’ve done thus far as a part of this corporation we like to call society, however there is one area where we still see things as lacking.

I need you to pick up the social slack, ladies. Asking a guy out on a date takes confidence, self-esteem, and overcoming the fear of rejection. I need you ladies to prove you have a set of steal ovaries and date with confidence. If you want men to stop objectifying you, take an active role in your dating life and stop turning yourself into an object. Objects patiently wait for somebody to pull them off a shelf at their heart’s content. Turn the tables and pull him off his shelf for once. Here’s how I recommend you go about it.

Have some confidence in yourself:

Yes, the fear of rejection is quite real and very possible. Accept that he may shoot you down, but chances are he’ll be so surprised that you’re asking him out he’ll be turned on by your confidence. In fact, he’s going to be so into your confidence that his answer will undoubtedly be a resounding “yes!!” when you ask him to hang out.

Do not ask him to hang out:

I realize I’m contradicting myself here. Allow me to rephrase: DO NOT JUST ask him to hang out. Matthew Hussey, sexy British man and author of Get The Guy, has some wonderful advice on this subject that I’ve used multiple times and it has yet to let me down. Rather than simply saying, “would you like to hang out sometime,” go instead for more definitive. For example, “I’m going to be writing at Starbucks. Meet me there at 6 tonight for a cup of coffee so you can tell me more about the time you wrestled a walrus.”

Say this over text message and you’re golden, Ponyboy. Not only are you telling him what to do, which guys seem to like quite a bit, you’re keeping it casual and letting him know you’re just doing work and if he wants to join you, he can. Your confidence will shake him in the best ways.

This is about you:

The purpose of dating isn’t to parade yourself in front of a man and hope he likes you enough to marry you. The purpose of dating is to assess his character and personality and see if it aligns with yours. Is he somebody who will make a suitable life partner (if that’s what your looking for), a fun fling, or your best friend with benefits?

Remember, this isn’t about making him like you. This about about discovering whether or not he’s worthy of your time. Have fun with it. The worst that can happen is rejection. And remember: rejection builds confidence and helps you in the long run.

Happy Flirting!

[Featured Image Credit: Huffington Post]

When It Comes To Friendship, Quality Beats Quantity


Image Credit: FRIENDS

Friends can’t be put on a shelf and they aren’t a part of a collection.

For many of us, growing into adulthood often means weeding out toxic relationships, and unfortunately, that usually includes toxic friendships too. When we begin to grow up, we grow out of the party mentality that we held onto in our younger years.

Rather than seeking as many friends as possible so we’ll always have somebody to hang out with on a Friday night, we seek genuine relationships with a select group of people because we know quality will always beat quantity when it comes to friendship.

We don’t use our friends to simply vent about our problems.

When you do need to unload on a friend, it’s because this friend knows you, they know your history, and they have a valuable view to contribute. In our formative years, it’s very easy to seek out acquaintances simply so we will have somebody to dish about our boy problems.

However, as we progress through life, we begin to learn that we know ourselves best and if it isn’t us, then it’s our closest friends (or just friend) who will give us valuable perspective.

Your friends are not props for social media.

Scrolling through social media makes it easy to become jealous of our acquaintance’s lives. We get a weird little ego boost upon hitting that “eleventh like” on Instagram. We get a thrill when somebody retweets a joke we spent too long thinking up. But those 600 Facebook friends are not real friends and they do not care about what you’re doing.

Are your favorite memories the ones you spent racking up likes while staring at a computer screen? I hope they aren’t. Try to avoid living for the likes and don’t use your friends for them either.

Acquaintances are easy to find, while friends require work.

You don’t walk into a store, try on just one pair of shoes and buy them. Why would you do the same with your friends. Friendship requires work and often we must try on quite a few acquaintances before we truly find a good friend.

Being an acquaintance is effortless. Being a friend is hard. It’s easy to pass a friend at the street or run into them at the gym and make plans to “catch up” that neither of you follow through on. Acquaintances are the ones who Snapchat you a picture of themselves doing cool things. Friends are the ones who do cool things with you.

[Featured Image Credit: FRIENDS]

Guns Don’t Kill People: Dogs With Guns Kill People (Apparently)


Image Credit: Imgur

An estimated six humans have been shot by a canine in the past year (which is a hefty number for an animal that doesn’t have opposable thumbs). 

Yes, you read that correctly. According to The Washington Post, six people have been shot by Spike in the past year, and that doesn’t count the people who failed to report any incidents because of embarrassment. While these gunshots are rarely fatal (the last death by dueling dog happened in 2008), it has recently caused policy makers to raise an eyebrow…before the NRA quietly told them to lower it again.

Naturally, many of the incidents happen in Florida:

While the subject may appear to be funny at first, it really is a major issue, and a reminder that any animal (and that includes small, adorable children) is capable of triggering a firearm.

Surprisingly, there seems to be few incidents of cats shooting people. According to the Post, the last accident (or was it an accident?) dates back to 2005. Cat lovers may be inclined to say this is simply due to the fact felines are more mellow. However, we speculate cats are just better at finishing the job and leaving no evidence behind.

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

Whatever the case may be, make sure you lock up your firearms. If an animal that routinely eats its own feces can operate a firearm, that might be a cause for alarm.

[Featured Image Credit: Imgur]

Toddler Hilariously Can’t Decide if He Wants to Be in Time-Out


Photo by Bighouse JD

For kids, time-out is innately a bad thing because it means you’re in trouble. However, this toddler is having some trouble deciding if it’s really all that bad.

In the video, this cranky little boy wants to be in time-out until the minute his dad tells him he’s in time-out. These parents are definitely going to have to think of some creative punishments for their 2-year-old since it seems he may actually want to be left alone to think about things.

This 2-year-old’s dad noticed his son was upset, and innocently asked him what was wrong.

Photo by Bighouse JD
Photo by Bighouse JD

The toddler responded that he wanted to be in time-out, however, the minute dad agreed and said he was in time-out, the little boy started screaming.

Photo by Bighouse JD
Photo by Bighouse JD

After trying to pacify his son, this weary dad sarcastically declared that “two-year-olds are awesome!”

Watch the entire hilarious video below to see this 2-year-old struggle to decide if he wants to be in time-out or not.

Have you ever been as indecisive as this toddler? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Bighouse JD]

Let This Dog Teach You How To ‘Puggie’


Image Credit: Youtube

Teach me how to “puggie.”

Have you been wanting to learn how to dance better than a Broadway ballerina? Were you hoping display your awesome moves at your cousin’s wedding next month? Do you want to learn the waltz? If so, I recommend you immediately leave this website and go find a suitable way to spend your time. If, however, you enjoy watching videos of awkward dogs dancing, boy, do I have the video for you!

We would like you to momentarily turn your attention away from those spreadsheets so you can meet Oscar. Oscar is a grumpy pug who doesn’t want to teach you how to “puggie,” but his owners want him to, so he will anyway.

Watch out Simon Cowell, this dog has got talent. This pooch, who has recently been living the pug life, was broadcasted across YouTube thanks to user Helmut Newton. We see him displaying moves smoother than Kanye as he twerks his way across the brightly colored screen.

Is Oscar the next big thing?

Image Credit: Giphy
Image Credit: Giphy

Kanye says no, but we have exclusive inside reporters telling us this little dude is going to be huge, which is rather impressive considering he’s barely larger than a toaster.

Here’s Oscar doing what he does best:

[Featured Image Credit: Helmut Newton via Youtube]

Michael Jordan Makes Ridiculous Video To Help Sell His $15m Mansion



When Michael Jordan’s 56,000-square-foot mansion wasn’t selling, he went to extreme measures to catch a potential buyers attention. 

Jordan listed the property in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park in 2012, but hasn’t had any luck selling it since. 

His new selling tools consist of a hype video showing just how ridiculous his house is, and making everyone else feel like they live in a shoe box. 

Image Credit: JS Eckert Photography
Image Credit: JS Eckert Photography
Image Credit: JS Eckert Photography
Image Credit: JS Eckert Photography

His real estate agent Kofi Nartey is the man behind the video, and he is even featured in it, as you will see below.

Kofi created a website- StartYourLegend23 to further help him sell Jordan’s mansion, and Jordan is even offering to throw in a pair of every single Air Jordan trainers ever made for the buyer. 

The property is listed at $14,855,000, which add up to Jordan’s old jersey number at the Chicago Bulls, 23. 

Image Credit: cnbc
Image Credit: cnbc

The 15-bathroom, five-fireplace property is absolutely ridiculous, and this new video will show you just how over-the-top it really is: 

What do you think of Michael Jordan’s mansion? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured Image Credit: bowenwang.com.cn]

21 Celebs Who Dislike the Kardashians Even More Than You Do


Photo credit: www.vettri.net

Are you a Kardashian lover or hater?… Even though the Kardashians are probably the most famous reality family in the world, they still have plenty... Read more »

20 of the World’s Greatest Landmarks In Progress


Credits: Norbert Aepli, Switzerland (User:Noebu), via Wikimedia Commons

Historic landmarks around the world are an amazing testimony the ingenuity of the human race

That’s why we at Life Daily thought it was high time we gave some credit where credit is due, and have compiled this gallery of 20 of the world’s greatest landmarks in progress. We thought it would be interesting to take a short trip down memory lane and look at historic images of some of the world’s most iconic and important landmarks, before they were finished being built.

There are some unique images here, which offer a window into the days of yesteryear, showing the actual progress of these landmarks. We’ll leave it up to you to decide which you think are the best, and hope you will share your thoughts with us and our readers in the comments feed provided for you…

18 Most Dangerous Roads in The World Worth Avoiding


Stelvio Pass

You would be wise to avoid these 21 most dangerous roads in the world….Especially if you’re a speed freak….

When it comes to road safety, nothing is more important than responsible driving, following the highway code, and never drinking alcohol when before getting behind the wheel. That being said, there are just some roads in the world which are extremely dangerous no matter how well you drive.

Here is a list of 21 such hazardous roads which we recommend you stay well away from, even if you are a speed freak and seek an adrenaline buzz. The roads featured here are among the most difficult to navigate and while they are often set in stunning landscapes, that doesn’t mean they are worth visiting. Besides, after seeing this gallery you might not feel like taking your car to any of these places. And we think that is wise….

Taylor Swift’s Halloween Costume Proves She’s The ‘Queen Of Chill’


Image Credit: Instagram

Elsa may have gotten up on stage with TayTay this past weekend, but Taylor was the Halloween Queen.

Taylor Swift, who has earned an estimated $200 million by writing about her feelings, leads a life you will never know. The Queen of Pop is currently on her 1989 World Tour. She kicked the tour off in Tokyo this past May and she isn’t stopping until the end of the year. In the past 6 months, Swift has traveled from sea to shining sea and even hopped the pond to take the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netharlands for a spin. Swift is additionally scheduled to travel to China and will wrap up her tour in Australia at the end of the year.

Besides living an exhausting but glamorous jet-setter life, she has also been known to pull celebrities onto stage with her at each city the pop star travels to.

Like when she brought Ellen out in LA….

Ellen Degeneres, the pop princess.

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Or Steven Tyler when she played in Nashville…

More recently Swift brought up the “real life” Elsa, Idina Menzel, when she was in Tampa, Fl on Halloween

The duo let the storm rage when they dressed up like Frozen’s Elsa and Olaf.

Elsa wasn’t the only surprise guest taking the stage in Tampa. Alessia Cara also performed her hit song “Here.”

“Thank you for showing me what 55,000 people looks like,” Cara wrote to Swift on Instagram after her performance last night. “You are the classiest, sweetest, most lovely person and I can’t thank you enough for what just happened. Also I can’t feel my body. Goodnight everyone I quit life.”

It sounds like Tay’s Halloween was much better than mine, but this isn’t the first time she’s gotten in touch with her ridiculous side for the holiday:

Last year she appeared on Elvis Duran and Morning Show, dressed as “your friendly neighborhood Pegacorn.”

Happy Halloween! Stay safe out there tonight, kids. This has been a message from your friendly neighborhood Pegacorn.

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Before her days of fame, Tay even dressed up as a Teletubby (apparently before Teletubbies were cool).

It looks like Taylor Swift has had many decent Halloween costumes. How do they compare with yours? 

[Featured Image Credit: Instagram]

25 of the Laziest Dog Breeds on the Planet


Credits: Galanza, via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever wondered what the laziest doggies on the planet look like?

The adage “it’s a dog’s life” springs to mind with this little lot, especially if you look at these pictures of what we think are the laziest (albeit cutest) pooches on the planet. After all, what does a dog have to do during the day, or night for that matter?!

Sleep, eat, walk, pee, sleep, eat, walk, pee….and so it goes…..Unless it’s a police dog or a guide dog, canines don’t exactly have a full schedule, like us humans do. But let’s see if you agree that this list of 25 lazy dog breeds really takes the proverbial biscuit when it comes to lethargy, apathy and generally “chillaxing” at every opportunity….

This is How to Make Free Time to Learn Something New


Image Credit: Thought Catalog

Learning balance in life is extremely challenging.

We have a hundred things to take care of at once and there never seem to be enough hours in the day. We struggle to juggle work and our personal lives, sometimes in addition to school, and when bedtime rolls around we find we’ve failed to make time for the things we want to do.

Whether you want to learn to speak Spanish or you simply want to carve out time in your day to knit before bed, making time in your schedule to learn a new skill requires balance and effort. It’s often quite difficult to make that time. However, if there’s a will there is a way, and this might be the way to do it:

Step 1: Track your schedule

How much time are you spending throughout your day doing productive things, and how much time are you wasting with unproductive nonsense? You might be floored with the amount of time you waste procrastinating.

For a week, keep a schedule of your chunks of free time and your chunks of work time. If you’re a student, how are your classes spaced, when are you prioritizing homework, and how much are you procrastinating? If you work during the day, how are you spending your time after work? Is it spent watching television, or do you use it to do chores?

Segregate your time into blocks and figure out which blocks can be moved around and which ones can be entirely removed.

Step 2: Prioritize

What are you doing with your free time that is absolutely necessary and urgent, and what gets time that isn’t at all important?

Segregate those blocks from step 1 into the following categories:

Urgent and important: these are the tasks you need to complete as they come up. These are the urgent emails your boss sends you and the doctor’s appointment you need to attend for that rash “down there.” Get these things out of the way as soon as they come up.

Important but not urgent: parking tickets and organizing spreadsheets probably fall into this category. If it can be taken care of in a few seconds, like the parking ticket, take care of it now.

Urgent but not important: these are the tasks that can be split with others. For example, if you live with a roommate, you can take turns carrying out these tasks, like doing the dishes. Likewise, if you have an intern or employee that works below you, you can assign this task to them for completion.

Unimportant and not urgent: these are the tasks you do throughout your day to procrastinate everything above. Remove these “tasks.”

Once you’ve blocked your week into chunks and categorized the pieces by rank of importance, it’s time for implementation.

Step 3: Shift your blocks to make free time

Work on removing the unnecessary pieces from your day that are neither urgent nor important. Shift the urgent things to be completed earlier in the week if possible. Make sure you’re completing the urgent but not important as it arises rather than pushing those pieces off.

With a little bit of effort, you should be easily able to add an extra hour and a half to the end of your day to spend your time learning something new. This is your time and your life so make sure you use it accordingly. Always remember to make time for the important things in life, whether its learning to paint or spending time with family. Life’s too short to spend it sitting in front of the television.

[Featured Image Credit: Thought Catalog]

Teddy Bear Helps Raise Adorable Baby Sloth


Photo by ZSL - Zoological Society of London

With the help of a special teddy bear, Kelly-Anne Kelleher, a zookeeper at the ZSL London Zoo, has become this 7-week-old sloth’s surrogate mom. When the baby’s mom stopped producing milk, she was unable to care for the baby, which still had a long way to go before being able to look after himself.

The zoo decided to use a teddy bear from the gift shop to help build up the muscles that the sloth would normally have developed from holding on to his mom.

Because of his impressive claws, the zoo’s keepers named the baby sloth Edward after Johnny Depp’s famous character, Edward Scissorhands.

Photo by ZSL - Zoological Society of London
Photo by ZSL – Zoological Society of London

The ZSL London Zoo is hand-rearing this adorable baby, and strictly monitor his feeding and sleeping schedule.

Photo by ZSL - Zoological Society of London
Photo by ZSL – Zoological Society of London

Watch the entire video below to see just how this teddy bear is helping to raise Edward.

Would you like to look after baby Edward all day? We know we would! Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: ZSL – Zoological Society of London]

Brides Saves a Dance For the Man Who Saved Her Life


Phodot Photography

New bride Greta Hokanson, 24, was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia on September 1, 2006. 

Her best chance of survival was a bone marrow transplant, but it’s an intense, risky surgery.

And on top of that, neither of her two sisters were a match for her bone marrow.

After joining the bone marrow registry, Greta discovered that a 44-year-old man from Arkansas was a match.

Danny Daniels, Ms. Hokanson’s perfect match, was serving in the Air Force National Guard at the time, and was stationed only seven hours away in South Dakota. Daniels had previously donated his bone marrow at a drive after one of his military friends was diagnosed with cancer. 

And when he got the call about Greta ten years later, he immediately agreed to allow his bone marrow to be used to treat her. 

Hokanson thankfully underwent a successful bone marrow transplant and recovered from her cancer.

“A year after the operation, if both parties want to, you can decide to meet,” Hokanson said. “Before I met him, he was this amazing man who gave his bone marrow to me without knowing anything about me. It was incredible seeing him standing right there in front of me.”

Image Credit: BuzzFeed Courtesy of Greta Hokanson
Image Credit: BuzzFeed Courtesy of Greta Hokanson

The Minnesota-based Hokanson and her family headed to a softball game in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where they met the man who saved her life.

Greta said, “Thank you There’s no way that I can ever repay you for this.”

Daniels comment to her was, “There’s no repayment necessary. There are no thank yous necessary. I just want you to have as normal life as possible.”

The pair has stayed in touch through Facebook and on October 10, Daniels was asked to attend Hokanson’s wedding as a special guest. 

Image Credit: Phodot Photography
Image Credit: Phodot Photography

“I knew I wanted to somehow celebrate and honor what he did for me and when speaking with the DJ, he suggested a dance,” Hokanson said.

Danny immediately fell in love with the idea, and replied “I would be honored.”

The pair danced together to Angels Among Us by Alabama in front of 260 guests. 

Image Credit: Phodot Photography
Image Credit: Phodot Photography

“She is a very sweet person and I’m so honored that she was the one that received my bone marrow. She’s a great young lady and she’s making the best of her life. To be honored with the dance was very special to me,” Daniels said.

“I was very proud at the wedding, just like a father would be,” he told BuzzFeed, “It felt like my own daughter getting married.”

Image Credit: Phodot Photography
Image Credit: Phodot Photography

Hokanson said she was overcome with emotion during the dance: “(I’m) so unbelievably grateful for the gift of life he gave me. There is nothing better. He is a real life hero, doing a completely selfless act for me, a stranger.”

Because of her after-effects of leukemia, like joint pain and fatigue, it encouraged Greta to change her career path from teaching to medicine. Greta is now a nurse at United Hospital in St. Paul.

How amazing was it that Daniels joined Hokanson on her wedding day? Do you share a similar experience to this? Let us know in the comments below.

[Featured Image Credit: Phodot Photography]

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